A2B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10,1981 FARM SHOW - What is the Pennsylvania Farm Show 9 Depending on your outlook, the nation’s largest agricultural exposition under one roof can be a great variety of things The Farm Show is —A teenage farm youth asleep in the stall, dreaming of tomorrow’s championship ribbon. —A httly city girl petting a newborn calf or being nuzzled by a baby lamb. —Future Farmers and 4- H’ers ambling along the aisles, —Tractors, tires, fer tilizers, farm equipment and machinery all dressed up to attract the attention of even the most modest garden plot farmer or backyard gar dener, —The smells and tastes of Pennsylvania agriculture, from baked potatoes to hot dogs, honey to fried mushrooms, vegetable soup to pork barbecue, —Acres of the top livestock in the Com monwealth, on hand for close-up inspection, A New Idea that spreads \ont money further TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CASH ALLOWANCES ON SPREADERS UP TO $360 OR NEW IDEA PURCHASE AGREEMENT INTEREST FREE UNTIL MAY 1, 'Bl CODEAn VI I llelllJ going to save time and money this fall ■VS ■■ with a New Idea manure V spreader. Just come on in ■ and let us show you lIAA how. They’re lifll ||U|> V stock and ready to ■VIVI «■ I go. Tough and ■M ■■MHB ■■■■% reliable, these |ll | |H | Mlf M machines featuie run i ncn aii - w °° d •»* that won t rust to give you quick, even spreading of all types of manure for a long, long time. Come see us today and compare for yourself. We’ll show you how to save with a New Idea manure spreader. There’s no better idea for #f^f| spreading your UU money further. NEW IDEA HEISEY FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. SALES. SERVICE & PARTS • Leyland & Same Tractors • Taylorway-Dunham • New Idea • GT Dryers • Landoll • Dion RDI, Box 2294, Jonestown. PA 17038 Phone 717-865-4526 Located Vz Mile South of Fredericksburg Off Rt. 343 in Shirksville Business Hours: 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. Daily, Sat. till Noon, Evenings by Appt. The many faces of Farm Show —Teams of spinners and weavers matching their wits against the clock and each other as a sheep’s fleece becomes a shawl in front of the eye, —Draft horses straining at the harness pulling many thousands of pounds across the arena, —An auctioneer pleading for a new record bid on the grand champion babv beef. Tractor clubs to form LANCASTER - Two 4-H Tractor Maintenance Clubs are scheduled to be formed in Lancaster County The organizational meeting for the club in the western section of the county is planned for Tuesday, Jan 20 and the first meeting of a southern club is scheduled for Friday, Jan 2J A senes of about 8 meetings are planned for the clubs, featuring demon strations, films, trouble shooting and work on machinery Safe operation will be stressed and awards mantel swine or mantel lambs —Dozens of farmers meeting with members of their statewide associations, to swap stories and make plans for the coming year, —A true educational ex perience into the wonders of agriculture and agribusiness, —Or simply, the biggest show of its kind in the nation a championship show a show of champions' will be presented for out standing participation The western club meeting will be held at Messick Equipment, just off the Rheems exit of Rt 283, at 7 pm on Tuesday, Jan. 20 Leaders are Ken Messisk, Wayne Erb, and Bob Bukowski The southern club will organize at Wengers Im plement at the Buck at 7 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 23 Leaders are Ben Wenger, Glenn Aument, Paul Trimble, Charles Craig, Gordon Herr and Fred Hutchenreuter NEW IDEA 206 GROUND DRIVEN MANURE SPREADERS v u LANDIS BROS., INC. (xiHwoeewE/ 1350 Manheim Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601 717-291-1046 ATTEND JOHN DEERE FARMING FRONTIERS Plan to come to our Farming Frontiers 1981 Watch new-for- 81 films on self-leveling loaders foi 4- and 6-cyhndei John Deeie Tractors, Time-Mizer Selt-Piopelled Forage Harvesters, balers, planters, cultivators, rotary cutters, Hydra-Push™ Spreader and more View Furrow on-Filrn subjects and a lively Buster Keaton flashback Door prizes will include a John Deeie 1 2-inch Drill Be sure to come MONDAY, JANUARY 19. 1981 10 AM & 7 PM • Lunch Will Be Served At Noon • Door Prizes pui ADAMSTOWH EQUIPMENT, INC, I j^hdee^el 80x 456 > Adamstown, PA 19501 Phone 215-484-4391 In Stock Now - Ready For Immediate Delivery 10% Cash Discount On All Parts In Stock For Month Of January 1981
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