I • New never erected 50x70' X I modified “U” corvette $6500 ♦ > ♦ >• NH 975 combine, 2 row corn, ♦ >[ 13' grain head $7500 X \ • Case 1210 D, 65 hp., 460 hrs., X i weights $11,500 X > ♦ | 717-872-8659 I A SUPER GROUP OF HARVESTERS FROM MISSIONS, YOUR HARVESTER SPECIALISTS... Harvester The Little Giant 3 Ft. Hitch “One Row with Big Capacity tp'n\ S^-PLUS: GOOD CLEAN USED EQUIPMENT Ford 3600 Tractor w/Cab, 80 Hours, New Cond. Farmall C w/Cuttivators Farmall 706 O. 3 Pt. Hitch, 310 Engine Oliver 77 Tractor NH 519 Spreader NH 510 Spreader NH 362 Tank Spreader Nl Model 518 Spreader NH Super 717 Harv. NH 707 Forage Harv. 3 Pt Hitch IH 650 Harv IH 844 Corn Head, 4 Row, Ex Cond MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. RHEEMS EXIT - RT. 283, ELIZABETHTOWN, PA PHONE: 717-367-1319, 653-8867 | WARREN SPICKLER HOME 653-4560 RAYMONDMjU-ERj-^ /age Harvester ist Popular in irth America” 707 Forage CHECK OUT THESE i EXCLUSIVE FEATURES: • Metal Detector • Flip-Up i Feed Rolls i* Under Bevel Knives 1 (Never Requires Rebeveling) • Uniform Cut mm et mm a jan. i, im ON NUN aim NMA FORAGE EQUIPMENT Several Used Cub Cadets Twin Rower to Pull 2 Rakes 1H37 Baler w/Thwr NH275 Baler Nl Rake IH 15 Hay Rake NH 489 Haybine, Ex NH Model 495 Haybine New IH 800 Planter, 6 row. Fully Equipped NH 276 Baler JO Model 8250 18 Disk Com bination Gram Drill IH 400,4 Row, Excellent FARM EQCHPMEN^^ Aluminum Irrigation pipe, 4000 ft. 7" x 30’ sections, 300 ft. 4” x 30’ sections. 1 Myers Air Blast Sprayer, 500 gal. tank. Remote control. Sprays out both sides. Needs new block. Make offer. Robert C. Snyder Farms R.D. #2, Northumberland, Pa. Phone 717-473-8803 or 523-0114 Ifou . Jto* it*** IFou itf NHI9OO Forage Harvester A New Giant, 250 H.P. Strong 1200 Gal. Aluminum Sprayer Tank J 0.494 A, 4 Row Planter J.D. 494 A, 4 Row Planter JDI2Ft Cult.-Mulcher IH 1190 Mower Conditioner JO 1209 Mower Conditioner IH 7 ft. Sickle Bar Mower, Good Condition Oliver 3 Bottom Plow IH 531 Plow Athens 13’ Disc Harrow, Excell. - Cond. FordS' 3 pt. Disk Harrow Bnllion Transport Spring Harrow NH N 7 Forage Box FARM EQUIPMENT FARM EQUIPMENT "NEW” JOHN DEERE AGRICULTURAL INVENTORY CLEARANCE STOCK NO JD33l2*f 2” Disc JD 750 Grinder Mixer JD 450 Manure Spreader JD 2600 5-16 Plow JD 168 Loader JD 161016’ Chisel Plow JD 5349' Bull Dozer JD2SKVPTO Alternator JD 161012' Chisel Plow JD 161012' Chisel Plow JD 155 8' Rear Blade JD 143 Loader w/60” Bucket D-21500 E-60100 G-6 1500 D-81400 G-5 1300 E-01100 D-90200 HO 0300 E-00800 E-00900 G 3 2100 G-41100 These prices are good only lor stock numbers listed reduced S5O 00 each week until sold jgfct* SCHAEFFERSTOWN EQUIPMENT SCHAEFFERSTBWH, P* Vz Mile N. of Schaefferstown on Rt 419 Phone 717-949-6529 WE BUY USED EQUIPMENT WE ARE A DEALER FOR CUSTOM TRAILERS Case 58081975 w/cab $15,500 Case 5808 $11,500 Case 580 Dsl. $9OOO Case Backhoe Loader $4500 Ford Back hoe $5400 Cat 933 G eood Cat 933 Cat 46A real clean Cat 04 40A Good Cat 08 2U Cable Cat 06, hyd. Letourneau pull pan JD 3506-way angle Blade New Undercarriage $9OOO JDIOIO Dsl. w/winch $5OOO JD4SO $8250 JO 450 w/ROPS, good $12,000 Cat 955 H 60A $lO,OOO IH TD6,4-in-l bucket, excellent com). $B5OO IH T 340 Dsl. 4-ml Bucket w/ripper Cat977Hw/ripper AC HD7G $6500 AC HDS $4200 AC HDS $3450 Case 1150 4-in-l bucket $6OOO F ‘TT:- Leßoy 105 $3500 Jaeger 105 $2OOO Chicago Pneumatic 125,0. H $3OOO Fordlane Paver, ex cond 3 Ton Tandem 1 Ton Roller ' 1 Ton Roller 1 to3tonVirbra-Pac 3 to 5 ton Huber Tandem $5OOO JO 24 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8,1981—123 DESCRIPTION Huber WargoDsl. w/Cab Gallon 118 Dsl. w/cab 1979 CMI Folding Hydr. Gooseneck 30 ton 9 Ton Tag-Along 9 Ton Tag-Along 9 Ton Tag-Along new heavy duty $5lOO 12 Ton Tag-Along $2OOO 12 Ton Ta(*Alon( $2750 ISTonGooseneck, S.A. $3500 25 Ton Gooseneck Tandem Axle Double Drop $5500 Approx. IV4 Ton Tandem Axle Tilt Trailer w/winch $l2OO 4 Horse Imperial Deluxe $2BOO 1 Ton Roller Trailer $BOO $9OOO $6500 $42,000 $11,500 $B5OO $6500 New Trailers - All sizes and prices Call £l6OO 1975 Dodge V« ton 4x4 dean $3500 1965 Int. Dump S.A. $3200 1956 White 18’ bed S.A. $lBOO 1967 CMC % ton w/utility box $BOO 1970 Chevy w/20’ bed S.A. $2500 1975 Plymouth Fury 6 cyl. $2OOO 1973 Buick Riviera $l5OO 1969 Ford sgl. axle dump, good $6900 1965 Ford V* Ton $450 Int. Tandem Axle Dump $4250 $7OOO $18,500 AC TLI6 Diesel Hough 70,4x4 3 to 4 yd. good $14,500 Hough 30.1 yd. good $5200 MFIBO Tractor Ford Corn Planter 2 Row 3 pt. Ex. $450 16' Dump Box excellent $2650 5 ft. Rotary Cutter $465 Pavement Breaker 90 lb $350 3 pt Landscape Box $375 Assorted Loader Buckets 6ft Angle Scraper Blade 3 pt. $175 Myers Snow Plows Electric/Hydraulic/Angle $lOOO 17' Dico Block Unloader, Complete Davis Trencher w/Backhoe3o+4 $7500 Davis Trencher 30+4 $5OOO Davis Trencher 300+ $3OOO $3lOO $2OOO $2OOO $lOOO $2BOO SMS $4BOO REG PRICE SUMMER SIZZLER PRICE $15307. $11645 10523 6945 6658 5145 7373 4645 4090 2845 4102 2945 3203 2145 2371 1545. 2741 1645 2741 1645. 2274 1345. 2387 1445 Each machine will be ALL MACHINES REPAIRED AS NEEDED CLEANED A PAINTED. $5OOO $6500 $29,500 $l4OO $2OOO o mm LtEWjK $7500 etch? $6850 $2500
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