D32—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 15,1981 Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, s'oo P.M of each week's publication SAT AUG 29-PublicSale of Farm Equipment, Guns and Misc Items at Mary E Forney Farm near Lewisberry, PA West off Rt 83 at Newberrytown exit Ralph W Horst Auc tioneer SAT, AUG 29 - 10 30 A M Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods and Antiques Located 14 miles east of Lancaster, 12 miles west of Coatesville, just south of Rt 30, along Newport Ave in the village of Gap, Lancaster Co , PA Mary M Usner, Owner Diffen bach's Auctioneers S, !AT AUG 29 900 t M Liquidation sale of PUBLIC SALE ADMINISTRATOR AND ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY Russell J. Scholl and Mildred S. Herrold, Administrator and Administratix of the Estate of Carrie E. Scholl, deceased, will expose at public sale, on the premises Located 5 miles Southwest of Port Trevorton or 3 miles West of Chapman, Known as the Kerstetter Ridge Road, Union Township, Snyder County. Pa. SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 9:30 A.M. REAL ESTATE Real Estate to be offered for sale at 12:00 Noon. Tract of land situated in Union Township, Snyder County, Pa. Bounded As Follows: on the nor theast by land of Jacob B. Stauffer; on the southeast by land of Helen M. Brubaker; on the southwest by land of Helen M. Brubaker; and on the northwest by Township Road No. 410 and land of Joseph Andracchio. Containing 77.69 acres, whereon are erected a two-story frame dwelling and out-buildings. A survey description will be provided in the deed. Terms of Sale: 10% cash and balance on or before September 21,1981, upon delivery of a good and sufficient deed. Sellers reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Kelvmator Refrigerator with Freezer Across Top; Hudson Gas Range; Hotpoint Refrigerator; G.E. Deep Freeze Chest Type; Perfection Room Heater, Kerosene; 5 Piece Dinette Set; Utility Cabinet; Philco Portable T.V.; 3 Piece Living Room Suit; Cabinet Model Radio; 2 Plate Space Heater; Clocks; Porch Swing; Milk Cans; Grass Scythe; Miscellaneous Hand Tools. Dry Sink; Kitchen Table with Extension Boards; Old Stand with • Drawer; Set of Straight Back Chairs; Old Side Board; Flour Chest; Library Table; Organ and Stool; Victrola; Singer Treadle Sewmg Machine; High Chau-; Reed Rocker; Assorted Stands; Old Card Viewer and Cards; Mounted Ringneck; Large Wall Mirror; Bedroom Suit with Wash Stand; Oak Bedroom Suit with Wash Stand; Oak Wash Stand; Oak Bed; Oak Dresser; Old Chest of Drawers with Porcelain Knobs; Assorted Beds, Springs and Mattresses; Dovetailed Blanket Chest; Quilt Frame; ,Clothes Basket; a lot of Old Pictures and Frames; Kerosene Lights; Kerosene Heater; Gas Lights; Some Crocks and Jugs; Some Jars; Miscellaneous Bedding; Printed Feed Bags; Miscellaneous Cooking Utensils; Miscellaneous Dishes of which some are antiques; % Bushel (Measure; Coal Buckets; Old Wagon Seat; Cast Iron Butcher Kettles; Hillside Plow; Walking Plow; Spike Tooth Harrow; Quilts. Terms of Sale of Personal Property: Cash. RUSSELL J. SCHOLL & MILDRED S. HERROLD Administrator and Administratrix of the Estate of Carrie E. Scholl, deceased The same day and same location Russel] J. Scholl, individually, will offer the following items; Day Bed; Box Springs and Mattress; 7 Piece Dinette Set; 30 Gal. Gas Water Heater; Rocking Chairs; Egg Baskets; Bushel Crates; Lawn Mower; Riding Lawn Mower; Garden Tractor with Cultivator and Sickle Bar Mower; Miscellaneous Garden Tools; 275 Gal. Kerosene Tank with Kerosene. 11 Ft. I.H. No. 370 Tandem Disc on Rubber; 8 Ft. Disc on Wheels; John Deere Rotary Mower; I.H. No. 412 High Clearance 4 bottom 14” Trip ( Bottom Plow with Colter and Cover Boards, and Fast Hitch; 2 Bottom< i Little Genius Trailer Plow; 14” Cross Cut Saw Buck for Farmall H Tractor; Oliver E-Walking Plow; 3 Section Spring Tooth Harrow; Farmall H Tractor in good condition; Farmall 560 with Fast Hitch and Loader, with, Bucket and Snow Blade - tractor has 2300 hours and is in excellent con 'dition; Cultivator for H Tractor; I.H 7Ft Cut Mower with 2 Pt Hookup; I.H. Single Row Com Picker in excellent condition; New Holland Hay Rake; 24 Ft. New Holland Bale Elevator, O’ 'r Grain Drill; 13 Single Disc < on Rubber; 6 Ton Rubber Tire Wagon v *th ' ~ed; Gravity Bin Wagon on Rubber; I.H. 2-Row Corn Planter, Ne« - uand 66 Hay Baler with Motor; 66 Ft. New Bam Door Track; Platform Scales; Grind Stone; 13-38 Tractor Chains; Wheelbarrow; Potato Plow; Belt for Cross Cut Saw;J Single and Double Trees; Hog Gallows, 16 Ft. Harvest Handler Gram Elevator with 1 h.p. Motor; 2 Pt. Hookup Field Sprayer; Miscellaneous Small Items. Laird S. Gemberling, Atty. 717-374-6321 Auct: Hoffman, Jones, and Longacre Construction, Sub Building and Cabinet Shop Equipment and Tools Located North Sheridan Newmanstown, PA Lebanon Co , turn north at Traffic Light on Mam St Rt's 422-72 501 lead to Rt 419 to Newmanstown Terms by Bergus Crop Ben Habecker Auctioneer SAT AUG 29-11 OOAM Public Sale of Garage Equipment, Household Goods and Lawn Equip ment Located in the town of Wakefield across from Robert Fulton Food Center, 7 miles south of Quarryville on Rt 222 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS ANTIQUES HOUSEHOLD ITEMS FARM MACHINERY LUNCH STAND John C and V Grace Barker Owners J Everett Kreider and Steve Peter sheim Auctioneer SAT AUG 29-10 OOAM Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Located Mid way between Mansfield and Wellsboro, PA Sale tor Canyon Implements Dick Crittenden Auction Co SAT AUG 29 ■ 11 AM Consignment Horse Sale at the Keister’s Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Inc Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selmsgrove, Pa Don & Walt Keister, Owners Ray & Dave Imes Auctioneers SAT AUG 29 -10 00 A M Gockley’s Farm Machinery Auction at Rhemholds Tractors, In dustrial Equipment, Trucks, also Antique Cars and Tractors Auctioneer Blame Rentzel PUBLIC SALE OF m STORY BRICK HOME FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 28,1981 Sale Time 6:30 P.M. Located in the Village of Voganville along Wissler Road, Lancaster County, Pa. 7MOMHOME Contains 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry with installed washer & dryer, built-in oven and stove top, water sof tener included. Situated on lot with good supply of well water. Property will be open for inspection on these 2 dates Sat., Aug. 15 and Sat., Aug 22 between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. for other information call 717-397-2330 Terms 10% down on day of sale, balance within 30 days. Terms by: Mary Swope P.A. FOR MARTHA METZLER Auctioneers: Leroy S. Horst 445-6181 Paul W. Horst Hamilton Bank, Guardian For Martin Metzler Stephen Kraybill, Atty. PUBLIC SALE of Real Estate [V/z Story House & Garage) Antiques, Household Goods, Old Dolls, Coverlets, Deco. Crock Guns & Tools THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 at 9:00 Located along Rt. 30 Village of Kinzer, PA. Salisbury Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. About 13 mi. east of Lancaster next to Kinzer Firehouse. Real Estate: IVz story house w/bnck asbestos siding, 8 rms. St full bath, 1 story cement block 2 car garage w/cement floor. Lot size: 80’ frontage along Rt. 30 by 225’ depth more or less. Property will be open for in spection Sat’s., Aug. 15 & 22 from 1 until 3. Real Estate to be sold at 2:00. Kelv. chest freezer; Kelv. refng.; RCA XL -100 colored floor model TV; wringer washer; elec, roaster & window fan. Furniture in oak, walnut, Waterfall, Viet, pme, mahg., cedar, bamboo, Windsor & wicker. Clocks: oval & flat trunks; fme gold leaf frame w/silk eagle & flag; fme Currier w/E. Forrest as Metamora St Currier St Ives w/The Indian Beauty St The Rural Lake. Picture frames in oak, deep walnut, gold leaf & gilted. 2 fine blue deco, jugs w/bird & flower (both signed); Ig. & sm. crocks & jugs etc. German bisque head dolls; 7 V Handwerch, Mabel, horse shoe doll & com positions. Doll cradles & clothing. 2 old post card albums & loose post cards; old campaign pins; stick pins; red & white coverlet w/eagle; 1841 cnb coverlet by C. Yordy, Willow Street; 1903 Biographical Annals, Lane. Co.; old books St baskets; butchering utensils. Articles in wood, iron, tin, brass, agate. Bitters & other bottles; red satin lamp base; bracket oil lamp w/reflector; 10 oil lamps; blue sponge spatter plate; calendar plates; flo-blue, Adams, German, milk glass, pink, blue & grn. Depression, pressed & other glassware St china not listed. Kitchen articles; bedding St linens; chrome & uph. furniture. Lawn Boy rotary mower; metal wheel barrow; utility cart; wooden straight & step ladders; skill saw. Hand, shop St garden tools. Guns: Cap St ball rifle w/curley maple stock by Dreppert, Lane., Winchester model 12 pump w/mckel steel, 40” Ohio Arms Co. 12 g. single barrel, 1917 U.S. Army knife, old arrow heads. Fishing rods, reels St tackle. Other articles not listed. NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS ACCEPIED. Food served. Sale by, OLIVE S. KRAMER (Mrs. Ellis E. Kramer) M. Elvin Byler Atty. Howard Shaub, Auctioneer 464-3541 and Roy C. Probst AUCTION REtt ESTATE EMM SATURDAY, AUGUST 29,1381 IP.M. Vz Mi. W. Rt. 220 near Ward Industrial Park Claysburg, Blair Co., Pa. 40 A. Tillable Farm, House-Barn, public sewer, good water, frontage, hard road, good development or small farm. Terms. & Info. Fred Kensinger Complete Auction Service Roaring Spring, Pa. 814-224-2548 •fag-gw OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES AND TOOLS SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 At 9:30 A.M. Located 1 mile Northeast of in tercourse, 3 miles South of New Holland on the corner of North Hollander Road and Ridge Road. Household Goods Oak Desk and Bookcase Combination; Two Oak Washstands; Dove Tailed Miniature Washstand; Two Old Dry Sinks; S Roll Top Desk; Old Rope Bed; Walnut Bed; Old Victrola Cabinet; Cheese Cutter Rocker Circa 1850; Old Ladder Back Chair; Old Bamboo Chau, Wood Box; Old Barrel Back High Chair; Doll Cradle; Childs Rocker and Chairs; Old Smoking Stand; Two Old'Swivel Office Chairs; Reclmer Chair; Kitchen Chairs; Two Warm Morning Coal Stoves; Forty inch Tappan Gas Range; Servel Gas Refrigerator; Old 10 Drawer Metal Cabinet; Cedar and other Picture Frames; Laddm Lamp. Session. Mantel Clock with Lions Head; Flower Stand; 9x12 Cedar Frame 18 Plate Glass Mirrors to fit; Old Coverlet; Family Records in frames; Bed Linens; Blankets; Rag Carpet; Shoe Heel Rug; Braided Rugs; Old Pm Cushion; Buttons; Old Spool Shelf; Old Child’s Desk. Glassware H.E. Rutters Plate; German China; Press Glass; Carnival Rose Design Water Set; Depression Glass; Berry Set; China Cow Creamer; Compote; Ironstone Tea Leaf; Wme Glasses; Inlaid Wooden Cake Stand; Thumb Print Goblets; Aluminum ABC Plate; Cooking Utensils. Books Large German Bible Muenberg 1700 s; Ausbund 1815; Lancaster County Atlas 1875 reprint; 200 Anniversary of Intercourse; German Bible 1879; Pictorial Bible in 10 Volumes 1910; German Apathacary Book 1925; Two Volume Complete Works of Thomas Dick 1851; Volume of American Heritage; Two Volumes of Electrical World 1892 and 1896; lots of National Geographies; Birds of America 500 Drawings by Audubon; Bound Volume of Youth Christian Companions 1953; Unabridged Websters Dictionary 1948; The Torch is Past, Kennedy; American Wonderland 1893; Johnstown Flood 1899; Novels by Wright, Porter and G.L. Hill and many others; Currier and Ives reprints; Old Post Cards. Tools Walker Turner Floor Press Drill; Cast Iron Press 10 in. by 15 in.; Turning Lathe and Knives; Band Saw; 6 in. Shaper; Stanley Mitre Box; Set of Steel Letters for Marking Tools; 4 ft. Cast Iron Bar Clamps; Old Draw Kmfe; Hand Tools; 4 Old Wagon Wheels; Eh Renno Wheelbarrow Circa 1895; Well seasoned Lumber approximately 200 ft. Walnut Boards; 50 ft. Maple; Cherry and Cedar; 13 by 25 Marble Top; Galvanized Pipe; Fittings; 50 ft. Flexible Shaft; V Belts and Pulleys; 6 Volt Generator; 2 Gas Engmes; and many, many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS BY: ABNER F.& KATIE Z. BEILER AUCTIONEERS Robert E. Martin & Son, 656-7770 Frank L. Steller, 656-8195 NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Lunch available In case of rain sale will be heldin tent
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers