C4o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 w ■& jjpt'. .who Jgp knows 'fe®' '€>l'4lk^/ v IP ® o WAIVER OF FINANCE ON LIQUID MANURE TANKS & PUMPS STARTS MAY I, 1981 GRUMEUrS FARM SERVICE SHOW-EASE STALL CO. Mechanics Grove Quarryville, PA 17566 (717)786-7318 McMILLEN BROS. RDI LoysvHle, PA 17047 (717)789-3961 MECKLEY’S GARAGE, MANDATA Div. of Meckley's Limestone Products Inc. RDI. Herdon, PA 17830 (717)758-3915 FORAGE HANDLING EQUIPMENT BY BADGER NORTHLAND! Forage is a major feedstuff in your livestock operation That’s why it's so important to handle it properly saving every bit of its nutrient value to produce milk and meat Badger Northland builds its line of forage handling equip ment to help you attain that goal Each piece of Badger equipment is designed to perform efficiently and with minimum maintenance It’s also backed by the best dealer parts and service network in the industry. If you’re considering purchasing a new forage box, blower or mower/conditioner, see your Badger Dealer and Talk to the man Your Equipment and Service Professionals in this area are: RDI Hamburg, PA 19526 (215)562-7218 JOHN BROWN RR 1 Forksville. PA 18616 (717)924-3492 t ‘S V’V '/*l\ v r 4 \ , - : I ’-, ;-" fi-% W' ?s«KR ■>/*?&• •# >* ’/‘'^ #■3, ?.%\ >■ £s*. r^j ~mi k ;-’-#K. ■••IMl r „%»\ .Mv|| ■ ■V »;■■'• «\ '■vt, \ 523 Willow Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 (717)299-2536 ROY 0. CHRISTMAN M dqer PiKEVILLE EQUIPMENT INC. RD2 Olay, PA 19547 (215)987-6277 LLOYD E.KREIDER RDI CochranviKe, PA 19330 (215)932-4700 RALPH KETTERER Deep Run Road Perkasie, PA 18944 (215)766-8531 \ '-'V* n&A' MARLIN W. SCHREFFLER Pitman, PA 17964 RD 3 (717) 648-1120 Brook ville, PA 15825 (814)849-3361 M ~i t **ok "S' vl "K. • ' C'" "'-if 0 SPECIAL IN SEASON WAIVER ON MOWER/ CONDITIONERS TILL SEPTEMBER 1. 1981 KNUD HERMANSEN RD2 York Springs, PA 17372 (717)528-4762 MELVIN 6. MILLER RD2 Spring Mills. PA 16875 (814)442-8279 LEONARD WORK Badger Boxes keep on working long after others have worn out When it comes to forage boxes, nothing can beat a Badger Box. Badger builds its own boxes right in Kaukauna, Wisconsin where they maintain rigid-quality control A Badger Box is built with channel side stakes for extra strength and specially treated, exterior grade plywood to resist acids, corrosion, : and rot The bolted undercarriage and chain drive are designed to take the toughest punishment And Badger Boxes hold their value At trade-in time many Badger owners are surprised to see their box worth as much as when they bought it new They haven’t built a silo that the Badger Northland Blower can’t fill No matter how high or how big the Badger Blower can fill em all Its simply (he least cosily to operate smoothest running toughest blower you can buy The Badger Blower can operate at 540 650 rpirs It will take anything you give it forage or gram (with little or no cracking) It II blow the highest tonnage with the lowest h p And the special Badger magnet catches foreign material before it catches you Get together with your Badger Dealer today and get ready to fill your big silo Take it all off with a Badger Northland Mower/Condltioner! * \ y t Even m the toughest ' of conditions, the Badger j Mower/Conditioner will perform its 3 •: “clean cutting" duties like no other, ; -J without over conditioning * V .1 The Badger Mower/Conditioner will run longer itfith fewer “u” joints and its adjustable transmission gives great maneuverability Row width can also be adjusted See what it's like to own a mower/conditioner that will spend more lime in the field than it does m the shop -7 C:i Get together with your Badger Dealer now See your Badger Dealer now for all of your forage handling needs. CECIL DAIRY SERVICE ROI Rt- 274 Vi Mi. South Rising Sun, MD 21911 (301)658-6923 C. PAUL FORD & SON RT 1 Everett, PA 15537 (814)652-2051 HONESDALE SPREADING SERVICE INC. (Formerly Buckingham Dairy Supply) 505 Cliff St. Honesdale. PA 18431 (717)253 2410
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