Hog Markets St. Louis Hogs Thursday, April 30 Report supplied by USDA HOGS: 6000 - Barrows & gilts moderately early, later rather slow; 1.00-1.50 lower. US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 40.5041.00; US 1-3 220-250 lbs. 4A (1040 SO SOWS; Steady to 50 lower. (About 6%). US 1-3 300-500 lbs. 35.50-36.50; Over 500 lbs. 37.50- 39.50. BOARS: Over 300 lbs. 36.50, few 37.00; 200-300 lbs. 35.00-35.25. Peoria Hogs Thursday, April 30 Report {supplied by USDA HOGS: 4000 - Barrows & gilts moderate, 50-75 lower. US 1-2 200- 240 lbs. mostly 41.00-41.50; US 1-3 200-240 lbs. 40.5041.00. SOWS: .Steady to 50 lower. (15%). .US 1-3 350425 lbs. 36.00- 37.25, bulk 36.5037.00; 420500 lbs. 37.5038.50; 500550 lbs. 39.00, few 33.50. BOARS: Over 350 lbs. 37.00; under3so lbs. 32.0036.00. (If BRODKSVDE RUMSX \\ j VX NEW KNOXVILLE OHIO «.7, yy/ National Reputation Local Service Vintage Hogs Vintage, Pa. Saturday, April 25 Report supplied by auction 826 head. US 1 & 2 210-230 lbs. 41.0043.00; US 2 & 3 200-245 lbs. 40.0041.00; Sows 300-500 lbs. 36.00-38.00; Boars 300-600 lbs. 31.00-34.00. Wednesday, April 29 248 head. US 1 & 2 210-230 lbs. 41.5043.50; US 2 & 3 200-245 lbs. 40.0041.50; Sows 300-500 lbs. 34.00-35.50. New Holland Hogs Monday, April 27 Report supplied by USDA Today 1338 Last Monday 1100 Last Year 1805 TREND: Compared to last Monday barrows and gilts 1.00-1.50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 40.5041.00, Few 41.00- 41.60; US 1210-245 lbs. 42.0043.00; US 1-3 220-250 lbs. 39.6040.50; One lot US 2-3 2601b5. 33.85. STRIKE IT RICH! sai IT WITH A LANCASTER FARMING CLASSIFIED CONTACT JOHN CAMPBELL Atglen. PA (215) 593-5529 GARY McGEE Spring Run. PA (717)349-7300 DAN DERR Conowmgo, MD (301) 378-3280 Lancaster Feeder Pigs Tuesday, April 28 Report supplied by USD A Today Last Tuesday Last Year TREND: Compared to last Tuesday feeder pigs mostly steady, instances firm to 4.00 higher on 60-80 lbs. weights. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. US 1-2: 175 head 25-39 lbs. 85.00 95.00; 467 head 40-49 lbs. 77.00 88.50; 175 head 50-59 lbs. 75.00 86.00; 54 head 60-69 lbs. 66.50-71.50; 12 head 75-81 lbs. 52.0061.50. US 2-3: 90 head 30-39 lbs. 67.50 86.00; 70 head 40-49 lbs. 65.00-75.00; - 75 head 50-53 lbs. 65.00-74.50. Indianapolis Hogs Thursday, April 30 Report supplied by USDA HOGS: 1500 - Barrows & gilts active, 50-1.00 lower. US 1-2 200-250 lbs, 41.0041.50. SOWS: Moderately active, steady. (8%). US 1-3 300400 lbs. 35.0066.00; Few 450600 lbs. 38.00 39.00; 500600 lbs. 40.0041.00. BOARS: Under 250 lbs. 34.00; over3so lbs. 35.0065.50. New Holland Feeder Pigs Wednesday, April 29 Report supplied by USDA Today Last Wednesday Last Year TREND: Compared to last Wednesday feeder pigs 5.00-10.00 lower, instances 15.00 lower on 25- 40 lbs. weights. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the hundred weight. GRADE US 1-2 90 head 27-39 lbs. 80.00- 245 head 4049 lbs. 64.00- 214 head 50-59 lbs. 61.0067.00; 89 head 65-75 lbs. 53.00 56.00. US 2-3: 114 head 25-35 lbs. 70.00 76.00; 30 bead 41-45 lbs. 60.0067.00; 12 head 61 head 57.00; 13 head 71-98 lbs. 49.0050.00. Feeder Pig Sale Conrtland, Va. Thursday, April 23 Report supplied by VDA There were 1359 head sold. All cattle were graded by Representatives of the VDACS’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on USDA standards and sold by the hundredweight. US 1&2:3039 lbs. 92.00; 4049 lbs. 86.77; 5059 lbs. 75.50; 6069 lbs. -65.50; 7084 lbs. 63.00; 85-99 lbs. 43.00; 100130 lbs. 43.00. US 3: 3039 lbs. 85.00; 4059 lbs. 80.00; 5059 lbs. 67.00; 6069 lbs. 55,50; 7084 lbs. 54.50; 85-99 lbs. 40.00; 100130 lbs. 40.00. UTILITY: 3039 lbs. 45.00; 4049 lbs. 41.00; 5059 lbs. 41.00; 6069 lbs. 31.00; 7084 lbs. 31.00. US 4’S: 3039 lbs. 45.00; 4049 lbs. 41.00; 5059 lbs. 41.00; 6069 lbs. 31.00; 7084 lbs. 31.00. J.M. HOOBER Inc. LANCASTER STOCKYARDS Your Livestock Broker Serving You Since 1895. • Up-to-date market information. • We sell slaughter cattle, fat hogs, calves, lambs, feeder pigs • Suppliers of feeder cattle. NEXT FEEDER PIG SALE TUESDAY, MAY 5 - 1 P.M. Consign your livestock to J.M. Hoober, Inc., where it will receive personal care and service Call Us: Phone: (717) 397-6191 - Home 569-2084 Small Stock Division - 397-6191 Home - 626-8653 U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter 1251 1165 Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter—Thursday, Apr. 30 Report supplied by USDA Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CALVES HOGS CATTLE This Week 473,000 Last Week 441,000 Last Year 465,000 32,000 Market courtesy of USDA. Chicago Grain Futures Corn May 3.61 July 3.67% 4.43 Slept 3.73% Oct Nov. Trend - Com is higher, Wheat is higher, Soybeans are higher, Soybean Meal is higher. Market Provided by Commodity Department Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. 1028 1114 Westminster Feeder Pigs Friday, April 24 Report supplied by auction 1396 Pigs: Prices uneven, compared to last month prices generally $5.00 lower, although some large lots and #Ts steady to $5.00 higher. No. #1: 221 head 3037 lbs. 65.00 80.00; 61 head 42 lbs. 89.00; 120 head 4048 lbs. 61.0070.50; 60 head 51 lbs. 80.00; 200 head 51-58 lbs. 67.0071.00; 135 head 6069 lbs. 55.0087.50; 126 head 72-78 lbs. 56.0061.00. No. #2: 293 head 2848 lbs. 51.00 66.50; 88 bead 5069 lbs. 55.0063.00; 12 head 90125 lbs. 41.0046.00. No. #3: 35 head 29-30 lbs. 51.00 56.00; 25 head 41 lbs. 50.00; 5 head 71 lbs. 44.00. Vintage Cattle Vintage Sales Stables Friday, April 24 Report supplied by auction 317 head. Bulls 11001850 lbs. 51.00-58.75; High Choice and Prune steers 1150 1400 lbs. 66.0067.85; Choice 2 & 4 63.50-66.00; Holstein steers 55.00 57.85; Choice heifers 800900 lbs. 58.0061,75; Cows 41.0047.85. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981—A3 39,000 33,000 (Closing Bids as of Thursday Apr. 30) Wheat Soybeans Meal 4.33% 4.57% 8.13 June 70.17 49.00 July Aug. Oct. Nov. Trend - Cattle are lower, Hogs are lower. Potatoes are higher. Market Provided by Commodity Department Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. 860 bead. U.S. 1 210-235 lbs. 44.00-46.25; U.S. 1 & 2 210-245 lbs. 40.25-41.10; U.S. 2 & 3 200-250 lbs. 39.60-40.00; Sows 350 lbs. and up 36.00-39.00; Boars 200 lbs. and up 30.50-32.00. Monday, April 27 HOGS: Barrows and gilts mostly steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 205-245 lbs. 43.50-44.25, Few Selected 44.5045.00; US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 41.2542.35, few 42.6043.00; US 1-3 230-250 lbs. 40.7541.25, 250-265 lbs. 40.1040.60. HOGS: Barrows and gilts steady to firm. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 41.50-i2.50; US 1205-245 lbs. 43.00-44.25; Few Selected 44.50- 45.00; US 1-3 210-260 lbs. 40.5041.50. HAY & STRAW HAULED To Local Auctions Have Market For MULCH HAY MEADOW GREEN FARMS HOWARD* WEAVER RT. #1 Box 93A Richland, Pa. 17087 Best Time to Call Saturday Morning 6A.M.&BA.M. 717-933-5187 SHEEP 1,409,000 83,000 1,342,000 77,000 1,493,000 89,000 Soybean 226.90 7.78% 232.50 8.01% 235.30 8.24% Futures Trading (Closingßidsasof Thursday Apr. 30) Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogs Maine Potatoes 51.42 68.25 51.47 65.92 Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Saturday, April 25 Report supplied by USDA & Auction Wednesday, April 29 S.K. SHOTZBERGER INC. Livestock Trans. P.O. Box 925 Lane., Pa. 17603 717-393-4641 "Hot-Shot" Products Soles & Service 7.33
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