1980 wool payments up WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sheep producers will receive about $36 million in federal incentive payments on the wool they sold in 1980, a U.S. Department of Agriculture official said Friday. This compares with $32 million paid last year on 1979 marketings. Edward Hews, acting ad ministrator of USDA’s Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, said the current shorn wool support price is $123 per pound but the 1980 national average market price for shorn wool was 88.1 cents a pound. Roomier, cooler, dome-shaped Sealstor roof is strong, light weight, translucent, fiberglass. Roof panels are larger in order to reduce seam lines and the poss ibility of leakage JOEL MEY Sales Supervisor Sealstor forage distributor pai feed with approximately 15% greater density. You get more capacity without paying for a larger structure. RAY WITMER Salesman DAVID PAYNE Salesman Glass-fused-to-steel sheets are the industry’s largest. Larger sheets, combined with closer bolt spacing, provide maximum protection against feed spoilage. MARVIN ZIMMERMAN Service Manager Unloader is massive sweep auger. No chains to break, no “short-arming ” Compared to chain type unloaders, service savings may exceed $l,OOO per year. The unloaders offered by Sealstor are rugged, dependable, easy to maintain and service. COVERED with the largest selection of structure sizes, ranging from our small 15 ft. dia meter grain units to our large 30 ft. diameter haylage units. COVERED with liquid manure tanks, ranging in size from 15 ft. diameter to 105 ft. diameter. COVERED with the best leasing program available thru Borg-Warner leasing with rates and terms for Seaistor structures that can’t be beat. COVERED with the low maintenance cost of Laidig unloaders which will outperform any other on the market. COVERED with a staff of highly trained dedicated people who want nothing more than to explain the advantages of the Seaistor system to you. NOW YOU CAN LEASE A *20,000 SE ALSTOR GRAIN STRUCTURE FOR JUST *364 PER MONTH WITH A TOTAL DOWNPAYMENT OF ONLY *364. (Credit Approval By Borg-Warner Leasing Required) Wonder why the competition is telling stories about Sealstor? Because they know we have your needs COVERED. ■ ■ Hi ■ Please Clip A Mail Coupon to ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ LF 4/25 | PENN DUTCH FARM SYSTEMS, INC. 1730 Highway 72 North Lebanon Pa 17042 I am interested in Q High Moisture Corn Storaee Q Liquid Manure Storage p Please add my name to yourmailmg list NAME address CITY STATE TELEPHONE (including area code) NO OF BEEF DAIRY a difference of 34.9 cents, Dividing the difference (34.9 cents) by the average market price (88.1 cents) results in a 1980 payment rate of 39.6 percent, compared with a payment rate of 33.3 percent in 1979, Hews said. The payment rate is the amount required to bring the average market price up to the support price. Hews said the wool program encourages the production of higher quality wool because the more producers receive from sales, the more they receive in at SEALSTOR WE HAVE YOU COVERED! Q Haytage or Corn Silage Storage ri Replacing my oW or broken bottom unloader with the Latdig .ZIP HOGS government incentive payments. Producer payments are determined by multiplying the payment rate (39.6 percent) times the net dollar return received from wool sales. Hews also said producers will receive $1.40 per hundredweight in federal payments for unshorn lambs they sold or slaughtered in 1980. This payment is to com pensate growers for wool on live lambs they marketed, he said. Incentive payment checks are prepared by USDA’s Kansas City commodity office. When payments SPECIAL EARLY ORDER GRAIN STRUCTURE SALE Order your high moisture grain structure now and get... • A free service tunnel installed in your structure. • Early order discount. • A 5% discount on purchase price of a roller mill and/or distributor. • Immediate erection if you desire. • Lock in your lease rate at the current low price. You must take delivery by September 1,1981 SEEING IS BELIEVING! CALL OR WRITE FOR DETAILS ON SEALSTOR TOURS IN TOUR AREA. PENN DUTCH FARM SYSTEMS, INC. 1730 Highway 72 North, Lebanon, PA 17042 717-273-9324 Recessed steps are molded into a oof panel. Not added on. You get built in solidarity at the top of a Sealstor structure. RUSSEL DARKES, JR. esident and General Manager NEPFALZGRAF Salesman WE NOW HAVE 13.47% LEASING MONEY AVAILABLE The greater density of feed inside Sealstor is only possible be cause the bottom unloader is engineered to handle the extra workload. BILL RAAB Salesman The longer, stronger Seaistor Warranty. e Seaistor Warranty E Southwestern Porcelain, Inc covers fg every Seaistor structure E for two full years S (complete details upon request) > Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981—A29 are computed, the office withholds 2.5 cents a pound from wool payments and 12.5 cents per hundredweight from lamb payments. This money later is forwarded to the American Sheep Producers’ Council to finance advertising, sales promotion and po # LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE MARKET REPORTS B related market development ac tivities. USDA will not make incentive payments on mohair sold in 1980 because the average market price of $3.50 a pound was above the announced support level of $2,903 a >und. THE $3O PHD of money But with one phone call to me, you can tmd out how Chromalloy Farm Systems can save you that kind of money if you’re now m the market for a complete forage processing and storage system We can set you up with a tailor-made system which combines these key elements • Madison® Silos America’s overwhelming choice for handling good corn silage • Madison Nutn-Matic® your best buy in a bottom unloading, atmosphere-controlled structure for haylage • Madison Gram-OMatic* for high-moisture gram processing and storage Bottom unloading and atmosphere-controlled With the Chromalloy Farm Systems “System of Choice" you’ll do a better, more economical job of handling and feeding what you grow Give us a call for the whole money saving story Making things better for you. FARM SYSTEMS US* CHROMALLOY DIVISION • Madison Silos • Nutri-Matic • Grain-O-Matic -STOP IN OR CALL US TODAY Mt Joy, PA GALEN KOPP 717-553-1567 Littlestown. PA ATLEEREBERT 717-359-5863 lndiana._PA Sussex N J C 4 A 1 I 2 R 465 8 7368 Y WILLIAM SYTSEMA 412-465-7368 201-875-5449 Lancaster. PA _ p redi L H BRUBAKER, INC. ahhii I tpapthr 71 7.397-5179 TS” Silverdale. PA I.G. AG SALES 215-257-5135 New Providence. PA DON R. NISSLEY 717-786 7654 - Mverstown. PA SWOPE A BASHORE 717-933 4138 Orangeville. PA FRANKLIN HESS 717 925 6939 Eohrata. PA TOMZARTMAN 215-267 6814 Pitman. PA CLIFF HERB 717-648-3092 Milford. DE BENNETT MACHINE 302 422-4837 Monroeville. NJ S Tanevtown. MD 609 358 2565 TANEYTOWN AGWAY New Berlinville. PA ERB4 HENRY EQUIPMENT 215 367-2169 Galena. MD DUDLEY CHANCE 301 928 3834 D c DEALER INQUIRIES R 'cecilco P WELCOME DAIRY SERVICE 717-464-4652 301-658 6923 Elmer. NJ GEORGE COLEMAN 609 358-8528 Belvidere. NJ G. H. BUCHMAN 201-475-2185 Avondale. PA AVONDALE AGWAY 215-268 8238 Carlisle. PA CARLISLE AGWAY 717 243-4312 CHAMBERSBURG AGWAY 717-263-4197 Wescosville. PA CHAPMAN AGWAY 215 395-3381 Temple, PA TEMPLE AGWAY 215 929 5264 York. PA YORK WESTAGWAY 717-792-2674 301-848 3225 Dublin. PA DUBLIN AGWAY 215-249 3556
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