A couple of weeks ago, this column lamented the perils of cold weather and how there just was nothing good to be said for sub-zero Arctic air massds. Well, I’ve relented. It’s stayed so doggone cold for so THE SLOW, SLOPPY SIPHON METHOD By CY-FIN, Inc. U.R. All Wet, Owner IF THIS —► DIDN'T WORK FOR YOU, THEN CALL: COCALICO EQUIPMENT CO. DRAINAGE AND EXCAVATING \ / RD #3 DENVER, PA 17517 PH: 215-267-3808 V On being a farm wife -And other hazards Joyce Bupp doggone long that I’ve had more time to think about it. In fact, believe it or not, there are truly some merits to this frigid, frozen January Remember weeds? Not for even one second today do you have to feel guilty because you’re not out there in the backyard patch hoeing the little rascals from bet ween the tomatoes and the zinnias. The fact that I ran the lawn mower battery dead when it stalled out and I forgot to turn off the switch has become irrelevant. How many cutworms, armyworms, leafhoppers, potato beetles, alfalfa weevils or squash bugs could possibly have survived in this deep-frozen ground 9 Curling up in a chair, after the milking’s done, in a warm robe, slippers and warm afghan, does not produce the guilt feeling that I should be outside working in the yard. We can make homemade ice cream any day we please, since the readily available stockpiles of ice becomes increasingly abundant. All those unsightly, ungathered piles of i*st Fall’s leaves can’t be raked up because they’re frozen into solid, immovable lumps. And finally, tell me, when have you last seen a fly? Any fly with a smidgeon of sense is down on the beaches of Miami pestering the luckies who spend the winter there. And the rumor is, that all those flies not going to Florida instead chartered a trip to France, where they became caught in a bitter cold spell and were turned into frozen French flies ENDO-RAT End 0’ Rat Co. Rd 1 Box 668 New Holland, PA 17557 717-354-2340 , 7 Inter-State names PR director SOUTHAMPTON - Kathy E Gill has been named director of member and public relations for Inter- State Milk Producers’ Co operative, announced James E. Honan, general manager. Gill, a native of Dawson, Ga., had been employed as an agricultural economist at the Virginia Water Res ources Research Center in Blacksburg. She completed a Master of Science degree in agri cultural economics at Vir- ginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Black- sburg, in August 1979. Gill graduated magna cum Lmde from the University of Georgia, Athens, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism in 1977. In 1975, she completed an Associate of Arts pro gram at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC) in Tifton, Ga. She has worked for the United States Department of Agriculture in Washington New Idea Shows New Equipment HARRISBURG - Avco New Idea has several new products for 1981 which were included at Farm Show. These included two new updated Uni System power units, Model 800 and 802. The 138-HP Model 800 and 175-HP Model 802 are replacement models for the popular 708 and 709. These reliable new units are backed up by over five years or successful testing experience in a variety of harvesting con ditions. They feature a bold new look with black cabs and new identification. Their stronger frame and tran smission expand the in terchangeability of the Uni Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 17, 1951-C9 Kathy Gill as a junior economist, for former Senator Herman Talmadge of Georgia as a press intern and for National 4-H Congress as a press aid. Gill participated in both communications and agri cultural organizations as a student. She served as natio nal vice president of Agri- System by permitting the 800 senes processing units to be mounted on them. They still retain interchangeability with the older 700 series processing units. The ability to team up with the 818 Combine gives 6-row capacity at an economical price. Also new in the Um System line this year is a 6-row wide com head specially designed to be matched with the high capacity 838 Husker. This offers increased harvesting capacity for seed corn operations where planting and growing practices utihtze wide-spaced rows. Avco New Idea showed a new rake this year, Model 406, which is a 9% foot belt drive rake. The 406 features improved styling, greater capacity, easier operation, longer and easier service life. The 406 is a left hand raking model which can be teamed up with the new 407 right hand raking model and the Model 410 (also new) 3-pt. dual hitch for double windrowing. A new economy spreader for fertilizer and seed, Model 107, is also new from New "CONTACT-US" For "MANURE PIT ELEVATORS/' AND PROPER PIT DESIGN TO USE AMPLE BEDDING WE ALSO BUILD ROTO BEATERS COMBINATION MOWER UNITS SILAGE CARTS ETC. LARGE SELECTION OF WISCONSIN AND ALLIS CHALMERS POWER UNITS IN STOCK SHEARING AND PRESS WORK. MACHINE WORK AND FABRICATING SMUCKER WELDING & MANUFACTURING 2110 ROCKVALE ROAD. LANC., PA 17602 PH 687-9198 cultural Communicators of Tomorrow, editor of The Georgia Agriculturist and president of the Sigma Delta Chi, the Society of Pro fessional Journalists. She was also a Rho-Mate of Alpha Gamma Rho. At ABAC, GUI edited The Stallion, the 10-year out standing junior college newspaper in Georgia. She was top honor graduate of her class and received the George P. Donaldson Award for outstanding graduate. Gill is a member of Amer ican Agricultural Economics Association, Sigma Delta Chi, Phi Kappa Phi, Mortar Board, Omicron Delta Kappa, and Kappa Tau Alpha. She has received numerous communications awards. Inter-State markets over two billion pounds of milk annually for 3000 dairy farmers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. Idea in 81. The 107 is a single spinner models that offers added performance and reliability while retaining the low investment cost of a single spinner spreader. The seamless steel 10.5 cubic foot hopper holds 690 pounds of fertilizer or 8.5 bushels of seed. The cast iron hopper base provides added resistance to corrosion and abrasion. Stainless steel is used ex tensively for added reliability of spreading components. The 243 manure spreader was introduced last fall for sales this year by Avco New Idea dealers. The 250-bushel model offers a choice of single or tandem axles - both are compact and easy to maneuver. The 250-bushel capacity ranks the 243 as an in termediate-size model in the Avco New Idea lineup, but it’s built just as rugged as the largest model. Like every New Idea manure spreader, the all-wood box offers special advantages because it will not rust and comes with a lifetime warranty on wood.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers