NEW. LEADER Lime & Fertilizer Spreaders HI-WAY Cinder Spreaders-Ail Types FRINK & VALK Snow Plows ANVILLE BODY CO. P.O. Box 217, R.D. #3 Annville, Pa. 17003 Phone 717-867-4631 NOTICE... ALL THESE TRACTORS HAVE INTEREST FREE FINANCING, NO PAYMENTS TILL JAN. 1,1982 Cab, Air, Heater, Power Director Trans., 20.8x38 Rear Tires • 15,900 Moline Model U 302, Wide Front P.S., Hi/Lo Shift w/Loader, fair condition Case 2870,300 H.P., 4 wheel drive, w/dual wheels, on the go power shift, 4 Hydraulic remotes, 3 point hookup, P.T.0.,- West coast mirrors, less than 600 hours, call for a good price. Owatonna Model 1000 Skid Loader, good rubber, large 60” bucket and manure fork ' Case 2470,213 H.P., 4 W. 0., w/dual wheels, 3 pt. hookup, P.T.0., Less than 800 hours - call for your low price Case 1370, Diesel, 155 HP, power shift trails. Owatonna Model 1700 Perkins diesel Skid Loader, 45 HP only >6,800 Case David Brown, Model 1200, select-o-matic Diesel, reconditioned and field ready, power adjust rear wheels, 18.4x30 tires, nice condition Late model Case David Brown99o Diesel, S 3 HP rating, completely reconditioned Oliver Model 1650 gas, excellent condition, wide front Cas4 2290 Diesel. 128HPframe, roll protective, 8 speed synchro mesh, 11.00-16 ft. tires, 18.8-38 rear tires, 2 remotes, 540-1000 RPM, vinyl seat, ether start, like new with only 44 hours, approximately 10 . month drive line warranty left Case 870 Diesel, Power Shift Tractor 1845 original hours, 540-1000 PTO, approx. 85 H.P., 18.4x34 rear tires, 1 ILxIS front tires Only MF1135, aprox. 400 hours since over haul, cab, heater, nice'condition Case 1070 Diesel Tractor, cab, heater, power shift, new 20.8x38 rear tires, front end wgts., approx 890 hours, original Case 530 gas, Draft-o-Matic3 pt. Hitch P.S., wide front, triple range drive, good rubber Case 2090 Diesel, cab, air, heater IH Model 574 Diesel, with heavy duty loader BEHLi FORAGE BOXES IN STOCK The Smooth Unloader • Also Used Boxes In Stock WAGON SPECIAL! NEW B—TON FARM WAGON Place Your Order Now And Save... « BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133 Rothsville Station Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 Ph: (717) 626-4705 /Business Hours: Mon. - Fri. 7 AM to 5 PM; Sat. 7 AM to 11:30 * Call Before 5 P.M. For Evening Parts Pickup * We Ship Parts Same Day, UPS Anywhere ALLIS CHALMERS 7050 DIESEL TRACTOR *2,900 •3,800 *6,200 *6,900 *5,000 *22,500 *8,750 •15,800 l X HOUSER’S REPAIR SHOP Q 1542 Lampeter Rd. Q A Lampeter. PA X V 717-464-2644 V Q Thomas Houser, Proprietor Q Q Over 13 years of equipment Q X repair, major and general X ▼ repairs. Shop and Service V NOTICE! WE STOCK GEHL m B We Ship Anywhere By UPS To Your Door NEW FROM 1MC0... 3 PT. HITCH, 5 FOOT ROTARY CUTTER 45 HP Gear Box, 10 Gauge, 7" Deck Height, Full Length Runners, Dish Pan with 2 Swinging Suction Type Cutting Blades, Tail Wheel. You Pickup It* For Only Sl°»- <520 7 Ft, 3 pt. Rotary Cutter *1495 NEW KOOLS MODEL KB 57 HIGH THROW c _ BLOWER *lBB9 Quality Built In With Following Features: Standard Type Hitch Tongue, Standard Length Coupling Pole, 8” wide x 15" diam. 6-lug wheels. Exclusive Accu-Trak Trailing with Greasable Ball Joints. This Wagon Has Much More Quality Than A Discount House Wagon Will Offer... Reg. Price $644.40 SPECIAL JULY SALE PRICE (Knocked Down) s469°° | rARM EQUIPMENT £♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 5 Positions available for aggressive sales * t person to sell power choring and some I ♦ wheel good equipment to dairy farmers, j ♦ Areas available are in eastern andj X southeastern counties of PA and Nor- ♦ ♦ theast Maryland. Full time and Part time X ♦ positions available. X ♦ Call 717-274-3033 } ♦ for appointment J Before You Buy A New Skid Steer Loader From Anybody CHECK WITH US! By Specializing, We Sell Over 40 Units Per Year. You, Too, Can Be One Of Our Satisfied Customers! McCurdy gravity bins Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August t, 1981—121 FARM EQUIPMENT In Stock... The All New MODEL 8440 MORipGE HI-CAPACITY GRAIN DRYER ★ Buy at a good savings NOW! ★ 405 Bushel ★ Call us for the outstanding characteris tics and specifications on this dryer. STANDARD GRAVITY BINS. F. 0.8. our lot. ' • Auger Attachments, Side Boards and Hydraulic Augers available. THREE SIZES IN STOCK BEHLEN CORK CRIBS Model EXLIIS -1515 Bushel Plus extra area in Roof CALL US FOR OLD PRICE INVENTORY WHILE THEY LAST € FARM EQUIPMENT IHC 915 COMBINE With Two Heads $20,000 or best offer. 2 WHITE 2-105 $13,000 717-362-3132 or 717-362-9449 NEW O STEER ADERS TOCKI • Plus A Good Inventory of Used Units
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