PGC asks help of furtakers, ’coon HARRISBURG about the state’s fur Additional furtaker resources is beginning cooperators are needed to yield some data, but in a study of furbearers more information is m Pennsylvania. being sought from those A project initiated two_ who take furbearers. years ago to learn more Trappers and raccoon PENNSTAR SALE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 11:00 A.M. Location - At the Embryo Transfer Farm one mile south of Quarryville just off Route 222 on Solanco Road in Lan caster Co., Pa. 60 HEAD OF HOLSTEINS 60 Half Registered - Half Grades Fresh and springing cows and heifers, several heifer calves 1 to 3 months of age, and a number of bull calves (ET’s) from outstanding dams of the breed, sired by Sweet Haven Tradition and S-W-D Valiant (One dam EX with records to over 29,D00M and 1000 F, one dam VG Ivanhoe Star with records over 26,D00M and 1000 F). Selling: VG 88 Astronaut due near sale time. Fancy Elevation due to Jemini before the sale. Elevation gr. dtr. with two daughters selling, one fresh, the other by Persuader is a heifer calf. Rocby Apollo Fawn Honor daughter. Fresh heifer from a VG 87 Gent dam and her Gay heifer calf. Dutchoe dtr. with 611 F as a 3- yr old. Two fresh heifers out of Jemini and Countdown dams. Two nice registered heifers due at sale time to Ropie’s Chief Buff. Open House and cattle inspection the evenmg prior to sale. Terms: Cash Catalogs on request. Lunch available Owner PENNSTAR FARMS Carl G. Troop, VMD Rt. 2. Box 418 Quarryville, Pa. 17566 PH. 717-786-1303 Sale Manager REMSBURG SALE SERVICE P.O. Box 177 Jefferson, Md. 21755 Ph. 301-473-8214 I HOUVDALE FARMS % J 7th Yorkshire Production Sale J * FRIDAY, SEPTEMBERII,I9BI * J SALE: 6:30 P.M. * if LOCATION: Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Evergreen Road and Cornwall Jf )f Road, Rocherty Road East off Route 72, Lebanon, Pa. jf Our herd Health is second to none and our quality is superior. £ t YORKSHIRES J * * * * * * * * Jf * * * * * * * * * * * ♦ * * * * * * * * ♦ * For Catalogue, Write to: T J ELWOOD E. HOUSER * 1 2150 QUENTIN RD., LEBANON. PA 17042 * J Phone (717) 272-5798 or (717) 273-2921 * J THIS IS INVESTMENT DAY j $ AUCTIONEER: Col. HARRY BACHMAN * Most boars and gilts selling are unrelated to other Yorkshires in the East. Bred Gilts are hand mated to fit your farrowing schedule. ' All animals will be bled and negative to Pseudorabies and Brucellosis so they can go into any state on sale day. U) hunters who maintain diaries of their ac tivities are needed throughout the state. Information on the number of traps set, hours hunted and animals harvested is of special importance. Approximately 200 trappers and raccoon hunters volunteered to maintain diaries during the first season of the study. But more in- PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY - 1536 ■ F - 30 TRACTOR TOOLS - PRIMITIVES ANTIQUES-HOUSEHOLD Sale at the farm of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sterner, Quakertown, N.J. across street from Methodist Church. From Rt. 12, 3 miles West of Fiemington, turn North at Croton, NJ. & proceed to Quakertown. Auction arrows posted. SATURDAY, AUGUST 22,1981 9:30 A.M. Rain or Shine 1943 Farmali H Tractor, 1936 F-30 Farmall tractor both good shape, 5 ft. Woods P.T.O. rotary mower, Mac Kissic P.T.O #734 - 250 bu. grain transport w/6” auger, 6”10’ auger w/motor. 4” 12’ auger no motor, Superior 14 disc gram drill on steel, scoop for H tractor, 2-3 bottom & 1-2 bottom pull type plows, tractor grass seeder, 2 row corn planter, 2 horse scoup, 8’ pull type disc, 6 section spring tooth harrow, 2 handle gram scoop, gram cradle, 2 wheel milk cart, beam scale, iron hog trough, plat form scale, 2-9’ panel doors from old school house 34” wide, log chains, 2 bench grinders w/motors, iron & rubber tire wheel barrows, Hahn Eclipse rototiller, Morning Star 20,000 B.T.U. gas heater, 9’ work bench, Craftsman table saw w/motor, few household goods sold first at 9:30 A.M. This is only partial listing. Not responsible for accidents-. Terms: Cash or a Good Check Lunch Arthur Hanna Auctioneer Bioomsburg, N.J. 201-995-7862 SELLING APPROX. ★ 50 BRED GILTS ★ 20 OPEN GILTS ★ 20 BOARS hunters formation is needed to provide a base for proper management of fur bearer populations. Anyone interested in cooperating in a study should send a card with his or her name and address to Arnold Hayden, Wildlife Biologist, Division of Game Management, Pa. Game Commission, P.O. Box 1567, Harrisburg, PA 17120. Sale Reports A close-out auction of Beyer’s Hardware was held August 6 and 8 in Christiana, at the comer of Bridge & Slocum Ave. A hand pamted old John Deere sign was sold for |7lO and another old John Deere sign went for |175.’ Other items were: J.D. clock $44, J.D. tractor manuals $95, individual service manuals $17.50 each, old credit file $2O, balance scale $45, paint shaker / <»; comc on you euyj.,, aaove over? j: NEED MORE ROOM? | Read The Real Estate Ads | In Lancaster Farming's Classified Section ' aeoeoooooooooooooooeooooaoooooooooesoq PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, AUGUST 29,1981 At 10:30 A.M. CARPENTARY AND CEMENT TOOLS - GUNS - INDUSTRIAL EQUIP. - ANTIQUES • 2 TRAILERS - Located in Schuylkill Co., Pa. 5 miles East of Pine Grove in town of Rock on Rt. 895. 1979 Ford Bronco four wheel drive, four speed, power steering, lock out hubs, air cond., 41,000 miles, 4 extra wheels & snow tires, radio, very nice. 1974 International Travelall, 4 wheel drive, 392 engine with Hyd. Myer snow plow, lock out hubs, good running cond. 440 JD crawler bulldozer gas with winch and blade. HAND & POWER TOOLS Maketa electric jack hammer with att. A-l cond., Dunlap drill press, Craftsman cut off saw radial arm, Mullen 4 blade trowel with float blades with 7 hp. Briggs engine trowel in A-l cond., stow concrete vibrator float with 3 hp Briggs, 2 Champion 155,000 bi*U portable heater with wayne burners, thermostat, 1 in like new cond., 1500 watt generator 3.5 hp engine, dial & angle portable saw table. Remington power hammer 22 shot, 4 skill saws, 2 Rockwell, 1 Craftsman, 1 Black & Decker, Wen elec, plainer, Manuel power nailer, Black & Decker dry wall gun, Elmer’s stone splitters, 2 Milwaukee screw shooters; Pullman shop vacuum cleaner, -Craftsman miter saw, Milwaukee % in. angle drill, cast iron file cutter, Daton chain saw, Wen 10 in elec, chain saw, 4 in elec. Bilt sander, 8 step ladders, elec, heater, Fre-Flu air compressors, 2 swivel van seats, set of wood scaffolds 16 ft. scaffold jacks, 44 ft. ladder hoist with gas engine,. (6) 5x5 steel scaffold bucks, side arm scaffold brackets, elec, motor, felt shingles, 34 in. Parker lawn sweeper nice cond., 2 cement wheelbarrows, cement mixer on chassis, 34 in. rotary mower pull type with 7 ft. Briggs engine, 200 gal. water tank on heavy chassis. York yard stone rake. ANTIQUES School desk, Blanket chest, 2 old wood grain measures. 2 trailers, both tandem axles, 10,000 lbs. capacity 1 metal bed with ramps, both have titles. 3040 Krag nfle model 1898. Remington 22 single shot, Winchester 3030 Model 94, Win chester 12 ga. barrel Model 37, building material, many items not mentioned (possibly some consignments). Fisher wood stove, Huffy 2 sealer bicycle nice cond. Terms by RAYMOND S. & RUTH W. HURST Auctioneer Steve Petersheim 215-593-2442 Clerk: Elvin Beiler Lunch Served Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 15,1981—027 $7O, air compressor $2OO and heater $145. Ivan R. Yost was the auctioneer. XXX A public sale of an tiques and farm equipment was held August 8 by Mrs. Raymond Haldeman, between Hahnstown and Reamstown, Lane. Co. Items sold were: high top dry sink with rat tail hinges $925, antique walnut crib $315, walnut dropleaf table $3OO. GUNS gingerbread mantle clock $l5O, rope bed $l7O, brass hand bell $lOO, brass bucket $72.50, Gruber wagon $9OO, manure spreader $490, corn planter $4OO, A.C. tractor $B6O, Peter Wright anvil $390, Stohler camping' axe $7O, portable cable router $220, unusual Indian stone $lOO and 4 trays of arrowheads $35 to $5O each. Auctioneers were T. Glenn & Timothy G. Horst. A public auction of groceries, hardware and tools was held August 8 by William and Ruth Lefever at Hart man’s Grocery in Monterey, Lane. Co. There were over 350 people attending and the balance of the household items will be sold Wednesday, August 12. Items sold were: meat sheer $l9O, cash register $2OO, store cabinets $l2O, shovels $7 to $9.50, rubber boots $9.50 a pair, pocket knives $3.50, and flashlights $4.50 each. Auctioneers were Gordon Ressler, Ron Funk and Louis Weiler. XXX A public sale of real estate was held August 8 by the Harry L. Smith Estate, 2 miles south of Dillsburg, York Co. The 14.82 acres in Carroll Twp. with a 2 story frame dwelling, 2- car garage and machine shop was sold for $48,600. The 1 acre lot on Route 194 adjacent to the forementioned acreage was sold for $9,000. Clair R. Slaybaugb was the auctioneer. XXX A public auction of real estate and antiques was held August 8 by Ida M. Shadle, 2 miles ' northeast of Hegms, Schuylkill Co. There was a good turnout for the sale. The 16-acre farm with open and wooded land and a 3 bedroom dwelling and bam was sold for $43,400. Other items sold, were: 'kitchen cabinet |395, round oak pedestal table $245, composition dolls $l2, $32.50 & $6O, 3 pc. oak bedroom suite $330, oak washstands $l2O & $135, oak dressers $l2O & $l5O, kitchen range $230 and room heatrolaslls. George & Mike Delbert were the auc tioneers. XXX A public sale of an tiques and farm , machinery was held August 8 by Ammon K. Kreider, at the corner of Fruitville Pike and Delp Rd., Lancaster Co. Items sold included: wood planer $4OO, Denlinger hay cutter $95, J.D. tractor $l9O, Mountville straw cutter $2750, steam engine $lOOO, pile of scrap iron $2lO, oak bedroom suite $7OO, 2 oak bedroom suits $650 each, oak round pedestal table $570 and oak desk $7OO, Auctioneers were William R. Wood and George Rolko.
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