B2o—Lancaster Fanning, FARM EbuIPME'NT FOR SALE MFIIOO MF 2805 w/duals MF 1083 MF 1130 MF 760 combine, 6 row 30” com head, 15’ gram table MF 180 diesel ACI9OXT Farmall 966 MF 124 baler 1370 Case, power shift Long 460 S crawler MELVIN M. BURKHOLDER Ephrata, PA 717-859-2960 Saturday, April 25,1981 FARM EQUIPMENT FARM EQUIPMENT farm equipment: TRACTORS St EQUIP. JUST TRADED FOR. Farmall 1086 C.A. 20x36 tires, 3 hydrl. 100 hrs., like new; Farmall 856 D real nice; Farmall 560 DWF, three Bush Hog Chisel plows 9 & 11 ft. all w/gauge wheels; JD #350 4x16 reset plow like new; IHC 710 sxlB reset, JD 7000 six row planter w/Inst. & monitor real nice; New JD 4440, C.A Q.R.; used 4430 w/- sound guard, cab, Q.R. $16,500.00, Used JD 2640 fully eq Haybmes - N.H. 489, 479,469; Used NH 256 rake; New JD 336 Baler w/thrower; us ed JD 346 Baler w/thrower; corn heads; Int. 863 Gleaner A 430, K 330, JD 443; Gleaner K Combine w/cab and gram head real sharp; NI 702 Urn Diesel w/combine and 10 ft. gram, NEW FARMALLS: 1086 C.A. 18x38 tires, dual hydrl. for $27,900. New 886 C.A. for $22,900, New JD 4240 w/Roli Guard & Q.R. $23,900; New 4040 Power Shift; 4020 w/Diff. Lock; 4430 C.A. QR., JD 3020 side console W.F. diff. lock, dual hydraulic; 2 JD 1530 Diesels w/Hi & Lo shift; 2020, 1520, 730 D, 720 D , Used Fannall 886 w/R.G. real nice, like new, Farmall 706 gas original; AC 185 D w/290 hrs., like new (SOLD). New Case 2090 Cab & Air, power shift $23,950; 1977 Case 1070 power shift w/cab enclo sure real race, 1975 Case 970 w/4 post, P.S., MF 1135, 1975 MF 175 D (SOLD), Fannall 1066 w/red cab, Farmall 706 w/ 310 diesel, Fannall 706 D WJ?., ongmal, 560 tn D. F.H., Far mall 560 D w/2000 loader, Farmall 504 Utility gas w/ 3 pt., 1970 JD 4020 W.F., 1968 JD 4020 W.F. M.M. Vistar 1000 w/cab and air and dual wheels, (New Gehl 1090) = 9 ft. haybmes - below dealers net = our price $4375.00 New JD 1207 Haybme for $3675.00. COMBINES 1976 JD 6600 D rotary screen w/13 ft. gram pick up reel choice of corn heads, 1976 Int. 715 diesel C.A. 23” tires 810 w/gram and 844 C.H. Just traded Gleaner K w/cab, gram and C.H. Gleaner G diesel w/cab and grain. 1973 John Deere 6600 diesel w/2 heads (clean), JD 4400 D w/air & both heads, Oliver 25 w/cab. MF 760 diesel hydra with gram and 6 row corn head. MF 300 combine w/cab and gram, Int. 82 Pull Type (clean). Gleaner F w/2 heads. Late model Int 303 w/cab. farm equipment JD 7700 D w/gram St corn head, Gleaner K w/cab, 10 ft. gram, K 240 corn head MF 510 D Quick Tach w/both heads. Com Heads JD 643, 444, JD 443, 343, 344, 244, 435 N for 95, 335, and 313 for 55C, 334, 235, Massey Ferguson 44, 63, 43, 24, 222, 422, Gleaner G 435 L 438, 430, F 440, F 438, A 430, E 240, K 238, F 335, F 330, K 330 Int. 863, 844, 843, 744, 743, 227, NI 4-row 40” heads, Case 3 row 30”, Case 4 row 40”, Gleaner M 630, Int. 6 row, 30” for 503, new JD 444 corn heads, NH 4 row 38” C.H New MF 44 C.H. for $6375.00 (Skid Loaders) Bob cat 720. TRACTORS JD 6030 C.A Duals, real sharp; JD 6030 cab and duals, fair; 19704020 WF; JD 4230 w/R.G., Far mall used 986 cab and air, 1566 cab and air w/new T.A., Far mall 544 gas W.F. Used Farmall 706 D WF St 3 pt.; AC Dl7 IV w/3 pt.; New NI 324 picker w/super sheller; JD 7000 4- row planter w/no-til attch. CORN PICKERS - (new) N.I. 324 w/12 roll bed; New New Idea 325 w/12 roll bed, Used (3) N.I 324 w/12 roll bed, NI 325 N w/12 roll bed St 8 roll bed (325 N w/sheller), NI 3 row 30” picker w/super sheller. New Idea shelters and Super shelters, N.I. 2 row 30” picker w/grmder. JD 300 Husker w/244 com head. Int. 234 w/12 roil bed. John Deere 86304 Wh. Drive w/3 pt. PTO & Dual Wheels, real nice, also AC #2600 - 28 ft. Hyd. wing disk, like new, J.D. 7520 w/3 pt. St Dual Wheels, 1972 JD 4020 w/dual hydr. (Tractors w/Loaders), JD 4020 w/58 Loader, Int. 606 w/2000 L, Farmall 1206 w/cab, ACDI7 D, W.F. Case 930 CK w/5X Plow, Just Received New J.D. 2940 w/front wheel drive. New JD 4440 cab, am, power shift, New JD 4440 (SOLD) C.A., quad., JD 4000 diesel J.D. 4010 gas, JD 4430 C.A. QR, New White 2-105 w/cab; 1970 JD 4020 w/roll guard; JD 4320 w/cab, 2- JD 1970 4020 w/dual hyd., 1970 JD 4020 Power Shift & Dual Hyd., Farmall 806 diesel,Bs6 -nice. Farmall - 1568 - V 8 w/cab & am used 1000 hrs., used 686 w/cab & air, 15P0 w/cab, 766 D; 1466 w/cab. Tracers & Eq. - Steiger Bearcat 4 whl. drive w/dual wheels and new motor in ex cell, cond.; Gleaner E Combine w/cab, gram and corn head; Farmall 1206, A.C. 210 D, w/new 20:8-38 tires, 460 Gas w/FJI Farmall 756 gas. 560, 856 w/front wheel drive, Farmali Hi Crop- 656 diesel, 756, 300. HARVESTERS. (New) Gehl 700 fully eq. w/2 row corn & pick up priced under dealers cost. New Holland 770 w/2 row, Fox Super 2000 w/2 row narrow & elec, sharpener. J.D. 38 Chopper w/2 row, JD 3800 w/2RN C.H., NI 702 Uni gas w/chop per & com head $5,900 00. NH 5717 -1 row, NI 3 row, Fox 2 row 30”, Fox 3 row 30”, Int. 2 row 30” for 650. JOHN DEERE Used JD 4030, 4520 w/tnple Hyrd., 5020 tractor puller, 1968 4020 power shift, JD 3020 gas; JD 4010 D w/W.F. 630 w/3 pt, 60 w/p.s FARMALLS: 1586 w/cab fully eq. w/duals, used 400 hrs. like new, 966 black stnpe w/roll guard, 856 w/3 pt and 38” tires, 1206, Farmall 656 Diesel & 656 gas 1466 w/cab, 766, 1456, 806, Far- mall hydro 70 w/w.f. and 3 pt., 826 hydro D nice, H w/N.I Loader (SOLD). MASSEY FERGUSON new 1105 w/cab, & 20:8-38 tires for $19,500. MF 2805 used 600 hrs. w/dual wheels, 1130 D, M.F. 135, Super 90D, MF 235. Case 970 w/P.S. 970 w/4 post roll guard, 1070 power shift, 1030 needs motor overhaul, Oliver 1950 T w/cab, 2050, 1855 w/20:8 tires 1750 D, Ford 9600 w/dual power and dual wheels, Farmall 504 W.F. ALLIS CHALMERS ‘7040 w/cab, power shift like new $19,500, 220, 210, AC 180 D, MM 5670 diesel V 302. COMBINES - JD 7700 Diesel w/Fxre Damaged cab. MF 510 D w/fire damage, Gleaner CII diesel w/4 row corn head, NI 702 D w/rebuilt engine. 702, NI Super chopper, new 3 row 30” corn head, N.I. Demo 768 WN 3 row head, N.I. 702 Urn tractors w/combmes & shelters, 729 A and 729 Uni shellers w-3 & 4 row 30” and 40” heads. Used JD 13 to 15 ft. gram beads, us ed M.F. gram heads Hay Equip. Specials. BALERS - NH 320 w/thrower like new. Used 277 w/thrower, JD 346 Baler w/thrower. New Haybmes at Dis count Prices. - New Owatonna 9’ for $3975, new Gehl 1090, NI 279 Cut/ditioner used on 40 acres for $2750. (New) NI 299 Haybine for $4250.00. Vermeer round baler IND. EQUIPMENT - Int. 510 4 whl. drive payloader used 500 hrs like new. Case 4808 loader and backhoe, Case 580 L & B, D 8 Cat w/blade. Cat 955 crawler loader. Case 850 D FARM EQUIPMENT dozer w/hyrdl. blade, Michigan 558 Diesel Payloader. CORN PLANTERS - 2 New JD 6 row & 4 row conservation planters. New 8c Used 7000 JD 4 row w/Inst. Used JD 7000 6 row w/dry fert. and inst., used, JD 1240 Plateless w/Inst. and Double Disk Openers; , N.H. 355 Gnnder Mixer, like new, Int 1050 Grinder-Mixer, Kools recutter blower, Brady bean cooker, Used JD 8300-21x7 double disc gram drill, new NH 28 blower; new NH 25 blower; new NH 256 rake, new NI rake, w/front wheel; new Rhino 6’ blades. Int. 6 row front cult.; JD 220 hydraulic fold wing disk; 3 JD 4 row cult., White 252 wing disk. (New) NH 310 Baler (wrecked). New Int. 400 - 4 row cycloplanter for $2900, used 56 4 row w/Double Disk Openers. Used Int. 400-6 row cyclo w/Inst. and Monitor for $1800; new Case 6 row 3 pt. hydr. fold field cult., (4 offset Disks) J.D. #360 12 ft., Wilbeck 12’ offset like new, Miller 14 ft. offset. JD Disks #2lO. NH 1010 Bale Wagon. Int. #7OO six X auto reset, New Bush Hog 12 ft. pull type chisel plow. J.D. #l6OO - 16 ft. pull chisel plow. JD, Int, & Oliver 4,5,6,7 trip and resets, JD 3 & 4 3 pt. plows, New Glencoe SS7 Soil Saver with culti-lift harrow for $4950, Brilhon cultimulcher w/in side wheels. New White 14 ft. field cult., Kawanee 22 ft. wing disk. LOADERS-Int. 2350 JD used 58, MF loader for 1105, Int. Fast hitch 3 pt. adapters, 3 pt. hitch for 630 and 730 JD tractor. TRUCKS 1980 Silverado Chevy diesel w/every op tion on, 1971 Ford - % ton pickup, 1976 Chev C 65 w/6300 miles w/14 ft. flat, like new; 1977 Delta 44 ft Combine trailer, (New) NH Direct cut head for 770. (New) Kill Bros, gravity bins. New Kill Bros. 8 ton running gears. Pick up heads for Int. 550, 650, 350, Fox pickup head, Direct cut head JD 3800 & 38. JD 3 row narrow silage head. (20) sets of dual wheels all sizes. JD front & rear weights, IH front and rear weights. For your needs call: STITZEL FARM EQ. INC. East Windsor St. & Knck Lane Hamburg, Pa. 19526 Phone bus. 215-562-8377 home 215-562-7451
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