C24—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 USDA sees shortage of home economics professionals WASHINGTON, D.C. - Jobs for college graduates trained in home economics will be more plentiful than qualified applicants throughout the 1980’s, a U.S. Department of Agriculture official says. “More home economics graduates will be needed to achieve progress in family and individual stability, security and quality of life,” said Anson R. Bertrand, USDA director of - science and education. “We foresee an annual shortage of about 7,000 individuals with home economics or home economics related degrees. “This shortage also will affect the growth of household-onented businesses and industries,” he said. Bertrand based his forecast on a study prepared by USDA’s Science and Education Administration. He said the study projects the most critical need for graduates with doctoral degrees. Educational backgrounds especially needed at the doctoral READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE MARKET REPORTS CLAY TRICON PARLOR MILKING OPERATION Historically, one man has worked most efficiently in a Double-4 Herringbone Milking Parlor Double 6's have been developed and an outstanding operator can operate it on a one man basis over a short period of time Now the fully automated Tngon makes it possible for one-man to operate the milking capacity equivalent of a Double-8, with fewer steps and more cow control Fully automated entrance and exit gates, automatic take-off units on the milking machines, and such other automated units as the Clay Cow Fetch Crowd Gate, Automatic Udder Stimulators, Power Operated Cutting Gates Easy Action Doors, and Feed Bowl Closures make this design a model for efficiency and economical operation In a fully automated 12 Stall Tngon one man can milk up to 80 cows per hour' When dairymen compare their new Tngon Milking Parlor with their previous milking system, most have found it possible to increase herd size without an increase in milking time Some have even eliminated an extra man by completely automating the Tngon parlor For you the Clay Tngon could be the answer to that age-old problem of finding good help Or a new Clay Tngon Parlor could mean that youngsters will show a renewed interest in the dairy operation It could mean the expansion to help support additional families on the farm, or to meet the extra expenses of operating the modern dairy farm In short, the Clay Tngon Milking Parlor combines all the advantages of ex panded, more efficient milking, without the need of more laborer more time Tngon and Polygon parlors use Herringbone Stall FULL LINE OF BARN DAIRY EQUIPMENT INCLUDING: FREE STALLS, STANCHIONS, STAINLESS STEEL DRINKING CUPS -(never runs over, never freezes up), HONEY WAGON LIQUID MANURE TANK. SPECIAL WE DO ON THE FARM PLANNING FOR FREE LOOKING FOR QUALITY, SERVICE & PRICE - T.S. BURKHOLDER FARM REFRIGERATION Box 618 - N. Formersville Rd., RD 2 Ephroto, PA 17522 (717) 859-1145 859-1146 level are in design, manufacturing and processing,- college teaching and administration; scientific and professional specialties; service specialties; and administration and management. Bertrand said the study, the second in a series, was made in response to the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977, which directs USDA to assess the need for research, extension, teaching and professional development in the food and agricultural sciences. The first study, issued in July 1980, reported on the need for graduates in agriculture, natural resources and veterinary medicine. Information on the supply of higher education graduates came mainly from surveys made by the National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education. Some data were acquired from the education department’s office of consumer and home economics education and from the Association of Ad ministrators of Home Economics. FOR A MORE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED CALL US Statistics on occupational em- University and from USDA data. Admin f**r a t ° pSoent demand cSm from the In preparing the study, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Science and Education Ad- American Bureau of Labor Statistics, from a ministration enlisted the aid of Home Aviation USDA-funded study by Clemson consultants from the Association of Home Economics Association. GERHARTS SANDBLASTING & RESTORATION INC. Box 109 AA, R.D. 1 Abbottstown, Pa. 17301 S 717-259-9868 > 8 • Water Blasting 8 • Chemical Cleaning S * Brick t Stone Re- S pointing 4 Water -8 proofing MEMO HAY, STRAW & EAR CORN SALE EVERY MONDAY At 11A.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Phone 717-354-4341 Lloyd H. Kreider, Auctioneer VALUE PRICED TRACTOR REAR TRACTION TORQUE OUR BEST SELLER >iw Plus FIT *I70 95 “a*' Size 14 9x24 4 Ply Rating 1* 4x34 6 10 58 Plus S 5 22 FET and 15 5x38 6 *277 763 reusable trade jcinoo 20 Bx3B 8 ulll 16 21 PRICES SHOWN ARE GOODYEAR SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICES SEE ANY OF THE INDEPENDENT DEALERS LISTED BELOW FOR HIS PRICE AND CREDIT TERMS [gbzelter's Farm Tire Center \ SEE YOUR INDEPENDENT DEALER FOR SERVICE BUCK Wenger Implement Co Ph. 284-4141 ELM Shotzberger’s Farm Machinery Ph. 665-2141 Goodyear Tires Distributed by P. Lebzelter & Son Co.. Lancaster Extra FOR PORK profit'. PRODUCERS! ' Custom Processing, Instead of Going To Market, Gives You Extra Prof it... Check These Figures: MARKET VALUE: 400 Lb. Sow (Live Weight) at 35 c lb. Gives Market Value of ■ VALUE THRU PROCESSING: Processing 400 Lb. Sow (Yields 220 Lbs. Pork Roll) ■ 04 Market Value of Sow * T 40 Total Investment *244 Cost Per Lb. of Pork Roll (220 Lb. @ $244) Is $l.ll Per Lb. Resale Value at $1.50 Lb OOV Less Total Investment *244 Extra Gross Profit * We Can Also Make Hog Dogs. Ring Bologna, Lebanon Bologna, Sweet Bologna, Salami, Minced Bologna and Other Meat Specialties From Your Animals! For Your Custom Processing—Call For Appointment B Located 2 Miles North of URKHOLDER'S Myerstown, PA, along Rt. 645 ■ cilAn Phone 717-933-4104 Collect anv/r Open Mon thru Fn. 7AM to 5-30 PM, Sat. 9 to 2 On-The-Farm Tire Just A Phone Call Away... Helps Reduce Downtime • When tire trouble hits your farm help is a phone call away your Pit Stop serviceman can fix flats liquid (ill tires even do an on the spot replacement whatever i‘ takes to get you going again GOODfYtAR RSE ITERCi C.B. HoobertSon Ph 768-8231 UNCASTER L.H. Brubaker, Inc. Ph. 397-5179 P Lebzelter i Son Ph. 299-3794 - MECHANICS GROVE Grumelli Farm Service Ph 786-7318 ioun: ILLE R.S. HollingerASon Ph. 285-4538 J 5
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