FARM EQUIPMENT MESSICK ill FARM EQUIPMENT 1495 Haybine® Mower-Conditioner 12 Ft cut with 9 ft. conditioning rolls for faster drying action. Waiver of finance on New Holland TUC I A DAD CAI/tDC Just Received New Shipment Ifl IL LADUII wH V UlO “ Waiver of Finance Until Sept. 1,1981 NH 79110 Ton Spreader ★ NH 1495 Self Propelled 12’ Haybine, Cutless Than 100 Acres ★ NH 320 Baler with Thrower, 1 Year Old Farmall Super C, Fast Hitch Farmall C w/Cultivators - Farmall 706 D, 3 Ft. Hitch Farmall M Tractor Ford 3600 w/Cab, New Condi- tion, 60 Hours IH 284, 6‘ Rotary Mower, flota tion Tires, Used 26 Hours 510 Grain Drill, Ex. NH 519 NHSIO NH 362 Tank NH Super 717 Harv. IH 650 Harv. NH #8 Wagon Fully Equipped , MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. I RHEEMS EXIT - RT 283, ELIZABETHTOWN, PA PHONE 717-367-1319,653-8867 , WARREN SPICKLER-HOME 653-4560 RAYMOND MILLER - HOME 653-8762 FARM EQUIPMENT Ha/ina GOOD CLEAN USED EQUIPMENT IH 56 Blower New Idea Lime Drill Several Used Cub Cadets NH #33 Flail Chopper Twin Rower to Pull 2 Rakes NH 320 Balers (lyr. old) NH 315 Baler w/Thwr NH 276 Baler w/Thwr IH 37 Baler w/Thwr 1H46 Baler Oliver 520 Baler NH 258 Rakes (1 yr. old) NH 479 Haybine IH 990 Mower-Cond NH 490 Haybine 12 ft. FARM EQUIPMENT Big Way! NH 315 Baler GET A GREAT DEAL ON SPERRY NEW HOLLAND HAY TOOLS! Tools*until Oet. 1,1981 or Cash Rebates NH L 445 Skid Loader REAL GEMS ★ Ford 3600 Tractor with Cab, 1 Year Old, 60 Hours, New Condition ★ IH Model 1190 Mower- Conditioner, Excellent FARM EQUIPMENT Rotary Mower, 3 pt. Hitch IH 1190 Mower Conditioner 1495 Self Propelled Oliver 3 Bottom IH 400 Planter, 4 Row 1H531 Plow Athens 13* Disc Harrow Excell Cond. Ford 8' 3 pt. Disk Harrow IH 37 Disc Harrow New IH 800, 6 row. Fully Equip ped Used IH 400,4 Row, ExceHenJ . Used J.D. 494 A, 4 Row Used J.D, 494 A, 4 Row ' TORQUE AMPLIFIER, CLUTCH & TRANSMISSION PARTS & SERVICE We have expanded our line of renewed clutch discs & pressure plates and, now have available guaranteed quality clutch parts for the following, companies Allis Chalmers Ford Massey Ferguson John Deere Case Oliver Oeutz Uni-System Wholesale inquiries invited We will be stocking many but not all of the clutch parts we have available Allow 3 to 4 days for non-stock items Rebuilt TA assemblies m stock for IH tractors, New and Rebuilt. Water, Pumps, Dynalife clutches, pressure plates, and PTO drive shafts (are spline fitted into pressure plate, IN STOCK for tractors A, B, C through 1586, also for most models of IH combines IH dealer inquiries invited on our parts & prices' Complete TA assemblies for 706 1586 are priced at $550 and come with a Dana Co Heavy Duty Sprag instead of the usual IH sprag The Dana sprag is guaranteed for 2 yrs. against failure. Sprag kits (includes sprag gear, Dana sprag & piston carrier) and all items for rebuilding your own TA assembly are available to qualified persons Ramps and carriers for older style TA’s (as in SMTA-340 560) are priced at $l5O each and carry a 90 day guarantee We have parts needed for TA repair in stock at prices which will save you money Shop is available for complete TA installation or split the tractor yourself and send the center housing to us Shop is also available for other major tractor repairs r B Parts shipped direct thru UPS & Parcel Post at No Extra Charge To Retail Customers 01 J. EDWARD LEAMAN RD #l, Box 474 Willow St.. PA 17584 B 717.464.2874 • —l.—=lt==Jr=fr=Jta=lr=3r=sJr=Jf=Jrsslf= To help us in scheduling our shop work, appointments are requested for housing repair and major parts orders. j MUELLER 1 SHORT ON CASH? LEASE A TANK! Superior Cooling, automatic washing, andfree hot water are only three. „ of the reasons you should put a Mueller HiPerForm Milk Cooler to work for you! For More Information Contact Your Authorized Muellec Dealer Suit's Refrigeration Service ■ Name Off Rt. 340.1 Mile East of Intercourse on Hatville Rd. J Add RDI Gordonville, PA 17529 jCity— ★ 24 HOUR SERVICE I state PH: 717-768-8555 |phone _ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 16,1981—823 White MM Cockshutt Mills Coolers* IF SPACE ISA PROBLEM... in your milking parlor the Model ' OH’ can be ordered for bulkheading A wall sup port channel and insulation for placing between the cooler and the channel will be provided at a nominal charge Two Cylinder Model 0302-2 14 to 32 HP BEFORE YOU BUY - CHECK OUR PRICES I CLIPTHIS COUPON & MAIL TO J SUIT'S REFRIGERATION SERVICE IRDI. Gordonville, PA 17529 jn Send More Information □ Have Representative Call Leyland Int. Harvester Steiger DIESEL ENGINES D 327 Swrle* Two Cylinder Model 0327-2 t 20 to 36.5 HP i Max.
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