National honors comp to Lancaster ponies SERVING THE FARMERS FOR 108 YEARS HAMBURG SAYINGS and TRUST COMPANY l*h lepcsrtor iisirsl ta WOGfflO FDfC Hamburg, PA Phone: 215-562-3811 A FULL SERVICE BANK PORK PROFIT rilO^^^^^^ ENTEß PORK PROFIT SYSTEM CALL 215-593-2157 HUSKEE-BILT CONSTRUCTION CO. ROBERT McCOMSEY RD 1 COCHRANVILLE, PA 19330 *■> . - - *■* » i' ,w . JtK’* '** > i* rf - -*• * - j- ““• - ' *' ' - * ■•' * W* 1 - i' vgaf”’ 31 ASK ABOUT OUR EXCITING WINTER THROUGH SPRING NO INTEREST FREE FINANCE PROGRAMS A MODEL SIZE TO FIT ANY OPERATION UP. FULTZ EQUIP. RDI, Spring Mills, PA (814)422-8805 STQUFFER BROS., INC. 1066 Lincoln Way West Chambersburc. PA (717)263-8424 EDWARDS FARM EQUIP. 291 West Moorestown Road (Rt 512 Clearfield) Nazareth, PA (215) 759-0240 PEOPLES SALES & SERVICE Oakland Mills. PA (717)463-2735 BY SHEILA MILLER DENVER - National honors wcie iccently awarded to two Hackney ponies owned by CD Sweigarl, Ml View Pony barm, Denver Joys Yankeeman, a black, eleven-yeai-old gelding, was named the 1981) National Vmencan Pony ot the Vear by the American Horse 6how Association The high stepping cob tail is also the hrst place pony in the Hackney Division in Zone 2, coveting the Mid-Atlantic stales and New England Through this outstanding pertoiniances in the show ung, Joys Yankeeman eai ned the title ot All- Ameiican Gentleman s Amaleui Pony and Reserve All-Amei lean Lady s Amateur Pony The gelding was not the only pony to bring honors to the Lancastei County area A three-yeai-old stablemale, Callaways Little Jewel, came in first in the Harness Division in Zone 2 and was named All-American Thiee- Year-Old Pegasus, d nineteen-) eai - uld gelding, was the second lop performer in Zone 2 in the Koadstei Division According to Mai lene bweigail, daughlei-m-law ot L G bweigai I, this is the lust lime in the Urin s tit teen yeais ot showing Ihdt the ponies leceived these prestigious awards Mailene, along with hei husband, Galen, liain and laise the Hackney ponies on their Id acre taun I’hev le E. W. BILEWICZ EQUIP., INC. Elmer Rd , Richwood, NJ (609)881-2692 BINKLEY & HURST BROS. PAUL SHOVER’S, INC. 133 Rothsville Station Rd 35 East Willow St Litrtz, PA Carlisle. PA (717)626-470*1 <717)243-26*6 Joys Yankeeman, an eleven-year-old gelding Hackney pony, has been selected National Amateur Pony of the Year by the American Horse Show Association. Owned and shown by Mt. View Pony Farm, Denver, the Lancaster pony is also the All-American Gentleman’s Amateur Pony for 1980. assisted in their ettorts by daughtei Brook, who s been showing pomes since she was eight-year-old Justifiably proud ot her ponies accomplishments, Marlene pointed out that the family shows tor the tun ot it She explained when the ponies work well in the ring, they re proud ot their per lormances regardless ot what color ribbon they wear t'he national awards they just received are strictly tor the ponies, she emphasized The Sweigarts have owned and shown Joys Yankeeman toi 8 years, and have had See or call us C.H. WALTZ SONS, INC. RDI. Cogan Station PA (717)435-2921 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 17,1981—019 Callaways Little Jewel tor only one year Smce we started showing Callaways Little Jewel last May, she’s only been beat twice At the Syracuse In ternational she won the Three-Year-Old Futurity In Harness and the Three- Year-Old Classic the two most important events,’ she said Marlene smiled as she recalled the tilly’s big wins and confessed they had bought her sight unseen” from a breeder in lowa The first time we saw her was at the 1979 Penn f - ♦ • CONVENIENT FINANCING • LEASING • RENTALS now ZIMMERMAN’S A. L. HERR & BRO. FARM SERVICE ,?i2P.rKA« R*»K.I pa Ouarryville, PA wu 17171 78w!m CLAIR J. MYERS T & T SUPPLY ,INC. Lake Road R 1 RO5. Danville, PA Thomasvilie, PA (717)275-0927 (717)259-0453 2 mi S. off Rte 54 National, in Harrisburg,” she said "I wouldn’t have given 2 cents for her then her coat was shaggy since she was only a two-year-old she hadn’t been worked with ” After the Sweigarts brought her to her new home, Callaways Little Jewel learned the training regimen, just like the other show ponies -We start training them in January to get them in shape The ponies are driven from behind with long-lines and when the weather is (Turn to Page D2O) • PARTS • SERVICE • RECONDITIONED TRACTORS :zm
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