j K Opp Co Custom Truck bodies Rl Muncy pAPh 7X7 546 3397 energy Hyd truck hoist Sales & Service An Carson s Repair Shop Rd 1 Felton PA 717 244 2039 RtCßtATlONAl vChicifs J 978 TNT bkidoo 440 700 miles excellent condition Call fcvemngs 717 442 8580 automobiles' Tor Sale 1954 Straight a Pontiac car original paint ,erv good low mileage o"a owner iuns good best otter 71/44a 238/ JACK HELPS YOU BEAT INFLATION He’s Got 18 WAYS TO SAVE YOU MONEY ONE OF THE WAYS IS INTEREST EQUALIZATI STARTING RIGHT NOW CHRYSLER CORF. WILL PAY YOU 6% OF THE MANUFACTURER’S SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE Siocw No 039 BRAND NEW 1981 DODGE ARIES K. KAR CUSTOM 2 DOOR. Pearl white with doth 4 vinyl bench seal 4 speed 2 2 lit e engine left renote control mirror vinyl side molding inside hood re'easo bumper protective rub strips daynitht inside mir 'or Cl 73x70P blacl' sidewall radial tires FRONT WHEEL DRIVE and SIX PASSENGER SEATING. Sue* No 1012 BRAND NEW 1981 DODGE ARIES K-CAR SPECIAL EDI TION 2 DOOR SEDAN. Pearl White with tan vinyl bucket seats light package power disc brakes console mounted automatic transmission 2 6 litre engine digital clock deluxe time delay .viper vinyl body side molding power steering road wheels whi'e idewaii radial tires FRONT WHEEL DRIVE. jCK hr ' BRAND NEW 1981 DODGE ARIES K KAR CUSTOM 2 DOOR SEDAN tight seasprt> »reen metallic cloth & vinyl O st-Ti to q ichite t ansin „sion 2 2 litre engine left remote u I'li mrno myl bodv sirtr molding Pi 75x7 e SR 1J white nesjun . u it n i, ,1 i rs Slock No 1 03 7 BRAND NEW 1981 DODGE ARIES K. KAR CUSTOM 4 DOOR Light snaspray green metallic with cloth & vinyl bench seat basic group power disc brakes automatic 2 6 litre engine lower body vinyl protection vinyl body side molding upper door (ram* moldings heavy duty suspension Stock No 1010 BRAND NEW 1981 DODGE ARIES K-CAR CUSTOM 4 DOOR SEDAN. Burnished silver metallic with red doth & vinyl tn tenor torqueflite transmission 2 2 litre engine remote control out side mirror vinyl body side molding upper door trame molding power steering white sidewall radial tires front and rear bumper guards FRONT WHEEL DRIVE AND 6 PASSENGER SEATING. block No /bf>d BRAND NEW 1981 DODGE OMNI MISER 4 DOOR HAT CHBACK. Glenroe ffeen mefall ** vinyl buck*’ seats 4 speed manual tloor shift T 7 litre engine P15580R13 glass belted radials SiockNo 1030 BRAND NEW 1981 DODGE ARIES K-KAR CUSTOM 2 SEAT WAGON. Baton rea vmyr bench scat 4 speed manual l oor slut! 2 2 litre engine left remote cont r ol mirror lower body vir yi protection heavy duty suspension power steering Pl7s* jRI 3 whi e sidewall dass belted racnals MORE GREAT BUYS ON 'BO & 'Bl DODGES JACK WILL PAY YOU 10 c A MILE TO COME IN AND TEST DRIVE ONE OF THESE CARS - FROM YOUR HOME TO JACK LOWRY DODGE - UP TO *20.00 ALL THESE NEW DODGES CARRY FREE, UNLIMITED MILEAGE, 3 YEAR RUSTPROOF GUARANTEE! COME IN NOW AND SAVE BIG! JACK LOWRY DETROIT KONNECTION JERSEY SHORE, PA 398-1590 TRUCKS tr TRAILERS I For Sale 1930 Model A 1 ton truck 1929 Model A 1 ! ton truck AC WC tractor with front end loader and V blade snow plow /17 306 2729 1970 mt 4070 A cabover 318 Detroit 13 speed 10 x 20 tires 38 000 rears less than 2000 miles on major overhaul 1972 Ttbrook 28 dump trailer nigh sides coal chute & canvas Both in excellent condition Will sell as pair or separate D H aharrer & Son New Oxtorri Pa Daniel Shaner 7i/b24 2136 For Sale 19/3 ini V 8 PS 14 gram duit.p $3BOO 71/ 856 D/10 1 AUTOMOWLtS THE DETROIT CONNECTION TRUCKS H TRAILERS 52Chev dump truck 12 bed good tires Call evenings after 7 215 932 2/64 77 Chevy custom pickup auto PS 21 000 miles 53200 L B Hess 800 Mt Zion Rd Lebanon Pa 717 273 6018 Mack 1973 R6OO 237 5 speed a sharp unit 510 900 MacK 1972 R6OO 237 5 speed a sharp unit Sl2 900 1979 R6OO Mack Cab needs minor work lirst 5900 takes it c ord 1973 LN 7000 w Cat Diesel 71/ 265 9014_ 1958 International larm dump SISOG 301 592 7992 AUTOMOBILES $ 6266 $ 7566 *6766 *7366 *6866 *5666 *7066 TRUCKS £» TRAILERS 1955 mt 4000 cabover 250 Cummmgs/Turbo, 15 speed 34,000 rears S5OOO D H Sharrsr & Son New Oxford, Pa Daniel Sharrer 717 524 2136 1977 Aspen wagon S.E., 27,000 miles, one owner 1980 Aspen 2 door, 7000 miles 1977 Pinto wagon, 26,000 miles, auto, PS 4 air 1980 Aspen 4 door sedan, auto., air, 11,000 miles 1978 Diplomat 4 door Medl, full power 1978 RamchargerS E., loaded PETTICOFFER DODGE, INC. - Route 230 East Next to Shopping Center Elizabethtown. PA PHONE-717-367-1808 MM&SISB iIiHC 1710Rohrerstown Rd HwiapL TRUtHSU mSSL*. 717-764-1178 USED TRUCKS ALL PRICES REDUCED Fully Reconditioned 1975 FORD 16' REFRIGERATED VAN 175 HP Cat diesel engine, 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear. PS, AM radio, dual 50 gal tanks, duralite body and new paint 1975 CHEVROLET 18’, 20’& 22’ VANS with or without lift gates, 366 V 8 engine, 5 speed transmission, power steering, radio, new paint USED TRACTORS 1974 CHEVROLET TRACTOR H 19143 Single axle 671 Detroit, 10 speed, power steering, new paint, & major overhaul 1974 MACK TRACTOR F79SST Tandem axle diesel sleeper 5 speed maxidyne, air conditioning, power steering, recent overhaul 1974 FORD TRACTOR Tandem axles, diesel, sleeper, 318 Detroit engine, 13 speed transmission, air conditioning power steering, radio, aluminum cab new paint 1974 me TRACTOR C 04070 Tandem axle, diesel, sleeper, 318 Detroit engine. 13 speed transmission, air conditioning, radio 1974 CHEVROLET TRACTOR Titan 90 Tandem axle diesel sleeper 318 Detroit engine, 10 speed transmission 1976 FORD TRACTOR Tandem axle diesel sleeper, 350 Cummins engine, 13 speed transmission, power steering, air condi tioning, new paint, major overhaul 1976 PETERBILT TRACTOR 352586 350 Cummins. 13 speed trans air conditioning, power steering, new paint & recent overhaul, tandem axle diesel Sleefier USED BODIES 12’ ALUMINUM VAN BODY 1974 Morgan pre-pamted white aluminum panels overhead rear door, curb-side door, step level bumper, slatted interior 14’ ALUMINUM VAN BODY 1974 Morgan, pre-pamted aluminum panels, overhead rear door, curb-side door, slatted in terior 2500 lift gate, new paint 14’ REFRIGERATED VAN BODY 1975 Duralite aluminum smooth skin, extruded aluminum floor, new paint, XMT2D thermoking unit Complete maintenance records available for inspection. Other makes, Models & types to choose from. TO -n / K / CASH FOR PUPS I need Purebred and extra cute mixed litter lots, 6 to 8 weeks old Clean and healthy for resale as house nets Contact ‘ Jo Jo The Dogman" at Roots Farmers Market RD 1, Manheim PA Every Tuesday spm toBpm (No Phone Calls) TRUCKS ft TRAILERS for Sale - Carry out specials Pickup truck windshield, 1973 to 1979 Ford clear 576 shaded $B7 1973 to 1980 Chevy clear $74, shaded $B4, 215 384-0593 One Owner LN7OOO TE67 WT9OOO WT9OOO yf Vj Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 3,1981—841 I “ TRUCKS h TRAILERS Chicago Pneumatic 250- RG-2 Air Compressor, with D 282 IH Diesel Engine mounted on IH 1600 Loadstar Reduceo to $3,895 Call 215-367 2169 For Sale - 73 White COE, 270 Cat, turbo, 13 speed trans , 11 24 5 tires, twin screw, completely overhauled 215-445- Need puppies will pur chase in litter lots and pickup at your farm or kennel Also, interested in breeding 7 Call 609 779- 1660 Border Collies, registered, 10 weeks old, working stock, $125, 301 778-1682 For Sale - Cocker and Springer Spaniel cross puppies, real cute, good for hunting, ready to sell Dec 22, 535 00 each, Lane Co 17519 Phone 215 445 5273 Attention Dog Breeders Money making op portunity, rare Chinese Sharpen puppies fo- sale Stud service available 717-733-0575 AKC Registered St Bernard puppy, excellent markings, good watch dog, 14 weeks old Best offer 717 665 7484 For Sale Queensland heelers excellent cow dogs, 12 weeks, registered, priced to sell 215 348 5704 WANTED TO BUY Puppies, 7 to 9 weeks old. in litter lots, Pure breeds and half breeds Cash money paid Will pickup every Wednesday For resale in my pet shop Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N sth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 or call before 7pm Mon . Tues 4 Thurs only 215- 229-0449, Give breed age color when writing Also some kind of direction Thank you Allen Organ (Carousel piano) $1750 or will trade for Kawai piano 215 723 7158 Special 10% discount lor young married Washing machine engines, brackets and/or air motors, cheaper rates for lawn mowers brought in before spring Briggs & Stratton Authorized Service Center SamuelS Stoltzfus 2447 Stumptown Rd Bird-m-Hand, PA MISCELLANEOUS Wanted sawmill, new or used, in working order Laurel Locks Farms, 1040 W Schuylkill Road, Pottstown PA 19464, 215-323 8631 Work Shirts and Pants $2 35 ea Coveralls 56 99 ea Jackets $5 00 ea , all used reconditioneo Minimum order 5 items New Leather Gloves 6 pair'sl9 00 Send check and sizes Add $2 50 postage and handling Catalog SI 00 Sara Glove Co Box 4069 CB4 Waterburv Conn 06704 NEED NEW TOOLS? Check our prices at Root’s Country Market Tuesday Weekly Green Dragon - Friday Weekly Willow Valley Shopping Center Daily Tues., Wed., Thurs. 1 to 9 Mon., Fri. & Sat. 10 to 9 Tools for Farm, Garden, Lawn, Carpenter, Masonary & Shop A.K. KING MISOEUANt US ' o T ! H Wanted- Standing timber to buy. For Sale- Squared locust posts, walnut' lumber and all kinds of sawmill lumber and timbers Custom sawing. G H Burkett & Sons Sawmill, Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-2791 Tree Farmer CJ 5 Log Skidder $5500 00 JD 440 Log Skidder $6500 00 1973 JD 540 A Skidder $10,975 00 1845 CASE DIESEL 808 CAT 57500 00 Melrose 6i.0 808 Cat $4500 00 IriC 340 Wide Front Equipped with IHC Heavy Duty Loader $3975 00 Cat D-6 Hydraulic Dozer, Winch $9500 00 Cat D-4 Hydraulic Dozer with Winch $4500 00 Others, trade Finance 814-793- 2829 Curry Supply HOWARD TREE TOPPER, 8’ cutter bar, used on peaches and small apple 717 382-4878 For Sale - Rockwell heavy duty motorized miter saw, $175 or best offer 5 gallon wet/dry shop vac , Best oPer Both in ex cellent cond , Raymond W Shrk, Ephrata, Pa 17522 For Sale - Int D-301 diesel engine - same block as Int 283 215 756 6150 For Sale - Large egg grader, priced to sell Also Amish buggy, roller bearings, tail lights, turn signal, good shape Daniel E King, Rt 3, S Custer Ave, New Holland, Pa 17557 DIALING FOR ssss Immediate Cash Wanted- Old and Antique Items Oak round tables up to $5OO Sq. oak tables -$250 Oak bedroom sets to $7OO Set of oak chairs to $5OO Rolltop oak desk to $lOOO Furniture, Glassware, Etc Call Anytime 215-286-6618 TOME. FISHER P O. Box 277 Elverson, PA 19520 ! Wolverine ■ Shoes I J Durability and Comfort. Shoes and Boots for the entire family LEBD SHOES & SADDLERY Kutztown Rl, Berks Co., Pa. 215-682-7926
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers