CB—Lancaster farming, Saturday, January J>, 1981 ? |S [ Societies I To all Farm Women Societies: Lancaster Far ming would like to request that you send in your 1981 yearbooks as soon as possible so we can continue coverage of your scheduled events m the farm women calendar. Lancaster Co. Society 3 Farm Women Society 3 held their Christmas party at the Fellowship Hall of Salem Lutheran Church, Ephrata, on December 20 Mrs. Salmda Resner and Mrs Alva Hemhold acted as hostesses Connie and Carroll Balmer entertained with in strumental Christmas music Debbie Harmsh and her friends Huggy, Coconut and Kelly presented a ventriloquism show Santa Claus visited the gathering and gave each child a gift Also, ten members received a gift for perfect attendance The next meeting will be January 17 at the home of Mrs. Harold Schoener for a safety talk on woodburmng stoves. Lancaster Co. Society 11 Farm Women 11 met for their monthly meeting December 18 at the home of Mrs. John Swarr. Members answered roll call by telling something lv'. Truck Spreading Service Of AG LIMESTONE AND ROYSTER BONANZA FERTILIZERS, UREA, AND AMMONIUM SULFATE OR TRACTOR SPREADERS AVAILABLE. We handle Fertilizer m bulk and bags, retail and wholesale - ALSO - ARCADIAN GOLDEN URAN 30%. Poiy-N 10-34-0, or prescription liquid mix fertilizer wholesale or spread. Pius retail Insecticides and Herbicides. MARTIN'S AG SERVICE do JOHN Z. MARTIN RD 1, Box 716, New Holland, PA 17557 Phone 717 354-5848 they plan to do for someone for Christmas A $5O donation will be made toward those who will be going to the state con vention The members will help carry out a party at the Conestoga View on January 15 The next meeting will be held January 29 at the home of Mrs Norman Wood Robert Ross, associated with the ambulance service in Quarryville, will give a talk on his work Lancaster Co. Society 13 Farm Women 13 held their annual Christmas party at the Ronks Fire Hall on December 13 Musical selections were provided by children and grandchildren of members Santa Claus visited and gave each child a gift Members also exchanged gifts The next meeting will be held on January 9 at the home of Mrs Laura Denhnger, 28 Greenfield Road Lancaster Co, Society 19 Farm Women 19 and their husbands met for a Christmas celebration at the Rothsville Fire Hall on December 13 Thirty five members were present Call Us For Your Chemical Needs. Entertainment tor the evening was Bob and Vera Kensmger Bob, the speaker had dialogue with the country doctor, Raggedy Ann and Clownie lech portrayed by Vera) During a short business meeting. out-going president, Naomi Spahr announced plans for at tending the state convention Betty Saylor and Millie Eshleman will be delegates Cumberland Co, Society 15 Cumberland Farm Women 15 held its annual Christmas party, December 13 at the Huntsdale Fire Hall Christmas carols were sung and Santa Claus visited Gifts were distributed to all present Secret pals were distributed for the new year The next meeting will be held on January 22 at the home of Janet Kutz, Carlisle ennsvumma aomcuu jm. m WE’iE MOWING «CTTO CALL TOLL-FREE 1-800-874-3830 (L MTIECSS 26 Gaogt bwe' 30 20 • 1? $ 2 674 op«n Span oi»am 40 9« > 14 s*2ol Construction SO * 72 » 17 S»0»«5 AliebSO' E»tr afofrlßjii AU . fcti ftnn 30 4Q S4n - *‘-C( 60 25 - U S 5 5W L - t- O-Hni H •> *1 16 S10»«s FOB f*( rOB^ C»y nelrpht Red meat production drops 10 percent HARRISBURG - Com mercial red meat production in Pennsylvania during November totaled 80 1 million pounds, down ten percent from November 1979 Cattle slaughter at 62,000 head was down from one percent while calf slaughter at 21,500 head was LOOKING FOR A NEW TASTE? Read Home On Die Range and junior Cooking Edition ZOOK MOLASSES CO. ONE STOP FOR ANIMAL FEEDING MOLASSES ' " ♦" HONEY BROOK LIQUID & DRIED MOLASSES Honey Brook Liquid Feeding Cane Molasses .J|™ "zoOKMOLASSES "S' %> WEST MAIN ST., HONEY BROOK, PA 19344 1 ■& ALONG RT - 322 PH: 215-273-3776 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED up thiee percent troin last yedr Beet production at 171 Hog slaughter at 254,000 billion pounds was down four head decreased 17 percent percent, while veal from a year ago The production at 31 million number of sheep and lambs pounds was down six per slaughlered totaled 12,700, ce " t down tour percent from P° r * production totaled November 1979 billion pounds, down Nationally, commercial nine percent trom November red meat production during ‘ 1979 November totaled 3.10 Lamb and mutton billion pounds, a decrease ot production increased nine six percent from November percent to 25 million pounds Machine Wort fw & ■g? Welding & Farm Supplies Hardware * D.S. MACHINE SHOP 3816 E. NEWPORT RD„ RD IGORDONVILLE, PA 17529 1 Mile East of Intercourse on Rt 772 Write or Try and Cad- 717-768-8569 (Outside Phone) • Victor or Moco Cutting Torch** • Lincoln Weldors • Hog & Cattle Gates • Custom Sul it High Pressure Washers • Coal Fired Bucket-A-Day Stoves • New A Used Structural Pipe THE COMPLETE, CONVENIENT, DIET SUPPLEMENT. OFFERS MAXIMUM NUTRITION FOR HORSES AND PONIES. EHERCI CUBES arc an excellent coat conditioner for show and perfomoce horses. SOLID FEED \ SUPPLEMENT BLOCK For Dairy And Beef Remember - ENERGI BLOCK contains no salt and is not affected by the weather. Bring your own 5 gal. bucket or drum containers or we have either one in stock for sale
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