ON STOCK: 1000 USED TRACTORS IN OUR SALVAGE YARD FOR PARTS - Beet Selection Anywhere! REASONABLE PRICES FROM THE TRACTOR WHOLESALERS ISO HORSEPOWER «h met . 50-70 HORSEPOWER Farmall 1466- CLASS Cab SIS 000 farmall S6OD.. $4900 Farmall iise - Cab - fj"™ 114 ®®®li $ 1 1500 Air-4WD-600 Hours- (2) Farmall 4606: Nice* / $21,500 ■;■■■ $2000 Case 1470 - Cab - -1" 1074 Dw/Nevv 4WD* ... T. .'513,900 loader ..... • I * B9OO Oliver 2655-4WD- Farmall666o-New 18.4x30*. ■• • $10,750 p res -• ■ • 58000 Case 1370.511,000 Farmall6s6D- Hydro..,.. $6350 (2)CaseB3OCK-WF -3 ft. ..'54900 Ford 5200 -10 Speed $4950 JD73OD-NOPTO WF $2OOO JD73OG-WF .$2500 (2)JD7O-Gas& Diesel $l5OO MF265 $7750 MFI7S $4850 Long6lo-4WD- New $10,900 Lobfs6o-4WO - $B9OO Long 560-4WO $5OOO Oliver 770 D... $l5OO AC 170 $5700 JD3OlOGas ..$3500 130 HORSEPOWER CUSS Farmall 1086- 4 Post - 18.4x38 $14,900 J04430-Cab-Air- Quad $17,500 JD5020-£ab -18.4x38 Factory Duals $B9OO MF1155 $9500 MF1150...... $7500 AC 220 $6900 Oliver 2050 ... $6900 120 HORSEPOWER CLASS (2) Famuli 1066- Cab-Air ....$10,900 -$12,900 J 04320 ....$11,500 ' 90-110 HOHSfHWOT cuss (4) Famuli 806 Diesels $4BOO (2) Case 1030 Diesels $6OOO JD4020 Diesel - Powersoft.... $7900 MFIIOS - Duals $8750 - (2) Oliver 1960. $7OOO "‘Oliver 1950- Medunlcal 4WO. $B5OO Oliver 1850- Hyd4WO $7BOO AC 190XT - Cab $7BOO ACI9OXT $4BOO Oliver 1855-Cab- Super Clean .$lO,OOO Case 1070 .... $7BOO 70-90 HORSEPOWER CLASS (2) Famuli 706 Gas - WF $3700 (3) Famuli 706 Diesel.. S4SOO-$6OOO Famuli 706 German Diesel $7500 Case 930 . Standard $2BOO Ford 7000- Cab - Air - Dual Power €7900 (2) JDB2OPTO - $3OOO JD3O2OD-WF- Snycro $6900 MF1065-Cab- Air SS7SO Oliver 1800D-4WD Mechanical*... $6OOO Case 930 CK-As Is $3500 DUALS (HUBS EXTRA) 18.4x38 JDAxIeSISOO 14.9x38 Axle ... $575 18.4x34 Axle . . .-$5OO 16.9x38Ax1e ... $750 (7) 18.4x38 Axle $575- ..$675-$750-$775- s9oo-$975 18.4x38 Factory Axle MF $lOOO 51350-$l5OO UNDER 50 HORSEPOWER mf CLASS lnt24dVw/Sic*le Mower $6OOO (3) Famuli Cub w/Cult.. $1750-42850 Famuli Super A $l5OO (2) Famuli H $750-4950 (2) Famuli Super 1 C $l2OO-41600 FarmalSOO.... $1250 (2) Ford 4000 O 42250-43500 (2) Ford BNCall (2) Ford 9N $1250 A up JDMT $1650 MFTO3O $1250 Lonc3loDT-4WD- New $7950 Long 3 lOC- New $6750 Lone3lo-New $6OOO Lone36o-New $7300 ACOI2 $2OOO AC Cw/Rotary Mower $l5OO ACG $l5OO (2) AC 8.. $BOO-$ 1200 IHB27SD $lBOO FordNAA $2500 •=lndicates Tractors At Our New York Store CULTPACKERS Britton 9' $175 Dunham 12'.... $595 (3)16' packers.. $795-51250 Britton 12’ Mulcher $1675 Dunham 16' Mulcher $2275 18.4x34 Snap On $650 18.4x38 Factory Oliver $1350 18.4x38 Factory Ford Axle - New $lBOO Lots Of New Duals On Stock COMRWES Gleaner Cli w/Grain $3500 (sJD4o’sFromsl2oo JO 45 $l5OO 1H203 $2OOO IH MF3OOQt ....$9500 FLAIL CHOPPERS JDI6A $l5OO NH36 $2OOO MC $695 IH #5 895 'CRAWLER LOADERS Cat 941 $16,500 Cat 933 $7750 - Cat 933 Swamp $8750 (2) J 0350 .... $BBOO JD4508 w/9300 Hoe.. $14,900 Jo2olow/4in 1 bucket $6OOO Case 310 $5OOO Int 340 Loaders Backhoe $5OOO Cat9ssH- ....$9500 TRAILERS 1969 Great Dane 35 ton detachable .. $13,750 - NewHDIO2K ' - ton $1650 (2)NewHSEI4 4 ton sl6oo-41700 NewHSMU 6 ton $2OOO NewHSLI46 ton $1950 (3)NewHTRI6 8 ton.’... From $2950 NewHTRBIS 18 ton $5875 (6) New 2 Axle Trailers $1250 1976 Gooseneck 3 axle w/tilt top.. $5OOO MCKHOES Long3pt. Hoe-new $4500 LbngSinl w/cab $17,500 (2)JD310 ..$11,500 *510,500 Ware Hoe Attach Howard 3 pt Hoe CaseSSOB w/Cab Case Hoe Attach JD9300 Hoe Attach $5500 IH Hoe Attach.. $2250 $2750 $2500 $9500 $2500 DRILLS Ontario 14 O Disc $195 lntl3SDisc $9OO Int 17 S Disc... $lBOO Int 18 D Disc. ..$2OOO TARP SALE REG. SALE 5’x5’.... 18.95 * 9.50 5 x7'.... 20.95 10.50 5'x9'.... 25.95 13.00 B'xlO'... 35.95 10.00 9’x10'... 39.95 20.00 10 xl2’ . 45.95 *23.00 10’xl4' . 55.95 28.00 10 xl6’ . 65.95 33.00 10 xlB’ . 79.95 40.00 10'x20' . 99.95 50.00 HARVESTERS NH 717-2x30- PU $2500 AC 720-2x30- PU $1750 IH 650-2x30- PU $2OOO JD34-IX-PU. $1650 Fox SP Diesel - Max II - 3 Row-Flail Head $11,500 Fox-2x4O*PU .$750 MISC. CONSTRUCTION Int TD9 Winch... $5OO Davis OHS trencher New Diesel.. $14,500 JD42owinch ... $6OO New winch $lOOO (6) Sweeper attach. From $95 (40) Used hoe buckets... From $l5O (25) Loader buckets.. .Froms9s New landscape boxes From $425 (4) Set forklift forks From $3OO Sheepsfoot Roller $1750 Cat D 2 Winch... $4OO JD 1010 Winch.. $250 Air Compressor (Garage Type) -Like New 5 HP $1750 4 Cyl Detroit Diesel Powerumt $3250 Mich 35 4WD Loader $B5OO Hough 50C4WD Loader $7OOO Franklin 1338 Pack-N-Back Skidder $7750 Huber Maintainer $2500 TRUCK TRACTORS -- - (AHTHeiel) 1970 Dia Reo conv. screw ... $BOOO 1969 Dia Reo Sleeper screw.. $3BOO 1968 F Mack Sleeper screw.. $2BOO 1976 Ford 7000 LouisviHe single ~.. $9950 (2) 1974 Ford Louisville single $9500 Int Emeryville.. $l7OO CORNPLANTERS (2)IH6XAir- Liquid $2500 (2) JD 290 Pull.. $595 Ford4X w/Gandy $lOOO (2)2x3pts $395 CHISEL PLOWS Athens 13'pull. $1575 Glenco9' Soilsaver $3400 (8) Field Cult - From $795 CABS NewYARFor 1650 $l6OO New All Season For 930 A 1030.... $l7OO New FV Forth Combines 41000 New FV For 1150 MF $l7OO New FV For 1085- 1155 MF $2OOO Used For JO 45 Combine $6OO Used For IH 203 Combine $BOO Used For Nl Uni System $9OO NEW TRACTOR SPECIALS Long26oC $5224 Long26oC w/P-S $5618 Long 3 lOC .... $5207 Long 310 C w/PS$56OO Long 310 $5238 Long 310 w/PS. $5642 Long 310 4WD. $6712 CONN PICKERS Nl 12 Roil Mtd. (319) $3500 Nl 12 Roll Mtd. (305) $1950 Nl 32412 Roll .$5500 (3)NI 311 Shelter $1650 Nl 324 Shelter .$5BOO Nl 325 Shelter . $3500 Ford IX Mtd (Blue) $1350 Oliver #5l Row. $395 Nl #lO $895 (14) CARS 8 PICKUPS ROLLBACKS 1979 Int 2500 Tandem 290 Cummings 1110 Trans- Double P.S. NewJerr-Dan 26’ Rollback BuHt Super Heavy. $48,500 1975 Int 2050- Tandem-Cat 225 Diesel 10 speed R.R.-New26' Jerr-Dan Rollback Heavy Duty.. $21,750 1969 INT w/24' Rollback-Nice. $B5OO 1968 Int Diesel -24’ .... ; $B5OO COMPLETE RUNNINS CAS A DIESEL EMMIES 50 On Stock -Call PLOWS AC 2X Rollover - SC $3OO White 6xlB Reset $5OOO (2) JD 5x16 semi mtd $9OO-51350 JO 5x16 Pu 11.... $975 (40) IX to (it small tractors JD 1450 6x16.. $2150 JD 14506x16. .$2950 JD 1450 6xlB. .$3350 IH 7205x20 Reset $5OOO White 348 3x16 Reset $lB5O (3) JD 2600 4x Reset New $5500 IH 6x16 Reset $2BOO lx, 2x A 3x Rollover Plows on Stock lx-2x pulls on stock Lot of 3x and Smaller Plows DUMPS CONSTRUCTION 1974 Ford Louisville Single Axle New 9' Dump Body 225 Cat Diesel $12,750 1974 Int 2050 Single Axle New 9‘ Dump Body 225 Cat Diesel... $13,750 DUMPS-FARM 1974 Ford Louisville Single Axle New 18' Omaha Dump w/Cattle Racks 225 Cat Diesel... $14,950 (2) 16' Steel Dump Bodies-Complete - Used Less Than 1 Year Excellent $4500 FORKLIFTS Ford 30’ Diesel ... JD2OIO. Int 340.. Yale 3000 $12,500 ..$5950 ..$4950 Lancaster Farming, Saturd SMALLER FARM TRACTORS (USED) (2) Farmall Cubs w/cuitivators .. $2850 Farmall Super A $l5OO (3) Farmall H $750-$ 1250 (2) Farmall Super C $l2OO-$ 1600 Farmall 300 ... $1250 Ford Major.... $1750 Ford 4000 Diesel $2250 SFOOT3PT. ROTARY MOWERS *495.00 ★ NEW YORK STORE PHONE 315-549-7140 PREFERABLY EVENINGS Case 585 Forklift- Diesel *11,900 Ford Rollback Truck -1974 - Diesel... *18,750 MACHINERY 5 Ton Wagon's (New) »395 NH 717 Pickup Head >595 Int 40 Blade Wheel Disc - Like New *lBOO 1979 Hudson 2 Axle 4 Ton Tag-A-Loi* Trailer-New >1450 Long 11' Offset Disc - New- Weathered. *4250 (2) NewS Ton Wagon w/Extend Tongue .. *550 New 3 PLOisc >525 New Feed lot Scraper Blade w/Sides* Teeth... *425-*450-*475-*500 New 12” Post Hole Digger >395 (2) New Gravity Bins <495 (3) New 7’ 3 Pt Blades >245 New 10 Ton Gear >O5O s’3pt Rotary Mower-New $495 JO S'3 pt Rotary Mower-Used $795 JD3xl63ptptow $7OO Case4xl6Semi Plow. $1350 NEW MACHINERY SPECIALS 4’3 Pt. Rotary Mower $485 4' Pull Rotary Mower $675 5' 3 Pt Rotary Mower $495 S' Pull Rotary Mower $695 6' 3 Pt Rotary Mower $695 6' Pull Rotary Mower $795 5' Free Stall Scrapers $450 6' Free Stall Scrapers $475 Landscape Boxes - Same As Above 3 Pt Boom Poles $6O T 3 Pt. Peg Harrow $395 10’ 3 Pt Pec Harrow $495 14' 3 Pt. Peg Harrow $595, 3 Pt. Fertilizer Spreaders' $395 6' 3 Pt Landscape Rakes $495 1 Row 3 Pt Marker $175 2 Row 3 Pt. Marker $265 6’3 Pt. Blades $195 7'3 Pt. Blades $245 S'3 Pt. Blades $285 12” Post HoteOiccer $495 6*6” 3 Pt. Disc $495 1 Bottom 3 Pt. Plow $295 2 Bottom 3 Pt. Plow $450 STonWacon $395 1200 Bu. Corn Cribs $795 4'xB'Utility Trailer $395 SPtWoodsaws $875 “0” Category Tools 3 Pt. Disc $295 CORNSHELLERS (2) JD43 PTO... $7OO (6) IH 234 Shelters MM OPTO $375 »12 Roil (3) Nl Grinder tor Beds . Mtd 5350-5750 (5) Nl Shelters for Pull ft Mtd ... $3OO-51000 MISC. MACHINERY NH 26 Blower... $695 JD4o2oRollbar &Roof Long Rollßars.. JD 400 Feed Mill NH 352 Feed Mill $2850 Manure Spreaders Snow Plows Side Dressers Potato Diggers Wood saws Scraper Blades Loaders $475 $3OO $2500 May 2,1981 69 (2) Call (3) Ford 9NSI2SO h Up JOMT $1650 Ferguson TO3O. $1250 (2) AC D 12.... $l5OO-$2OOO ACCw/Rotary Mower ACG $l5OO $l5OO .$BOO .$BOO ACB. ACC. $350-$950 Large Papec Mill. $5OO Spike Harrows s7s per section Spring Harrows s7s per section (2) 1 Row Potato Diggers.. $295-$395 Howard Rotovator Kools Rec utter (2) Lime Drills $295 (3) Rotary Mowers- Approx. 14' $1275 .$975 SlBOO-53500
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers