B4S— Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 18,1981 YO WAV YOU WITH WEK • • EHIND Vy / . HELPING Contact Your Fertrell Dealer Today For A Free Brochure, Call or Write E FERTRELL CO. Box 215. Bainbridge, PA 17502 Ph: 717-367-1566 - Call Collect THE FARM UCCESS! NUTRI-SIL rage Inoculqnt NUTRI-SIL Makes Your Forages Go Farther In The Feedlot I-SIL is a probiotic forage inoculant ning selected live micro-organisms. I-SIL directs and controls the fer ition process. I-SIL is University and field tested to more energy, increase digestibility, e runoff and improve feed efficiency. 1-SIL adds to what you can expect to 'om this year’s silage.
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