♦ ♦ ♦ RUGGED STEEL BALE WAGON CHECK THESE FEATURES AGAINST ANY OTHER BALE WAGON YOU'LL FIND OURS IS THE BEST! ....Eight foot wide inside by Eighteen feet long. ....Rugged square steel tubing. ....Fold down front gate w/diamond plate platform. ....Swing-out tailgate. ....Unload from side, front or rear. ....Solid oak floor. ....Eight ton running gear w/universai bearings. ....With New9.sLxls tires. ....Backed by Hoober Parts and Service. ♦ Massey -1805 4WD w/Blade, Excellent ♦ USED EQUIPMENT TRACTORS and MACHINES ARE MOVING. If you’re looking for a piece of good used eauipment and its not listed below, Call us anyway, could be we just traded what you want. TRACTORS IH-F1256D IH - F1586D w/30.5x32 Tires 5255 IH-1466Tractor 5583 IHFBO6 Tractor 6406 IHFBO6 Tractor 6073 1H766D Tractor w/Cab 5760 I-706D Tractor 5660 F7O6D Tractor 5163 1H706D Tractor 6186 IH 656 Hydro Tractor 6413 1-464 G w/Dunham Loader 6005 I-464D Tractor 5980 F-450GTractor 5642 F 444 Tractor 4307 IH-Farmall 400 G Tractor ALL NEW & USED PRODUCTS BACKED BY HOORER PARTS A SERVICE Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981—825 CALL US FOR A PRICE EVERY TRACTOR WE SELL..NEW OR USED - IS BACKED BY HOOVER'S SERVICE! 6035 Case 2670 Tractor 4WD Tractor 6165 Deere4o2oo Tractor 6328 Melroe 444 Bobcat Skid Loader 6109 IH 2000 Loader 6161 IH 2000 Loader IH - F1586D, 20.8x38 Duals 6435 IH 1066 Hydro MFIBOS 4WD w/Blade IHFS44D IHFIOB6 D w/Cab IH 125 Senes C Crawler, Loader Ford 4000 D SU C.B. HOOBER & SON INC. RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR RETTER SERVICE INTERCOURSE, PA (717) 768-8231 AUTHORIZED UPS STATION DISC HARROW & HELD CULTIVATOR 6072 IH #37 Disk 5828 IH 470 21’Disk 6280 Krause 2416 Disk 5842 J.D. 44012* Offset Disk 5440 J.D. KB Disc Harrow 6330 J.D. 1630 Disk 6332 J.D. 31012’6” Disk 6421 J.D. BWAll'Disk 6033 A/C 4500 20’Offset Disk 5001 A/Cl6'Disk 4969 Miller 12'Disk 5135 Bushhog 1445 Disk 25’ 5538 Pittsburgh 10' Disk w/cyl 6036 Case 20' Disk 5393 MF 18’Offset Disk 6025 Dunham 12'Packer 6434 AC 3300 Disk 20 1 /2’ Dunham 42319 Wing Culti packer Deere 210 Disk 12' PLOWS 5701 IH VlOSubsoiler 6373 1H7005F16" Plow 2741 IH Trailing 3-14" Plow 3165 Oliver-6F Plow 6254 1 Bottom for Farmall Cub (IH) 6255 Cultivator for Farmall Cub (IH) 4848 Glencoe Soil Saver 7 Shank 5889 Glencoe 13 tooth Soilsaver 6331 J.D. 14 Tooth Chisel Plow Glencb Soilsaver 11 Shank PLANTERS & DRILLS & SPRAYERS 2240 IH 400 Planter 4R 3288 IH 400 Planter-«R cycle 9903 1300 Cornplanter - 4 Row (JD) 2414 J.D. 494 Cornplanter 5321 IH «10 Gram Drill 5080 J.D 20x7 Drill Modelß 6237 FMC Trojan 10 gal Sprayer 2038 Bean 40 RC Sprayer w/Truck 6281 J.D 605 5 ton Fert. Spreader 6467 IH 510 Gram Drill 24x6 Plain IH 10' Fertilizer Drill IH 510 Drill 24x6 Plain &V I- V-iV- mw 7 FIOB6D w/Cab, New Rear End, 2100 Hours '-MT v" COMBINES 6252 1H1440 Combine 6239 IH 1460 Combine 5782 IH 915 Combine 5742 IH 915 Combine 4148 IH 815 Combine 5928 IH 815 Combine 6126 1H503-C Combine w/430 w/n Cornhead, w/13.5' Grain Platform 2210 IH-91 Combine 5536 J.D. 6600 Diesel - Gear Combine 4823 J.D..4400 Combine Diesel 6389 J.D. FlO5 Combine 6387 J.D. 95 Combine 5413 J.D. 45 Combine w/10' Platform & 235 Cornhead 4877 A/C- Gleaner GKS 6098 NH 975 Combine 5838 Nl 704 V 6 Uni-System w/717 Combine 6396 AC Gleaner MKS “ih JJjjSSJjJ ,w t ♦ ♦ ♦
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers