C26—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 Road closed for snake crossing in Illinois park WASHINGTON, D.C. - You’ve seen road signs that read “Deer Crossing,” “Moose Crossing” and the like. But what about “Snake Crossing’” You probably won’t find such a sign on the highways today, said district ranger Joe Newcomb of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service, but maybe there ought to be one, for snakes do have at least one official “crossing.” That crossing is on a road in the Laßue Pine Hills Ecological Area of Shawnee National Forest in southern Illinois, where snakes have the legal right-of-way on two occasions each year. The area is an isolated com munity of plant and animal species whose uniqueness dates back over 400 million years. It’s ad ministered by the Forest Service as one of many areas in the 190 million acres of national forests managed for their special historical, archeological, geological, or as in this case, ecological interests. Hundreds of plant and animal species, many of which are rare, make their homes in this ecological area. Among them are 35 species of snakes. In the spring, the snakes migrate from then winter homes dens to then summer homes in the swamp. In the fall, they go back to their dens. They cross the road each time they v Makes good silage better. See your Pioneer salesman today The Limitation of Warranty and remedy appearing on the label is part of the terms of the sale. • Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Das Moines, lowa, U.S.A. _ make the trip. Due to the increasing popularity of the Laßue Pine Hills Ecological Area, Forest Service officials became worried aoout the unpact increased visitor use may have on the ecological area as well as on the snakes. In 1972, they decided to do something about it. “The seasonal migration caused a major problem for our snake population,” said district ranger Joe Newcomb. “Some people would drive or walk along the road and shoot the snakes as they tried to cross. We saw this human activity as being inconsistent with the idea of an ecological area. We decided that the easiest solution was simply to eliminate vehicle use of that stretch of road temporarily while the snakes were migrating,” he said. So a three-mile stretch of road at the base of 350-foot-high bluffs is closed during the last three weeks in April for the spring migration and the last three weeks in October for the fall migration. “Even this three-week road closing assures the safety of only 80 percent of the snakes,” said Newcomb. “The others don’t come straggling home until later, but we simply can’t close the road that long.” During the peak migration, which occurs between the 15th and the 25th of both months, the snakes / j > :^ESSSH J y±i g SILA-BAC. BRAND SILAGE INOCULANT move in waves. “No matter how warm or cool it is, they start migrating in mass the second week in April and the second week in October,” Newcomb said It normally takes about a day for one snake to migrate from den to swamp. With several thousand snakes participating in the three-week migration, there is a constant stream of 10 to 15 individual snakes migrating at a given time. They are partial to good weather, migrating in greater numbers on nice days. What causes the snakes to migrate? It’s the reptilian instinct for hibernation, said Newcomb. “They all hibernate in the winter ♦ Attention Beef & Pork Reisers CUSTOM BUTCHERING HESS’ BUTCHER SHOP 2635 Willow Street Pike Willow Street, PA 717-464-3374 We Process the Old Fashioned Way • Pudding • Hams • Bologna • Scrapple • Bacons • Dry Beef We also Specialize in Beef For Your Freezer, Sides of Pork, ♦ Sides of Beef. ♦ Staniiei CR FEE Includes: • Large opei feed pan simulate, feeding. • Sturdy aluminum bracket for quick feeder in-and-out • Generous VA gallon hopper capacity. Not just another creep feeder! A farm tested natural way to start two and three day-old pigs on solid feed. Pigs learn to eat creep feed before weaning. So you wean faster and pigs do better under less stress. HEAT PADS For Farrowing Crates And Nursery With Stanfield Surface, Draft Barrier Cleats, Twin Cords. Swine Systems FARMER BOY AG 457 E MAIN AVE , MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 Vi Mile East of Myerstown 717-866.7565 and re-enter the world in the spring,” Newcomb said. “They find small caves in the rocky ground to use as dens because the temperature of the ground doesn’t change much.” The snakes take refuge from winter by entering an inactive state in the fall and remaining that way in the den until a natural alarm clock awakens them in the spring. Then they embark on a journey from den to swamp. Although there has been some minor dissent by the public over the temporary road closing, most public comment has been favorable, said Newcomb. En vironmental groups praise the action and user groups accept it without much comment, he said. * : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ “The road closing has caused more of a raised eyebrow than hostility on the part of the public,” said Newcomb. “People simply aren’t used to snakes having priority over humans.” JOIN 41-1 111 OLD OR NEW lancastertwckbodles lanooter automobile spring eo., inc. 310 RICHARDSON DRIVE LANCASTER-HEMPFIELD INDUSTRIAL PARK PO BOX 4626 LANCASTER. PA 17604 • U-JOINTS • CROSSES • HEX • YOKES • SLIP-YOKES • SQUARE SHAFTS • KEY-WAY CUTTER SERVICE ALL IN STOCK - IMMEDIATE SERVICE I THRUFRI I I BA_MJiI43O_PM I PHONE: 717-394-2647 800-732-0004 AIR COMPRESSOR SALES & SERVICE DeVilbiss CURTIS AND CAMPBELL(@)HAUSFELD AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR THE ORIGINAL STAUFFER PNEUMATIC WATER SYSTEM • E&R Plumbing (717) 354-5554 • Scenic Road Farm Supply • Benj Beiler & Ben Beiler Jr. • Beiler Hydra-Matics • David S. 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