B34—Lancaster Farming, r ! BUIL INGS h SUPPLIES L .. . B CYPRESS LUMBER tor sale, A & A Mushroom Supply Co , Rt 7, Avondale, Pa 215-268- 3128 Wanted Pole barn Will buy, remove and reland scape 215 536 5556 or write Don Yerger, 2066 Old Bethlehem Pike, Quakertown, Pa 18951 DAIRY EQUIPMENT**-* 690 gal Esco bulk tank with compressor, 75-b Surge Alamo vacuum pump Somerset Co 814 634 5480 Milk Porter Sputnik in good condition 717 768 8679 Call eves after 7 1 Zero Masport super pump with 5 h p motor and tank, used 1 yr $1,200, 1 Zero Masport Major pump 3 h p motor and tank $/00, 4 Zero milkers with mime strainers for parlor or pipeline 1 yr old $225 each, Double 4 Bou Matic parlor 8 yrs old feeder in good condition 4 swinging doors $l,OOO transfer jar and 1 h p motor Bender pipeline washer $5OO, Controller l‘/2 glass stainless steel pipe and tubs available 500 gal fcsco tank and compressor $3OO or complete system all above items included $4,000 complete 717 855 4655 Nonce Will buy milk turn ed down by your dairy 717 949 3791 Van Dale 12 auger conveyer 10 long w/1‘,2 hp Baldor Lood Con dition Blair Co 814 832- 2895 For bale 500 gallon Sunset bulk tank with compressor X vi DeLaval glass w,double inlet jar Huntingdon County 814 632 8524 For bale 5 Boumatic Milkers and 5 weigh jars and 7 hp motor with stainless steel vacuum tank Milk receiving jar with pump A Sentinel vacuum controller 215 579 6892 or 215 579 5158 evenings Double fc> Cnoreboy milking parlor Complete feeding system Stainless steel feeders feeding meters Used 1 year Excellent condition Lebanon Co 71/933 bi 73 Perfection Sta rite around tne barn 32 stall glass pipeline milking system 3 milkers vacuum pump, washer 300 gallon Cirton milk tank, compressor tveythmg in excellent condition 21b bbb 7621 Complete pasteurizer plant 20 hp fulton boiler 300 gal pasteurizer, 300 homogemzer, 300 gal plate cooler 2 300 gal holding tank s, sealomatic paper bottler king zero ice builder, sweet water punch stainless steel and more Adam Kuehnei, Kunkletown PA 21b 3bl 37fab Wanted Swivel tor rotary milking parlor, preferably nay buster, 21b 2b2 bbbb Saturday, August 8,1981 dairy equipment Lancaster Levi! Ho motorized distributor Blair Co 614 832 2896 Clay MbM 400 teed meter w j a hp motor Handles bulky material such as high moisture ear corn 61a it Co 814 832-2896 CECIL DAIRY SERVICE SUPER SALES 1 used Kasten forage box 1 used International forage box 1 used 3000 gal. Husky manure tank • good shape 1 used 1500 gal. Badger manure tank • excellent 1 demonstrator - 1500 gal. vac. manure tank 11000 gal. Esco milk tank 1 Mueller tank washer 1 Badger manure stirrer 2 DeLaval manure stirrers 2 Badger 54" blowers 2 Badger 16' forage box on 12 ton gear We have DeLaval Satellite and Challenger feeders in stock for immediate delivery; Also electric fencers and roof ventilators, High pressure pumps and hoses - 50’ length; vacuum pumps and all DeLaval accessories. We also have calf hutches. Our route truck travels these counties one day a month; Cecil, Harford, Kent in Md. - York, Lancaster in Pa. - Newcastle in Del. Call: 301-658-6923 374 Biggs Highway (#273) Rising Sun, Md. 21911 MANURE FEEDING SYSTEMS SYSTEMS Alley Scrapers Computerized elec- Liquid Manure tromc controlled Spreaders w/wo individualized soil injectors feeding. Licom Systems Feed storage and B Parlorfeeding Pail Milkers MILK COOLING Pipeline Milkers & STORAGE Plate Coolers Herrmgbone Bulk Tanks Rotary MANURE EQUIPMENT IN STOCK DeLaval 3000 Gallon Spreader $ 6500-00 USED MILKING PARLOR AVAILABLE Consisting of Double 6 w/12 units and takeoffs Low level line, parlor gates, Stainless steel Feeders w/perportioners, 10 h.p. Vacuum Pump. 1500 Gallon Mueller Tank w/2 compressors. I.G. SALES Silverdale, PA 18962 215-257-5135 DAIRY EQUIPMENT toi bale Complete milk pasteurizing, homogemz mg, outfit 500 gallon per houi bveiythmg except bottler 512 000 215 678 82/4 bor Sale - 500 gal Mueller bulk tank and washer Phone 215-598 3219 Bucks Co DAIRY EQUIPMENT Poi bate 400 gallon Union bulk tank Ai condition tmanuel Mng 90 bourn New Hollano Koad Gordonvilie HA l/b29 | USED BELTING MATERIAL ♦ ♦ Good for free stall and stanchion barns t ♦ 30”, 36”. 42”, 48”, 54", 60" wide $ ♦ Also, 300 cow mats, size 4x6 ♦ t Phone; 301-885-5045 * FOR SALE KRAIBURG HAPPY MOOMATS “MORE UDDER ON THE RUBBER" 10 year Warranty Card 15 Sizes We Deliver and Install —i 1 VANCO SALES CO.|P*g"|! I RD4,80x300 ■ RflU'W I Carlisle. PA 17013 1 I Phone-717-776-3494 W&mmmM I I Please send free sample ( installation I I instructions I I Name { I Address 1 I Phone I J We’re The Top Jamesway Ventilation Dealer In The East... • See Us For Summer Ventilation And Fans In Stock See Us For... • Dairy Parlor& Pipeline • Jamesway Barn Equipment • Starline Spreaders • Norton Transflow Panel Systems - Complete Paneling Systems For Walls And Ceilings • Uebler Feeding Machines • Dairymate Dairy Products • Klenzade Parts & Service • Oswalt TMR Mixing Boxes '! ORDER NOW...SAVE BIG! ; 1 1 • Madison Silos - Cali For Price on | > 1 1 New 15’ Grain-o-Matic Silo.. Just •[ 11 Right For The Small Dairyman. | instock! DE LAVAL Mediate CHALLENGER Delivery... FEEDER! | ★ We Service DeLaval Equipment ; I ]i In Berks, Montgomery, Chester & i| ij Bucks Counties...lf you have any |I 11 problems, call us and ask for: i 1 BART ZEIGLER i 26 Years Experience With DeLaval Co Our Route Truck Is On 1 1 The Road... 11 I; Call H We’ve Missed You! •, ERB & HENRY EQUIP. INC. New Berlinville, PA 1 Mile N. of Boyertown Phone (215) 367-2169 DAIRY EQUIPMENT j Bodmin Nu Pulse milkers lor pipeline, i yr old, i portable Kienzade bulk tank washer with new hose, 2 3b lb UeLdval milk pads exc condition, /iy-48b b/// I DAIRY EQUIPMENT t-or Sale Rubber Matting tor free staffs, stanchions, horse vans and horse stalls Also saw dust tor , sale in trailer lots Will i,larllne barn cleaner deliver & chdln with flights $b per install 3UI Bbb bo4b ft 717 894 ob4t For Sale Outside calf hutches w/metal roots & teeders btoltzfus Woodwork, KD2 Cap, HA 1/627 along 89/ 71/ 44 2 69/2 For bale Quality Calf hutches, including bucket rack, hay rack and trough Randy btoltzfus, Mt Joy 71/658 4448 l-or Sale bOO gal Dan Kool ice bank bulk tank w/compressor Pipeline & dumping station w/automatic washer Sch Co 717 943 3401 hor bale Surge stall cocks also milk meter bracket hangers can 717 363 2163 3 hp compressor for milk cooler, new 814 4/2 6/63 For Sale - useo LN tanks, LR 21, LK 31, 480 and 340 ampule capacity, 5/6 and 5136, very good condition. Lancaster Co 71/ 648 286/ LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES WOOD SHAVINGS J'/ty w, * Bagged, kiln dry shavings for poultry and livestock ■./'I A ★ Giant 5.4 cubic foot baled pine ,V shavings j i * Bulk shavings and sawdust for f/jr tyto-j, daily and horses y. /* Delivery and spreading i icL/ "3 service for poultry and turkey houses ■* Check our prices (- DENVER WOOD PRODUCTS \ 403 S. Custer Ave. \ New Holland. PA 17557 ' Telephone: (717) 354-4174 For Sale SAWDUST & SHAVINGS MIXED Fresh cut or cured Bulk loads 12-14 ton dumped or 16-18 ton conveyed. Call between 6-8 a.m. or 5-9 p.m. J. Scoff Bowersox RDI Liverpool, PA 717-444-3034 FRESH & CURED WOOD BARK FORSALE DAIRY EQUIPMENT LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT b SUPPLIES For bale Call stalls with raised slatted floor SIOOO each, 71/648 8618 Kencove high tensile sup plies fence erection Max-Ten" wire, KOP PhKS posts, supei energizers, fencing tools - literature Check quanti ty delivered price' We have a Dillsdurg Distnbu tion Center 412-469 8991 or PA 800 442 6828, 800 246 6902 717-482 6814 For Sale Automatic calt feeder mixes and heats milk Feeds through two nipples Feeds 30 calves 220 V $2OO 316-262 4262 Northamp ton Co 14 ft Smith cattle guard tcement) 5200, bmithey Ranger feeder, 4 ton cap, 1600 Call /I/4/3 3031 / 6 For Sale Custom built double chain wooden con veyors, taper board feeders Samuel K Stoltzfus, 660 Beecndale Road, Bird in Hand, RD HI, Pa 1/606
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