A2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 Livestock market and auction news Lancaster Market Monday, April 20 Report supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 1263 103 1060 634 Last Monday 1131 117 1324 2307 Last Year 1408 57 1122 70 Monday’s Auction 1130 95 979 634 Last Monday’s Auction 111 1144 2316 1204 CATTLE Compared to last Wednesday slaughter steers 1 50- 2 50 higher; slaughter heifers 1 00- 200 higher, cows firm to 50 higher; bullocks fully steady, bulls 1 00-2 00 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prune 3-4 1175-1450 lb 65 25-07 10, few head 67 10-67 75, Choice 2 1150-1425 lb 66 35-07 25, choice 2-4 975-1375 In., few in dividual head 1400-1525 lb 63.00- 66 10; high Good and low Choice 2-3 1050-1275 lb 60 00-62 00; Good and Choice 1100-1450 lb Holstems 55 50- 59 25, few Choice 59 50-60 25; few Standard 1-2 52 50-56 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2-3 900-1100 lb 60 00-63 00, around 20 head Choice 2 including few 1250-1465 lb 63.00-64 35; Good 2-3 850-1100 lb 55 00-60 00 COWS Utility and Commercial 1-3 45 0047 25, few 47 5048 50; Cutter 1-2 43 0045 50, few 45 50- 46.00; Canner and low Cutter 41 00- 43.00 BULLOCKS Choice 1000-1350 lb. 56.75-60 25, couple 61.00-63 50; Good 1000-1275 lb 53 75-57.50 BULLS: Yield grade 1 1275-2000 lb 56 50-61.50, around 10 head 63 00-66.00, yield grade 2 1000-1450 lb 52.50-56 50 VEAL CALVES: Vealers mostly SPECIAL GRADED FEEDER CATTLE SALE FRIDAY, MAY 1,1981 11:00 A.M. 600 HEAD ON SALE LOAD LOTS OF YEARLINGS Special Notice; OVER 700 Cattle From Two Consignors All Breeds - All Weights Prime - Choice - Good Grade Sold in lots of 10 or more Graded by Jim Anderson • USDA WEEKLY SALES SLAUGHTER SALES - MON. & WED. 10:00 A.M. VEALERS, LAMBS, HOGS - MON. & WED. 11:00 A.M. HOG AUCTION-SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. STOCKER & FEEDER - FRIDAY 11:00 A.M. HjmSpEiTyjy jim a EQUIPPED TO RECEIVE YOUR LIVESTOCK 24 HOURS A DAY, 355 DAYS A YEAR. PRIVATE TREATY DAILY LANCASTER STOCKYARDS, INC. (717) 394-2611 steady, some sales Choice and Prune firm to 3 00 higher Demand fair for Holstein bulls returned to farm. VEALERS; Few head Prune special fed 280-330 lb. 117.00; Choice 130-270 lb 95 00-115.00; high Good and low choice 120-280 lb 75.00-90.00, 90-115 lb. 50.00-60.00, few head 60.00-70 00,60-85 lb. 40 00- 50.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Few 85-115 lb Holstein bulls 80 CO -95 00 SHEEP Supply mainly 20-60 lb spring lambs sold to the Greek Easter trade; slaughter ewes steady SPRING LAMBS Choice 20-40 lb. 120 00-145 00, few head 150 00- 165 00; Good 20-35 lb 85 00-110 00, few choice 40-55 lb 85 00-100 00, Good 40-60 lb 70 00-90 00 SLAUGHTER EWES Utility and Good 17 00-30 00 Vintage Livestock Tuesday, April 21 Report supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Goats Today 1238 520 238 9 Last Tues 1282 507 419 49 Last Year 1059 502 29 CATTLE Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers fully steady, instances 50 higher on Choice; slaughter heifers not fully tested, cows firm to 50 higher, bulls fully steady on small supply Supply included 76 per cent slaughter steers and 20 per cent cows SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prune 34 1150-1375 lb. 63 25-65.75, few 65.75-66 25; Good , and Choice 1-2 1075-1425 lb. 65.50- 67 75, rune head 68.10-70 25; Choice 24 1025-1375 lb. 62.50-64 85, one 28 head lot mostly Choice 3 1440-1670 lb. 63 25-66.00; high Good and low Choice 2-3 60 00-63 50; Good 2-3 : '‘■js HAY, STRAW & CORN I SALE Every Friday at 12 Noon 4. GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION .1 ■ RDNo. 4 Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-2334 X 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of State Buyers - Cash or Certified Check Oniy m - x .™-- Sale Every Tuesday & Friday 11A.M. Slaughter Cattle Auction- Steers, Bulls, Heifers, Cows. Feeder Cattle! (no calves or sheep Friday) Get calves m early We start to grade and weigh at 2; 30 58.00-61.00; Good and Choice 1200- 1375 lb. Holstems 56.00-58.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few head Choice 2-3 875-1025 lb. 60.50- 6100, couple head Choice 2 995-1210 lb. 65.5068.25. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 44 75-48.00, couple 48.50-50.00; Commercial 3-4 41.75-44.00; Cutter 1-2 43.50-46.00, few 46 0047.50; Canner and low Cutter 40 0043 00. BULLS: Few yield grade 1 1400- 1800 lb 56.50-58.25; couple yield grade 21100-1500 lb. 53.00-55.50. VEAL CALVES: Choice vealers fully steady; high good and low Choice 5.00-10.00 higher Supply included 371 m graded sale of which 66 per cent sold to return to farm VEALERS. Choice 150-270 lb 97 00-109 00, couple 110.00-114 00; high Good and low Choice 120-250 lb 80.00-98.00, 90-112 lb 65 0060 00, 50651 b. 50 0060.00 RETURNED TO FARM 65 head 85-112 lb. Holstein heifers 168 00- 187.00 ; 31 head 120-125 lb Holstein bulls 89.00-93.00, 120 head 100-115 lb 100 00-101 00, and 32 head 90-95 lb 87 0068.00. SHEEP. Supply mainly 3060 lb spring lambs sold to the Greek Easter trade; slaughter ewes steady SPRING LAMBS Few head Choice 30-45 lb 90 00-110.00; bulk Good 25-55 lb. 72 00-90.00 SLAUGHTER EWES Utility and Good 20.00-31 00. GOATS; Insufficient volume for a market test Lancaster Auction Wednesday, April 22 Report supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 1049 25 1013 12 Last Wednesday 450 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. Sale Every Wednesday& Saturday -9 A.M. Hog Sale Sale Every Thursday 12:30 P.M Hay, Straw & Grain Sale 3 possum bellied trailers available for long distance and local hauling Business Phene 717-768-8204 Heme Phone 215-458-5060 L. Robert Frame, Manager Box 100 Paradise, PA 10 miles East of Lancaster on Rt 30 21 646 142 -4 2 S* vt 'in Last Year 924 24 1109 10 Wednesday’s Auction 397 27 1020 24 Last Wednesday’s Auction 340 CATTLE: Compared to Monday slaughter steers 75-1.50 lower, extremes 2.00 lower; slaughter heifers not tested; cows 1 00-1.50 higher, instances 2.00 higher on Utility ; bullocks scarce; bulls fully steady. Supply included 71 per cent slaughter steers SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prune 34 1120-1370 lb 64.0065.35, few head 65.7566 25; Choice 24 1050-1375 lb 61.7564.50, few lots mostly 3 few 4 60.0061.50; high Good and low Choice 2-3 1050- 1250 lb 58.006135; Good and Choice 1400-1735 lb Holstems 55 75- 57 25. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few Choice 2-3 800620 lb. 55 75-57 00, individual 980 lb. 60.00. COWS; Utility and Commercial 1-3 45.7548.75, six head 50 00-52 50; Commercial 34 41 5044.75; Cutter 1-2 43 754 6 00, few 47.2548 25, Canner and low Cutter 39 5042.75. BULLOCKS- Few Choice 1050- 1325 lb. 57 0069.25; couple Good 54.00-56.50 BULLS- Yield grade 1 1380-1975 lb 57 10-59 35, six head 60.85-62 50; fiew yield grade 2 1000-1250 lb 50 50-56.25 VEAL CALVES: Market not fully tested; bulk of the supply 85- 120 lb. Holstein bulls and heifers sold to return the farm VEALERS: Few head Good and low Choice 80-115 lb 51 00-59.00 RETURNED TO FARM- Bulk 85-115 lb Holstein bulls 78.00-91 00; few 90-120 lb. Holstein heifers 150.00-171 00. SHEEP: Insufficient volume for a market test New Holland Livestock Thnrsday, April 23 Report supplied by USDA Cattle Calves Sheep Goats 1272 426 117 76 924 349 100 101 1464 313 41 Today Last Thurs Last Year CATTLE Compared to last Thursday Slaughter Steers mostly steady, after sales being 50 to 1 00, lower; Slaughter Heifers steady, Cows 1 00-2.00 higher; Bullocks fully steady; Bulls 1 00-3 00 higher Supply included 60 per cent Slaughter Steers, 22 per cent Cows, 11 per cent Bulls and 5 per cent Slaughter Heifers SLAUGHTER STEERS- High Choice and Prime 3-4 1175-1475 lb 64.25-66.85, few early sales 63 35- 64 25; Choice 2 1050-1450 lb 65 00- 66 75, few 66 75-67 50; Choice 2-4 1025-1425 lb 61 50-64 50, mainly 62 25-64 50, few late sales 64 50- NEW HOUAND The Action Auction AiiATiAiifl make the difference AUCTIONS in auctions! naif li/ii I AMh makes difference in "Clf nUUnrll/marketing livestock! MONDAY’S AUCTION 8 00AM Fat Hogs 10 00AM Horse Sale 1100 AM Hay, Straw & Ear Corn 130 P M Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows & Veal WEDNESDAY'S AUCTION 12 00 Noon Dairy Sale 130 P M Feeder Pig Sale THURSDAY S AUCTION 1100 AM Beef Sale Order of Sale Bulls Fat Steers Cows Veal 330 P M Calf Sale NEW HOUAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, PA Abram W Ditfenbach, Manager Phone 717 354 4341 65 25, one load Choice, few Prime 2-3 1135-1210 lb 65.75-66 75, high Good and low Choice 2-3 58 50-61 50, few Good 2-3 56.00-60.00; Good and Choice 1060-1475 lb Holsteins 56 75- 59.00, few Choice 59 25-60.35 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 2-3 800-1075 lb. 58.85-61 75, few yield 2 62.00-62 50; Good 2-3 800-1050 lb. 55.00-59 00 729 24 COWS Utility and Commercial 1-3 45 50-48.50, several 49.00-50 10, Commercial 3-4 42 50-44.50; Cutter 1-2 44.004 7 50, few 47.5048 60, Canner and low Cutter 40 0043 75 BULLOCKS Choice 1050-1350 lb 57 25-59 50. couple 60 50-64 25, Good- 1000-1300 lb 53 25-57 00, several 850-1050 lb returned to feed at 49 75-51 75 BULLS- Yield Grade 1 1450-2000 lb 56 00-61.00, around 20 head 63 50-66 50; Yield grade 2 1000-1450 lb 52 50-57 00 VEAL CALVES Vealers uneven, Choice and Prime special fed 260-350 lb 5 00-10.00 lower. Choice 150-250 lb. fully steady, high Good and low Choice steady, in stances 5.00 higher on 60-120 lb weights Demand good for Holstein Bulls and Heifers to return to farm VEALERS- Prime 280-360 lb 95 00-106 00, Choice 260-350 lb 80 00-100 00, Choice 160-250 lb 105 00-114.00, few 115 00-123 00, high Good and low Choice 190-290 lb 75 00-90.00, 120-170 lb 75 00- 100.00, 80-120 lb 60 00-68 00, few 60- 80 ID 50 00-60.00 RETURNED TO FARM Bulk 80-120 lb Holstein Heifers 110 00- 150.00, few 150 00-194 00; Bulk 80- 120 lb Holstein Bulls 78 00-100 00, several 105 00-114.00 SHEEP Supply mainly 25-50 lb Spring Lambs for the Greek Easter Trade and Slaughter Ewes Slaughter Ewes steady SPRING LAMBS; Few Choice 35-65 lb 90 00-96 00; Good 20-50 lb 70 00-90 00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and Good 19 00-31 00 GOATS All Goats sold by the head, mainly 24.00-36 00, few 36 CO -44 00 Lancaster Weekly Friday, April 24,1981 Cattle Calves 6100 1075 4533 999 5334 897 (Turnto Page Al 5) This Week Last Week Last Year f^&RCAmECITI I RDI, Marietta, PA { f 17547 I X Office Phone: * I (717 ) 653-8164 I £ Specializing In | I Stockers & 2 f Feeders I | JOHN BOWMAN i I Ph (717)653-5728 I x RON RANCH * I Ph (717)656-9849 i LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 1 mile East of Fredericksburg along Route 22 PHONE: JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1 30 P M starting with feeder cattle and pigs Also Hay Sale every Tuesday at 12.30
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