FARM EQUIPMENT GOOD USID EQUIPMENT FarmallH tractor IHC model 350 trailing disc harrow 11*6” good cond. Leyland model 2100, 100 hp. w/16.9x34 dual wheels 1400 hrs. w/cab, clean Used Ml #279 cutditioner, like new JD 13x2 grain drill, double disc openers good condition IH 3 btm. semi-mtd. fast hitch plow IH #7lO 4 F auto reset plow IH 4120 Skid loader w/2 buckets F-140 w/culti., Idr., plow, & mower, exc. cond. □ Li. ECKROTH ■ FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. ■ Rd 2, New Ringgold, PA IB 717-943-2367 ib MESSICK ill FARM EQUIPMENT MESSICK’S Are Recognized As A Leader In Hay and Forge Equipment... So Before You Buy - SEE THE EXPERTS! GET A GREAT DEAL ON SPERRY NEW HOLLAND HAY TOOLS! mriiw r?.hHiiimii. -- -? L Now’s the timetcLbuyJiecaiise Mower-Commimier we're moving our complete stock 12 Ft. cut with 9 ft. conditioning rolls for faster * u.l. ~ drying action. ® T na J luu,s ' ; REAL GEMS *> H. 986 D. C»b, Air, Weights, * N.H.Modei 49012 Ft. Heybine IIMU ★ UL Model 1190 Mowe r★ I.H. 966. D, Cat, 2200 Hrs. Conditioner, Exceltent. Ex cedent. , . _ COMING SOON..JVEW-NEW HOLLAND 1900 FORAGE HARVESTER lif A MTFn USED SELF PROPELLED HAYBINES W J%H IAND1 AND FORAGE HARVESTERS USED TRACTORS Farmall Super C, Fast Hitch - farmaH C w/Cultivators - IH 986 D, Cab, Air, WeicMs. On ly 275 Hours, Like Mew IH966Dw/Cab Oliver 77 Tractor IH 284 Flotation Tires, 6' Rotary Mower, Used 26 hrs.' USED SPREADERS NH5l9' - NHSIO NH 362 Tank PLANTERS. New IH 800, 6 row, Rally Equipped Used IH 400, 4 Row, Ex cellent Used J.D. 494 A, 4 Row Used J.D. 494 A, 4 Row MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. ' RHEEMS EXIT -RT 283, ELIZABETHTOWN, PA . PHONE 717-367-1319,653-8867 WARREN SPICKLER - HOME 653-4560 RAYMOND MILLER HOME 653-8762 FARM EQUIPMENT GOOD CLEAN USED EQUIPMENT USED HAY EQUIPMENT ■ALOIS: NH 320 Balers (X yr-old) NH3IS Baler w/Thwr NH 276 Baler w/Thwr 1H37 Baler w/Thwr 1H46 Baler . Oliver 520 Baler RAKES: NH 258 Rakes (lyr.okJ) MOWER CONDITIONERS: NH 479 Haybine IH 990 Mower-Cond. NH 490 Haybine 12 ft Rotary Mower. 3 pt. Hitch IH 1199 Mower Conditioner FARM EQUIPMENT RENTAL SPECIALIZING IN RENTAL OF SKID m LOADERS JBjH BACKHOES STOLTZFUS MFC. CO. R.D. #1 Box 700 Honey Brook, Pa. 19344 Phone -215-273-3376 or 215-273-3050 A USED TILLAGE Oliver 3 Bottom IH 400 Planter, 4 Row IH 531 Plow Oliver 565 Plow, 4 Bottom 16” ' Athens 13’ Disc Harrow Excell. Cond. FordS' 3 pt. Disk Harrow IH 37 Disc Harrow USED FORAGE NH Super 717 Harv. IH 650 Harv. NH #8 Wagon Fully Equipped J.D.166 Blower IH 56 Blower USED MISC. EQUIP. New Idea Lime Drill Several Used Cub Cadets Geht 2500 Skid Loader NH *33 Flail Chopper Twin Rower to Pull 2 Rakes FARM EQUIPMENT _ SCHAEFFERSTOWN EQUIPMENT SCHKFFBSTOWft M Vi Mile N. of Schaefferstown on Rt'4l9 Phone 717-949-6529 WE BUY USED EQUIPMENT WE ARE A DEALER FOR CUSTOM TRAILERS Case 58081975 w/cab CaseSSOB Case 580 Dsl. Case Back hoe Loader Cabot Hyd. Excavator Det. Dsl. IH 3414 Diesel JD 400 Backhoe/Loader w/3 pt PTO, overhauled JD 400 Dsl. excellent & overhauled Ford 4500 w/ROPS Ford Backhoe Ford Backhoe Cat 46A real clean Cat 04 40A Good Cat 07. Hyd. Blade Cat 08 2U Cable Cat 06, hyd. Letourneau pull pan JO 350 6-way angle Blade New Undercarriage $9OOO JO 1010 Dsf. w/winch $5OOO (2)1H1754ini bucket, clean JD 450 Sharp JD 450 w/ROPS, good Cat 955 H 60A $lO,OOO IHTD6.4-in-l bucket, excellent cond. $B5OO IHT34ODsI. 4-inl Bucket w/ripper Cat 977 K w/ripper t cab Good ACHD7G ACHDS ACHDS Case 11504-in-l bucket Leßoylos $3500 Jaeger 105 *2OOO Chicago Pneumatic 125.0. H. $3OOO Furdlane Paver, ex. cond 3 Ton Tandem 1 Ton Roller 1 Ton Roller 1 to 3 Ton Vibra - Pac 3 to 5 Ton Tandem JD24 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 Huber Wargo Dsl. w/Cab Galion 118 Dsl. w/cab ACD4 1979 CMI Folding Hydr. Gooseneck 30 ton 9TonTag-Along 9TonTag-Ak>ng 9 Ton Tag- Along new heavy duty 12TonTag-Ak>ng 12TonTag-Along 15 Ton Gooseneck, S.A. 25 Ton Gooseneck $15,500 $11,500 $9OOO $4500 $B5OO $7OOO Tandem Axle Double Drop $5500 Approx. IVi Ton Tandem Axle Tilt Trailer w/winch 4 Horse Imperial Deluxe 1 Ton Roller Trailer $9400 $9OOO $9500 $5400 $5200 New Trailers - All sizes and prices Call 1975 Dodge % ton 4x4 clean 1974 Doge Tri-Axle Dump Dsl. 175,000 Miles Lett on Engine Warranty, good 1965 Int. DumpS. A 1956 White 18’ bed S.A. 1967 CMC % ton w/utility box 1970 Chevy w/20' bed S.A. 1975 Plymouth Fury 6 cyl. 1973 Quick Riviera $42,000 $11,500 $7500 $B5OO $6500 $l6OO 1969 Ford set- axle dump, good $6900 1965 Ford V* Ton $450 Int. Tandem Axle Dump $4250 $10,500 $12,000 $12,000 AC TLI6 Diesel Hough 70.4x4 3 to 4 yd. good Hough 30,1 yd. good $7OOO $24,500 $6500 $4200 $3450 $7500 MFIBO Tractor Ford Corn Planter 2 Row 3 pt. 16' Dump Box excellent 5 ft. Rotary Cutter Pavement Breaker 90 lb. 3 pt Landscape Box Assorted Loader Buckets 6 ft. Angle Scraper Blade 3 pt. 16h.p. Bolens Riding tractor w/mower excellent $ 1850 Myers Snow ~'~'vs Electric/Hyo aulic/Angle 17' Oico Block Unloader, Complete Davis Trencher $3lOO $2OOO $2OOO $lOOO, $2BOO $4500 w/Backhoe 30+4 Da vis Trencher 30+♦ Da vis T rencher 300+ $4BOO ALL MACHINES REPAIRED AS NEEDED CLEANED A PAINTED. $5OOO $6500 $4500 $29,500 $l4OO $2OOO $5lOO $2OOO $2750 $3500 $l2OO $2BOO $BOO $3500 $17,500 $3200 $lBOO $BOO $2500 $2OOO $l5OO SEUHI $7500 $14,500 $3500 $5250 $450 $2650 $465 $350 $375 $175 $lOOO $2500 $7500 $5OOO $3OOO 67
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers