Cumberland Co. DHIA (Continued from Page D 2) J nr less in the county during the month The age listed is her Ae at the time of freshing Sundays Vallilea Farms 54 RoyL Coover 73 Mark A Naugle Gem Milk Way Farms 2 Ashcombe Dover Dairy R 291 Thrush Brothers 52 Sundays Vallilea Farms 170 J B Brymesser S Sons 131 M Thomas Sheaffer Isabel PaulStrock Dolly high dhia summaries for march its. % MU FAT 97 712 3.5 93 59 5 3.5 97 52 8 3 9 94 512 3 9 987 56 1 3.6 90 51.0 3.9 94 57.8 3.4 94 50.9 3.9 89 48 8 4.0 91 50 7 3.8 91 48.9 4.0 89 52 8 3.6 91 53 0 3.5 92 52 2 3.6 84 49.9 3.7 87 46.7 4.0 87 52 8 3.5 101 518 3.6 91 50 5 3.7 94. 48 4 3 8 91 50 2 3.7 94 45.7 4.0 90 46.6 3.9 90 48 0 3.8 932 49.1 3 7 85 48.7 3.7 89 48.9 3 7 93 46 1 39 100 45.2 3 9 80 42.3 4 2 90 44 4 4.0 92 45 3 3 9 84 44 9 3 9 87 46 9 3 6 83 45 3. 3.7 94 . 46 6 3 6 96 46 1 3.6 99 412 41 ,92 45.0 3 7 88 '43 4 3 8 89 42 8 3 8 OWNER NAME OR NO. Nevin Shughart M Thomas Sheaffer ,9 Lehman k'Mrkheimer Farms PJfcp A Hoover, Jr Vallilea Farm Allen B Martin Milk Way Farms Fredß McGillvray Alfred Gaisler D Clinton Sauder Paul Strock John M Lippert Leroy Chestnut Paul B Sensemg Merle & Sharon Dice DavidS Miller Herbert B Shughart Ashcombe Farms Mark A Naugle MervmE Ruppert Edward L Brackbill Robert Strock David E. Lapp Creedm C Cornman Sandrod Farms J Shephard Wolff Chester C Weaver Her Joy Farms Harvey Newswanger Daniel R Ocker Thrush Brothers - Freshair Dairy Farm J B Brymesser&Sons •rI Kelso, Jr lester & Galen Smith J Glenn Glesner Roy Wright Fred A Hoover Ashcombe Dover Dairy Frank J Yost Use the Profit-Making Genetic Power of Authority and Marvex 68 Daus. in 48 Herds Ave. 17.012 M 3.5% 592 F Predicted Difference (74% rpt.) + 1.170 M +sloo +I3F Type Strengths: fore udder, rump, and depth of body. Sire: Paclamar Astronaut EX & GM Dam: and EX Elevation dau. with 3 rec. over 22,D00M and 800 F. Our Daily Holstein Selection Includes: 23 bulls with milk PD over +l,OOO 27 bulls with value PD over + $lOO 7 bulls with +PD for % test 34 bulls with at least 70% repeatability 25 bulls with +PD for type All are priced reasonably through Professional Technician service and Direct-Herd sales! RH 9 GH 4 RH 5 RH 9 RH 4 RH 9 GH 3 RH 7 RH 5 RH 7 ICC B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 G 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 15H236 Lawcrest AUTHORITY VG Melvin Sensenig Furman Landis Warren Nolt Oscar Nealy & Sons E Lee Oiler & Son Donald A McCullough Roy E. Snoke Harry & Paul Hoch Glenn W Myers John F. Stoltzfus David L Miller Elmer Gettle John H. Staub Hale & Burkholder Ross H. Holtry LeeG Davidson Kenneth E Zeigler Robert H. Jamison Otto Brothers Roy L. Coover George P. Wickard Leroy Showaker & Son Heiser Farm Dairy Marlin Miller & Sons CarlL Lehman 853 22,624 811 20,396 17,208 798 17,985 797 22,490 791 23,482 771 22,507 770 23,402 768 19,568 754 21,283 Otto Brothers 76 Mark A.Jvlaugle Gem Gift Donald A. McCullough 34 Robert StrocK Fran Jay Donald L Basehore Dawn Martha Lacey Paulß Cornman Cora Pearl Brandy Sundays Vallilea Farms 76 54 170 99 100 J B Brymesser ASons 131 178 184 277 Ashcombe Farms 210 21 54 284 135 370 81 108 160 64 Lee G. Davidson Elva Colleen Roy E. Snoke Dena (January/fel USDA Production and July/79 HFA Type Summary) Atlantic BREEDERS COOPERATIVE B 3 B 3 B 3 B 3 US. mu NO. HDAVS NEED COWS HIM 16,147 17,208 15,814 12,250 19,724 20,721 18,515 18,621 14.717 19,538 18,212 18,348 20,052 22,624 22,607 17,797 14,442 23,402 21,202 18,008 18,944 19,380 19,986 21,909 19,569 16,642 24,014 19,441 21,329 15,509 15,025 18,230 13,840 20,108 223 Daus. in 154 Herds Ave. 17.460 M 3.7% Predicted Difference(92% rpt) + 1.211 M +sl4B 59 Daus. Cl. 80.6 (act.) 82.0 (age-adj.) +1.66 PDT Type Strengths: fore udder, rear udder, teats, legs & feet, rump, easy milk-out, style and quality. Sire: Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation EX & GM Dam: a VG & GM Pride Admiral dau. with lifetime over 155.000 M and 5,500 F. LIVESTOCK SERVICES . Member NAL Affiliated Breeders Toll-Free 24 Hour Phones For Service; Lancaster Area 569-0411 Pennsylvania 800-732-0391 Del., Md. & N.J. 800-233-0216 Our Representative in Northeastern Pennsylvania is Taurus Service Approved by Certified Semen Services Sonja Violet Chester & Galen Smith lucky Thrush Brothers 52 87 E Lee Oiler & Son Rosett D Lehman 14 RoyL Coover 73 Paul Strock Dolly Ginger Jonme Paula Kim Harry & Paul Hoch Babe Jackie Alfred Gaisler Thelma % us. EOT FAT Milk Way Farms 96 164 54 40 804 655 47 4.1 D Clinton Sauder Hazel Nellie Sunny 617 Fred B McGillvray Biossie 712 713 36 3.4 RossH Holtry ' 35 27 648 610 606 35 33 41 JohnH Staub Sandy Frank J. Yost Goldie Dixie Jill Larena 686 724 662 35 40 36 747 853 771 672 615 37 38 3.4 38 43 Ashcombe Dover Dairy Rl9O R 291 R 298 8 770 684 637 660 33 32 35 35 Leroy Showaker & Son Betty John E. Lapp Gloria Leroy Chestnut 45 Robert H Jamison Judy Melvin Sensemg Sharon Oscar Nealy A Sons 46 Berkheimer Farms 76 Fred & Chris McGillvray 9 ' 622 612 34 44 Kenneth E Zeigler Trill 697 15H175 Lawcrest MARVEX —EX& GM Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981—P3 3 15,893 (Turn to Page D 4) 19,591 16,957 18,538 34 48 23,482 14,864 18,068 20,139 40 20,396 35 32 3.9 38 33 21,283 19,444 18,222 19,392 19,547 20,160 16,412 17,770 44 30 37 33 36 17,985 21,681 16,249 18,644 16,785 21,192 18,492 19,136 17,576 35 36 4.1 18,943 19,065 18,133 16,322 40 4.4 33 37 15,399 15,172 17,391 17,587 3.9 35 3.3 3.2 18,549 .22,490 20,017 21,659 16,850 18,025 4.0 15,617 19,265 14,832 21,378 17,746 18,366 639 F +4IF 722 616 791 717 624 811 754 627 711 743 640 690 620 614 798 654 605 619 603 720 669 630 626 666 680 750 604 621 670 582 652 727 797 660 702 677 619 631 633 685 637 603
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers