Another LANCASTER Another in festation of khapra beetles-the world’s most destructive pest of stored grains and cereal products bas been confirmed, this tune at two military warehouses in Bayonne, N.J., according to an official of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. “This infestation, which brings the total to 19 found during recent months, was found during con tinuing routine inspections at the Military Ocean Terminal warehouses,” said Don Woodham, technical coordinator for USDA’s Animal and Plant Health In fection Service. The empty warehouses, owned by the Department of the Army, are each about 2.5 million cubic FOR FUEL EFFICIENT H.P. ' USE w,ii!/*'/ii'd Model D 327-4-40 74 H.P. 6 to 112 HP available 1 to 6 cylinder air or water cooled DANIEL'S ENGINE CONTROL R.D. 3. Ephrata, PA 17522 Ph: 717-733-3890 VAUGHN CREWELL. COMPLETE CATTLE & MACHINERY DISPERSAL SATURDAY, MAY 2 Machinery -10:00 A.M. Cattle-12:30 P.M. Sale held at Central Bridge Sales Arena, Central Bridge, NY. Location - From Binghamton take 188 North ap proximately 100 miles, exit at Rt. 30A at Central Bridge, turn left, make a second left on Rt. 7 2 miles to the Village of Central Bridge. Turn right on Rt. 30A at the caution light. Go 2 miles. CATTLE 190 DHIA tested Holsteins, 30 Registered, remainder Grades. 170 milking cows, 12 springing heifers, 6 calves, 2 bulls. DHIA avg. - 14.491 M, 492 F Large number of cows selling with records over 20,000 M with excellent ud ders Several daughters from Eastern AI Sires. Cows ready for Interstate shipment MACHINERY Machinery mostly new & in excellent con dition - kept under cover. Major Items Selling - Int 3588 2+2 tractor, 150 h.p., new Aug. 80, 410 hrs w/cab, stereo, air cond., 8 outlets, 8 speed trans w/over & under; Int. 100 hydro tractor; Int 1586 tractor, 163 h p.; Int. 86 hydro tractor, 70 h p , Int 574 diesel tractor, 52 h.p.; Int. 4130 skid steer loader; 1972 JD 350-B dozer w/6 way angle blade & PTO; Int. 6 btm. plows, 18” - model 720; Int. 710 land plow, 5 btm.; Int. transport drags, 18’; Int. 500 disc, 16’; Int. 315 cultimulcher; 2 NH blowers; NH 892 chopper, new 1980 w/2 row com head w/30” rows & direct cut & hay head; NH 320 baler; 2 Int. 56 blowers, one is new; Int. 510 gram drill; Int. 56 6-row corn planter w/hq. fert. att. - new 1980 ; 3 Dion self unloading wagon w/tandem axles, all new 1980, 5 Bale King kicker wagons w/18’ rack, NH 489 hay bine, new 1980, NH 470 haybme, 2 Wic bedders; 1973 GMC hay truck w /20 deck, C6O series; 1973 Chevrolet truck, C6O senes, cattle trailer, 24x30’; flatbed trailei, 22’; 2 Coven-Hoven trailers, 24’ deck. Walt Wagner Auction Service Central Bridge, NY 518-868-4571 Khapra infestation confirmed in New Jersey feet. They are used primarily for “stripping” or cleaning military goods returning from countries in the Far East. During stripping, equipment being shipped is inspected for the presence of any “hitchhiking” pest hazardous to the health of humans, animals or plants, Woodham said. “The Army is considering fumigating the premises,” he said. Of the 18 confirmed khapra beetle infestations found during the ongoing APHIS khapra beetle program, 15 sites have been treated, one business is in the process of being treated with a high pressure insecticide spray, and two facilities have not yet been treated until a course of action is SANDBLASTS REPMNTMG WATERPROOFING From repairing drafty, leaking walls to complete stucco removal and repointing, exterior restoration or farmhouses is my specialty! REASONABLE RATES JAMES H. DOSTER 507 South Spruce Street Lititz, Pennsylvania 17543 For information or a free estimate, return coupon below. Name Address City State Zip Phone: Area : Directions to your home; PUBLIC AUCTION DELAWARE STATE POLICE VEHICLES SATURDAY, MAY 9 at ll:OOa.m. (14) ‘74 Ply. Fury Sedans; (26) ‘75 Ply. Fury Sedans; (2) Ply. S/W; (8) ‘7G Ply. Fury Sedans; (1) ‘6l Ford P/U; (1) ‘65 Ford P/U; (1) ‘69 Lincoln Sedan; (1) ‘7O Volvo Sedan, 4 dr.; (1) ‘73 Ford HT, 4 dr ; (1) ‘74 Fiat Conv., 2 dr. - SPECIAL MENTION: (2) ‘69 Harley- Davidson Motorcycles, Electra-Ghde-Pohce Special, full dress, windshield, F/R crash bars, saddle bags, color-blue. Mileage - 22,603 and 21,599. LOCATION: Delaware State Police Headquarters, Rt. 13 (Northbound Lane), Dover, DE (signs posted). INSPECTION. Friday, May 8 from 9; 00 a.m. -3.00 p.m. TERMS: Cash,'Certified Check, Traveler’s Check or approval fay Auctioneer. Sold by the Department of Administrative Services, Division of Purchasing. AUCTIONEER: WILSON’S AUCTION SALES, INC. DAVE WILSON - GLENN WATSON, JR. Phone: (302) 422-3454 local businesses remain decided by the owners, Woodham Mechamcsburg, Pa., all remain dollars of damage to stored grams said. under strict quarantine,” he said. and cereal products annually “The three untreated world-wide. It was first detected businesses, in Lancaster, Pa, The 1-3 beetle, which is recently in a New Jersey spice Brooklyn, N.Y., and in native to India, causes millions of company mOctober 1960. WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Department of Agriculture is seeking comments until June 16 on a proposal to change grade standards for shell eggs. “We evaluated how effective grade standards are in today’s marketplace,” said Donald L. Houston, administrator of USDA’s Food Safety and Quality Service. “We found the standards for shell eggs need to be changed to reflect present technology in the industry, to make the grading system easier and to make the grade standards more uniform.” One of the changes would raise the maximum permissible per centage of “checks” - cracked shells - in shell eggs at retail stores “This change would merely align the tolerance for ‘checks’ to quarantined Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25.1981-A35 XJSDA seeks changes in shell egg standards more accurately reflect what is already happening under today’s egg production and marketing practices,” Houston said. “Although ‘checks’ have cracked shells, the shell membranes are intact and the contents do not leak.” Another change would increase the minimum percent of “A” quality eggs required for eggs to be labeled “U.S. Grade A” at both shipping point and retail store The percent would be true for “AA” grade at shipping point, but the percent would be adjusted downward at destination to reflect normal quality loss during marketing Other changes would eliminate the C quality classification for eggs, the Fresh Fancy quality and Grade A quality control programs, the two U.S. Procurement Grades and the three lower U.S. wholesale Give Egos a Need a farm loan? Bob Badger is the friend to see! There are no two ways about it: everybody feels more comfortable borrowing from a friend. That's why so many area farmers take their needs to Bob Badger head of the Agricultural Loan Division of the First National Bank of Lancaster County Bob is a true friend to farmers. An area native, he grew up among them and still lives among them today, in southern Lancaster County. He's vitally interested in helping them solve their complex money problems. He's always ready to provide experienced, financial counsel. And he's more than happy to use the Friendly First's flexible payment schedules to tailor each loan to the farmer's specific requirements. So whatever your needs may be operating capital, livestock, machinery, construction, farm mortgages or estate planning make it a point to talk with Bob Badger Because when it comes to a farm loan, he's the best friehd you could ask for! THE AGRICULTURAL LOAN DIVISION OF c Frier|dly c Fir§t THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LANCASTER COUNTY Lancaster County’s Oldest National Bank grades. “These five grades would be dropped because they’re ob solete,” Houston said. The changes being proposed are basically the same as those proposed May 27, 1980, except USDA has decided not to eliminate U.S. Grade AA because of com ments received, Houston said. The proposal was published in the April 17 Federal Register, available m local libraries. Copies are being distributed to about 500 retad representatives, state and local agriculture and consumer affairs officials and consumer representatives as well as industry trade associations and packers operating under USDA’s voluntary shell egg grading program. Comments in duplicate may be sent untd June 16 to Regulations Coordination Division, Attn: Annie Johnson, rm. 2637-S, Food Safety and Quality Service, USDA, Washington, D.C. 20250. MEMBER FD u
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