A2B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 3,1981 Oil- 1 school prayer amendment becomes law Conservation meeting (Continued from Page Al) state government leaders included Representatives Gibson Armstrong, June Honaman, Nicholas Moehlmann, and Noah Wenger. Representative Wenger expressed his appreciation for the work the local District is carrying out in Lancaster County. He pointed out he received assistance installing con servation practices on his farm in West Cocahco Township from District technicians. Wenger reviewed the past year’s legislation that benefited the agricultural segment of the state. “It’s been a good year for agriculture,” he stated, “with the passing of House Bill 1608 and 1176 which deal with family farm in corporations and inheritance taxes, respectively.” “It’s no good preserving farmland if we can’t preserve the people who farm that land, ” he said. Wenger expressed op timism for a farmland preservation bill to be passed in the coming year, along with other major ag related legislation that was side-tracked in 1980. Senator Manbeck echoed Wenger’s sentiments when he assured the District Board he will be working with the county com missioners and state representatives for a land preservation act in 1981 During the business meeting, the directors ex pressed concern for the conservation practice grass waterways and their frequent failure in Lancaster County. On a recent trip to Carroll County, Maryland, the directors recalled how they saw a waterway protected from the scouring and diggmg-out disasters of too much water through the use of a holding pond This pond releases water at a con trolled rate and allows it to drain down through the waterway at a safe speed Director Everett Kreider pointed out this may be an answer to Lancaster County’s waterway washout problems Relating to troubles with too much runoff, the directors expressed concern with the current storm water management problems created by inadequate subdivision and develop ment plans. Aaron Stauffer stated smce the District assumed Re-elected as chairman and vice-chairman of the Lancaster County Conservation District Board of Directors are Aaron Stauffer, Ephrata, left, and Amos Funk, Millersvilfe. the inspection respon sibilities for sediment and erosion control, the state’s Department of En vironmental Resources took several violation cases in front of local magistrates. Unfortunately, Stauffer pointed out, the track record for wins is not impressive He said the only case that was decided in the District’s favor was thrown out for procedural technicalities. “We’re looking mto taking on the litigation respon sibilities on a local basis too,” Stauffer said “The image of DER is not too high with our local magistrates ” Concern was shown by the directors when they learned from an Agricultural Stabilization and Con servation Service spokeman for Lancaster County that it is expected the 1981 ACP funds will be 30 to 40 percent of last year’s allocation. “We’ve requested $200,000 and have received $60,000 to date,” he said. “Assuming the new administration continues with its plans, that partial funding may be all we get Last year Lancaster County received $160,000 ” Funk exclaimed farmers in the county would not put in conservation practices without government fun ding Stauffer agreed with this statement and added “the public reaps the benefit of the farmer’s conservation investment through the low cost of food in the US.” One Lancaster County farmer who has earned the recognition of Conservation Cooperator of the Year has learned the benefits of in stalling conservation on his dairy farm Robert L Kauffman Jr was honore with the 33rd Annual Goodyear Con servation Award “for out standing accomplishments in resource conservation” Making the presentation was Richard Green of the Goodyear Tire Company On receiving the award, Kauffman said, “I want to thank everyone for the honor It’s because of people like you who are involved in conservation that our lives are better And it gives our children a chance to take over the farm.” WASHINGTON, DC - “It is a triumph for school districts across the country who wish to implement voluntary school prayer programs Those who choose are now free to do so without fear of interference from the U.S. Department of Education,” Congressman Bob Walker declared Monday in reaction to his Lancaster dairyman Robert Kauffman was honored as Goodyear Conservationist for 1980. @ Livestock BaJSm & Grain IiOIIICS Precision engineered roll formed 52" high steel sides provide greater capacity at less cost. Weve built rugged truck bodies for over 50 years and today we re continuing that tradi tion That s the reason you can t make a better investment than an Omaha Standard steel or hardwood farm body ■ One-piece roll formed steel sides with built in tarp rail Available in 28 ,40 and 52 ' extra capacity heights all with maximum corruga tion for maximum strength H 40 and 48 hardwood sides also available the truck body Omaha Standard built its reputation on ■ The toughest platform in the business laminated wood, smooth steel or tread plate ■ Easy-conversion hardwood upper racks greater flex and life than steel fold down racks ■ A full line of rugged gates all engineered to make your job easier 1/Ve ve been a part of successful farming and ranching for over 50 years FARMERSVIUE EQUIPMENT INC. RD 4. Ephrata, PA Ph: 717-354-4271 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5:30. Thurs. till 9:00. Sat. till 3:00 voluntary school prayer amendment being passed mto law. The Walker School Prayer Amendment was adopted as part of the Continuing Ap propriations Resolution package, one of the last pieces of legislation ap proved by Congress prior to the final adjournment and signed mto law by the President. Specifically, it forbids the use of federal funds to prevent the implementation of voluntary school prayer and meditation programs in the public schools It is the first federal law to be passed by Congress dealing with the school prayer issue since the 1962 Supreme Court decision forbidding prayer exercises m public schools “Nationwide opinion polls indicate the majority of Americans support the restoration of prayer in our public schools And there is a trend developing among many states and localities to permit voluntary school prayer,” Walker noted. “By all indications, there was a need to add a degree of flexibility to the 1962 Supreme Court decision My amendment does not mandate or require that voluntary school prayer be Bigger Than Ever, Better Than Ever returned to the classroom, rather it prevents the federal government from in terfering with the rights of states and localities to determine their own educational policies,” he continued “If states and localities determine that they want their school day to include an opportunity for voluntary prayer and meditation, we Huntingdon Holstein Club to meet ALEXANDRIA - The Huntingdon County Holstein Club will hold its annual, banquet and meeting January 17. The meeting will be held at the Juniata Valley School in Alexandria. The evening's activities will get underway with a milk bar at 7 p.m. to be followed by the annual dinner at 7.30. Awards for the year’s top producers will be made following the banquet. In addition, a review of the year’s events and election of officers for the 1981 season will be held. There will be comments, Omaha Standard Hoists ■ Seven precision-engineered scissor hoists from 4 to 34 tons for bodies 8' to 24 Olympic Series twin telescopic hoists with greater torsional stability for bodies 16’ to 24’ and 15 t 043 ton capacity Omaha Standard bodies and hoists Look to Omaha Standard for the best Our equipment takes all the punishment you can dish out and comes back for more, year after year We stake our reputation on it have now assured that federal bureaucrats will not interfere. “Prayer and meditation have always been an in tegral part of our American heritage. It is reassuring to know that our system of government is working as it should to reflect the at titudes and beliefs of its citizens,” the 16th District congressman said and perhaps even some pictures by R. Wayne Harpster, Spruce Creek, of President Jimmy Carter’s fishing trips to Spruce Creek Valley. Tickets to the event are available from club direc tors or from the County Extension Office. Bff jyLsoool LI L
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