SILOS fa LINLOADtRS I | farm equipment M | Farmall 1066 120 b i 806 656 706 544-460 1 856 300 S A M C Cub 240 130 and moie John Deere 5020 4020 4010 3010 3020 2510 730 1020 70 60 50 Oliver i 1955 1950 1850 1800 1355 2150 1650 1250 Moline GlOOO 670, 705 445 sStar Ford 7000 9600 8000 9000 6000 5000 4000 800. 8N and more Case 1030 930 830 800 & 1200 tour wheel drive Allis- Chalmers 190 1/0 Dl9 Dl7 WD Dl4 and G with Loader Loaders Backhoes Crawlers Tractois Skid Loaders Pay Loaders Tienchets Fork Lifts Gradeis Stone Pickers Rotovalors Loader Buckets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bottom Plow Disc Harrows Cultipackers Chisel Plows Cultimulchers 2 4 6 Row Corn Planters 2 4 6 row Cultivators,.Roll over Plows, Gram Drills Balers Rakes Tedders tiay Bines Rotary (lowers Spreaders Corn Shelleis Milk Tanks Hundreds of Tractors and lots of equipment not listed KEENER EQUIPMENT CO Intersection of Rts 72 & 283 Lancaster, Pa 17601 Phone 717-569 9861 USED EQUIPMENT JD 4230 Tractor New 18 4x38 Tires JD 1050 Ds! 400 hrs JD 843 Corn Head JD444 Corn Head JD 213 Rigid Platform JD7DOO6R Planter JO7O6OI2RowN JD 7100 12 Row SOLD White 543 4 Row W JD 54 Spreader MH 510 Spreader JD 1550 Power-Til Seeder JD 25A Flail Mower Oliver 5-16 Semi-Mtd Plow Lilliston 7' Rotary Mower NEW EQUIPMENT JD2940 4 WD JD 4840 Tractor JD 7720 Combine w/643 C H & 216 Flex Plat (2) JD 6R Consv Planter JD 6R Regular Planter Coming 1n... (3) JD 7000 12 row frt folding planters CFH, INC. East Main Street Cecilton, Md 21913 (301) 275-2195 648-5416(775-6608 Evenings 4 Weekends Call Gary (301) 885 2248 Wanted Used Goliath unloaded top prices paid 717 273 1750 For Sale GRANGE SILO new Hydraulic pressed concrete stave manufac tured by Corostone Silo Co South Montrose Sus quohanna Co Pa Call Collect 717 27b 3045 Plant 717 278 3461 eves or call Weedsport NY 315 834 9200 SE PA Ralph Estelle Manheim PA 717 655 7105 We buy & sell used HARVESTORES Penn J eisey HARVESTORE Svstems lei 717 354 4051 LANCASTER CONCRETE STAVE SILOS EARLY ORDER AND CASH DISCOUNTS VAN DALE & STARLINE SluO UNLOADERS BELTSTAPER BOARD FEEDERS RITCHIE CATTLE & HOG WATERERS REBUILT UNLOADERS BAM 4PM 717 299 3721 EVENINGS 717 273 7394 GUNITE Silo Relining & Repairs Extensive tests have been conducted on Gunite Below are some of the properties of Gunite 1 Excellent bonding 2 High Density 3 Extreme strength and hardness 4 High resistance to absorption The excellent physical properties of the material are due to the water content being only the amount needed to satisfy chemical hydration Reseal and re strengthen your silo with Gunite Call or Write: DETWEILER SILO RD2, Newville, PA 717-776-7533 717-776-3288 717-532-3039 sun dings it Supplies CYPRESS LUMBER for sale A & A Mushroom Supply Co Rt 7 Avondale Pa 215 268- 3128 Lumber FREE for the tak mg chicken house and other buildings with slate root Good condition 215 444 5338 between 59 For Sale Good used lumber John S Fisher Quarry Rd- Paradise, PA USED LUMBER Misc 3xB-10x16-53 and $4 each 25-2x10x12-54 50 ea 100-3x12x15-12 ea 15-3x12x28 21 ea 20-5x6x30-24 ea 30-6x6x11-9 ea 20-6x8x22-19 ea 5-12x16x16-40 ea Misc 10x12-10’ to 30’-51-3 per running ft 1’ pine sheetmg-lg quantity- 30 per board ft Maple & P>ne flooring Ig quantity- 30 per board ft t Philadelphia siding Ig quantity - 30 per board ft USED STEEL I & H BEAMS 6 4x4x11 3 8x4x29 3 8x4x27 4-BxBxl4 1 10x9x18 615x5x26 218x8x39 2-18x8x20 2- 5 20x5x41 3- 275 and 1000 gal tanks U.S. WRECKING INC 717-393-2992 SILOS fa UNLOADEftS Wanted to buy used 16 aluminized steel root foi silo also chute for silo Lancaster County 717 656 8531 || NEGLEY& H 1 MILLER I] m silos m Rd 1, Box 268 A, Shermansdale, PA 1709 Q 717-582-4108 Office or 717-834-4838 Home • Wet Cast Concrete Staves • Western Red Wood Doors • Deluxe Colordome Roof • Hooped For All Types Silage • Plastered Solid With Smooth Finish GRAIN EQUIPMENT | DAIRY EQUIPMENT USED BELTING MATERIAL Rubber Mats For: Comfort Stalls Free Stalls Horse Stalls Horse & Cattle Trailers Hog Houses Kraiburg Cow Mats Farmstead Equipment by Ryder Supply Co. Paul N. Brubacher 215-286-5298 fKI.MiVCT MANURE SYSTEMS Alley Scrapers Liquid Manure Spreaders w/wo soil injectors Licom Systems MILKING SYSTEMS Pail Milkers Pipeline Milkers Parlor Milking Herringbone Rotary MANURE EQUIPMENT IN STOCK DeLaval 3000 Gallon Spreader i.G. SALES Silverdale, PA 18962 215-257-5135 SILOS h UNLoVoERS Ma'OISDN SILOS & VANDALE EQUIPMENT Special year end prices 717-653-1567 GRAIN EQUIPMENT ; DAIRY EQUIPMENT „ FEEDING SYSTEMS Computerized elec tronic controlled individualized feeding. Feed storage conveying Parlor feeding and MILK COOLING &STORAGE Plate Coolers Bulk Tanks CRAIN EQUIPMENT Kewanee 500 corn or hay elevator tilting hopper top spout 44 good condition delivered tree SB5O 717 379 3586 For Sale Gram Bins sell on location new 10 000 bu bin 30 dia unloading auger sweep etc (never used) 3500 bu bin heater fan sweeps etc 301 774 4713 Behlen corn cnb good condition 2100 bu $B5O delivered tree 217 379 3586 USED GRAIN DRYERS (1) M&W 450 (450 BPH) (2) M&W 650 (600 BPH) (1) MC4OOE (150 BPH) All of these dryers in operation condi tion, and either electric motor or PTO drive LOUCKS GRAIN EQUIPMENT, INC. 717-755-2868 DAIRY EQUIPMENT , 4 We have a eoumatic pipeline tor 48 stalls with 3 h p vacuum pump for a real bargain also 14 Boumatic pipeline units tor sale at bargain prices Cecil Dairy Service 374 Biggs Hwy Rising Sun, Md 21911 301 658 6923 Wanted 4 stall Herringbone milking parlor 412 459 8029 For Sale 100 44 x 7 welded pipe free stalls 50 Farmhand bunk shaker feeder complete with motor and roof 120 overhead bale conveyor With motor 717 656 9364 evenings For Sale Used Delaval milkers 40 55 or 80 lb pails 600 gal D 2 Girton milk tank A-l cond Elam S Stoltzfus RD 1 Box 99 Kirkwood PA 17536 For Sale Outside calf hutches w/metal roots & feeders Stoitztus Woodwork RD2 Gap PA 17527 along 897 717 442 8972 For Sale Rubber Matting for free stalls stanchions, horse vans and horse stalls Also saw dust for sale in trailer lots 301 885 5045 DEC BOU-MATiC MILK IMG SYSTEMS ★ Bucket Milker Units ★ Therma«Stors ★ Parlor Conversions ★ Bulk Milk Tanks ★ Parlors ★ Compressors • Polygon ★ Liquid Manure • Herringbone Equipment • Trigon ★ Detachers ★ Vacuum Pumps ★ Around The Barn | Pipeline the girton > bulk tanks are ssssj gsSS.O locally 600 gal D-2 Girton {[pTJ MANUFACTURED. 600 gat Jamesway late v ~ c . . . . , _ model (nice) This Is a plus when considering a 625 ga , Sunset bulk tank. 625 gal Jamesway WE ARE COMPETITIVELY PRICED 665 gal Zero w/5 hp compressor 2 yis old ★ 24 HOUR ★ WORK like new REFRIGERATION GUARANTEED 700 gal Mueller SERVICE 800 gal Moionmer SHENK'S FARM SERVICE 501 E. WOODS DRIVE, LITITZ, PA 17543 PHONE: 717-626-1151 Marvin Nissley -717-872-4565 Our Service Trucks Are Radio Dispatched • Bulk Tanks • Therma*Sto- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10,1981—831 DAIRY EQUIPMENT (-01 bale Quality Calt hutches including bucket rack hay rack and trough Randy Stoltrfus Mt Joy 717 653 4448 s♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ USED BELTING MATERIAL | ♦ Good for free stall and stanchion barns ♦ X 30”, 36”, 42", 48”, 54”, 60” wide ♦ X Also, 300 cow mats, size 4x6 ♦ X Phone: 301-885-5045 ♦ <xEilß233 ★ We Service DeLaval Equipment In Berks, Montgomery, Chester & Bucks Counties. Ifyouhaveany problems, call us and ask for BART ZEIGLER 26 Years Experience With DeLaval Co See Us For... e Dairy ParlorS Pipeline • Jamesway Barn Equipment • Starline Spreaders • Norton Transflow Panel Systems - Complete Paneling Systems For Walls And Ceilings • Uebler Feeding Machines • Dairymate Dairy Products • Kienzade Parts & Service • Oswalt TMR Mixing Boxes ORDER NOW...SAVE BIG! • Madison Silos - Call For Price on New 15' Grain-o-Matic 5i10... Just Right For The Small Dairyman. EARLY-ORDER DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE J We’re The Top Jamesway Ventilation Dealer In The East... • See Us For Winter Ventilation And Fans In Stock Our Route Truck Is On The Road... Call if We've Missed You! ERB & HENRY EQUIP. INC. New Berlinville, PA 1 Mile N. of Boyertown Phone (215) 367-2169 rv urc v/ DARI-KOOL COOLING SYSTEM • PLANNING LAYOUTS • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE Wanted 24 Boumatic California stretch boar shells 703 399 1055 BETTER-BIL LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT ★ Lagoon Pumps ★ Pit Pumps ★ Small To Large Spreaders USED TANKS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers