B4~Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Apri 1 25,1981 Researchers scramble to hatch stronger eggs ELIZABETHTOWN - The average U S laying hen produced a record 243 marketable eggs last vea r , but the total could have been as high as 260 per hen if only eggs had sturdier shells Shell breaks are a costly problem First of all, breakage means a direct cash loss to producers,” sa\ s USDA economist Allen Baker. 'However, breakage creates all kinds of other problems as ueil \ppearance, for example One broken egg ip a carton can soil other eggs, causing them to be classified as ‘dirties,’ wmch reduces their market value ” “Dirties” can’t be sold to con sumers as edible eggs Instead, they are diverted to “breakers,” sold at a lower price for use in processed foods “A more serious problem quality deterioration and possible bacterial contamination can leave producers or processors with a carton of eggs of little or no market value, ” adds Baker The danger of breakage begins as soon as the egg leave the hen In fact, by some research estimates, roughly seven percent of the nation’s eggs never get out of the chicken house because the shells are inadequately formed or too fragile for the mechanized collection process which has probably increased the breakage problem Fragile shells aren’t likely to make it througn the mechanical gathering, washing, and packing process of modern assembly-line egg production operations POWER ALPINE ** PLANT FOOD ALPINE offers a TOP quality liquid plant food AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ★ Alpine minimizes expensive handling costs by utiliz ing farmer distributors. ★ Alpine eliminates expensive computer billing costs with cash accounts. ★ Alpine uses food grade ingredients for maximum availability and safety to plants. ★ Alpine is a neutral PH chlorine free plant food that will not rust equipment, freeze or settle out. ★ Alpine will delivery 9-18-9 for payment in April for 52.95 a gallon. 3-18-18 delivered price $3.30. Pennsylvania Distributors HAROLD WOLF GARY REPLOGLE JAMES LANDIS Centre Hall Bedford East Greenville 814-364-1349 814 847-2851 215-679 2682 CLYDE BARTHOLOMEW ' RICHARD WILSON Orangeville Stewartstown 717-784-1779 717 933-6101 Studies on breakage, completed in California during the early 1970’5, indicated anywhere from 2 3 to 11 8 percent of eggs were cracked or smashed en route from the nest to the carton Most breakage (71 percent) bad already occured during the initial tran sport, 13 percent during loading, washing, and drying, and 16 percent during weighing, grading, and packing Just how hard would it be to make a tougher eggshell 7 “Difficult, but we hope not impossible,” admits USDA egg expert Caorge Mountney, who coordinates an eggshell quality research program with scientists at 15 land grant colleges Federally funded, as well as by some state sources, the research is called Project S-131- ‘ Eggshell Quality in Avian Species.” One S-131 researcher, David Roland of Auburn University, recommends that producers change the usual feeding tune for layer hens from morning to evenmg, when the hen naturally starts producing calcium for eggshells “It occurred to me that if feed goes m the hen’s body as the calcification process is beginning, all the food nutrients would go directly into the bloodstream and possibly produce a stronger eggshell, ’ ’ Roland says Another researcher, Joseph Soares, Jr, of the University of Maryland, is studying the relationship of vitamin D to the female hormone, estrogen “Vitamin D is changed into MAXI-POWER GENERATOR SYSTEMS 330 Fonderwhite Road Lebanon, Pennsylvania 17042 Phone: 717-274-1483 Division of Leonard Martin Company estrogen by the hen’s body, and we have found conclusive evidence that hens with more estrogen produce stronger eggshells,” says Soares The ‘ thick and thin” team at Penn State University seems to have proved out Soares’ theory In experiments under the guidance of Edward Buss, selected items of hens that produce thicker than average eggshells showed a much higher percentage of natural estrogen levels m their bodies than other breeds of hens that usually produce a thinner than normal shell Other researchers are studying the influences of housing and environment, marketing channels, Berks LEESPORT - The Berks County 4-H Community Center Building Fund Campaign has passed the halfway mark with 54 6 percept of the $550,000 goal reached Campaign Chairman, Ezekiel S Ketchum said $300,414 has been raised thus far in the drive. ‘The key to the success of this community effort depends on how aggressively we utilize the working days remaining before the final report scheduled for June 4 to get this job done,” he said Thus far, the drive’s four fund DEPENDABLE EMERGENCY POWER • Dairy • Poultry • Hog for,.. Controlled Environment, Automated Feeding Operations Low Cost Protection Agri-Alternator Could oay for itself m one blackout Can be run continuously until power is restored PTO drive Use for portable power, too Sizes to 150 KW and disease control on the eggshell problem S-131 research, indicates that 7 7 of every 100 eggs won’t reach collection points because of weak or missing shells Roland estimates that about five billion unusable eggs were produced eggs worth about $6O million based on 1980 retail prices Of course, such an mciease in production might have lowered retail prices also lowering the $6O million estimate. But some producers and processors say that new markets could absorb the extra eggs without a serious blow to prices They cite additional export possibilities, the increased demand in the processed food 4-H building fund mark reaches half-way raising divisions have reported the following results. William F. Dietrich, Sr., President of Dietrich’s Milk Products, Inc , and chairman of the Reading Division, the largest fund raising unit, a total of $168,490 subscribed for 67 3 percent of its $250,000 goal; Gail Malsbury, Chairwoman of the 4-H Family Division, $82,299 or 102.8 percent of the units $BO,OOO goal, has been contributed Michael J. Kraynyak, Assistant Vice President, Bank of Penn sylvania, $17,690 or 14 7 percent for Berks County; and William D. KATOLIGHT Katolight Standby Power give you the finest in power outage protection. Wide choice of models in sizes to 250 KW. Automatic or push-button transfer; gas oline or diesel fuels. Extra overload capacity. Models for irrigation, also. KATOUQK TiSliSbfPeMf Huey equipment COMPANY, INC. industry, and the increased need for eggs in fast food chains. But sales from five billion ad ditional eggs would not be chicken feed, even in the multi-billion dollar egg industry where producers have generally suffered losses in the last few years. I,ast year, producers lost an average 3 2 'cents at the wholesale level for every dozen eggs solcT- This year, producers face cost increases for all inputs, par ticularly feed Reduced breakage could give producers a critical edge “It’s logical," Roland says, “If we can improve eggshell quality and reduce breakage, producers could market something they already have ” Angstadt, Vice President, Reading Bone Fertilizer, $32,035 or 32 percent of the Agri-Business Division quota of $lOO,OOO. Clyde A.B. Myers, County Ex tension Agent, said that ground breaking for the Community Building will begin in June with construction during the summer and fall months, with scheduled occupancy for the latter part of the year. When completed, the new facility will have a 10,000 square foot open area for large meetings, shows, and recreational activities with seating for 800 spectators. °!> SYCAMORE IND PARK ' 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER. PA 17603 (717)393-5807 Route 30 West At The Centerville Exit
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