AB— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December. 27,1980 WASHINGTON, D.C. - Research and education programs should be developed to address the needs and problems of organic farmers, according PCB-containing soil to be removed YOUNGSVILLE - Cleanup of the warehouse site in Youngsville, Warren County, is nearing com pletion with the planned removal of the remaining soil containing trace amounts of PCBs Representatives of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources and the federal En vironmental Protection Agency today announced State ag businessmen predict higher 1981 prices EPHRATA - “While the U.S. still has the lowest food prices in the world, I think the American consumer will have to get used to higher prices in 1981.” The New Year’s prediction was expressed by Jay Wolgemuth, Wolgemuth Bros., Mt. Joy, as he prepared to relenqmsh the presidency of PennAg In dustries Association on January 1, to Morris E. Brown, Jr., F.M. Brown’s Sons, Fleetwood. PennAg is a statewide trade association of over 500 agribusiness firms in Pennsylvania. Wolgemuth cited rapidly escalating ingredient prices which translate into higher i LAST MINUTE i “t BUYING POWER r CALL COLLECT - 717-626-1151 BRING THIS AD IN FOR A LARGE YEAR-END DISCOUNT ON THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT: DEC BOUMATIC ★ Bucket Milker Units ★ Parlor Conversions ★ Parlors • Polygon • Herringbone • Trigon ★ Detachers ★ Vacuum Pumps ★ Around The Barn Pipeline SHENK'S FARM SERVICE 501 E. WOODS DRIVE, LITITZ, PA 17543 PHONE; 717-626-1151 Mervin Nissiey - 717-872-4565 Our Service Trucks Are Radio Dispatched • Bulk Tanks • Therma«Stor 24 Hr. Service Offered Organic farmers deserve help on non-synthetic to a comprehensive report on organic farming in the United States and abroad issued by the U.S. Depart ment of Agriculture. that the remaining soil containing low levels of polychlorinated biphenyls is to be removed from the site early in January The announcement was made by James P Snyder, assistant director of DER’s Bureau of Solid Waste Management, and Michael Zickler, the EPA’s on-scene coordinator at Youngsville Removal of the soil will complete the cleanup operation at the warehouse feed prices, the largest single cost in animal agriculture, as one reason. Others include the ex tensive drought which was experienced in many geographic areas of the U.S. in 1980, higher interest rates, increased energy costs, burdensome governmental regulation which has real economic impact and the disrupting effect on world markets caused by the imposition of the gram embargo. While Wolgemuth focused on eggs and meat for his remarks, Brown discussed dairy. “I agree with all the above cited by Wolgemuth, but dairy has the added problem DEC V/ DARI-KOOL COOLING SYSTEM ★ Therma*Stors ★ Bulk Milk Tanks ★ Compressors ★ Liquid Manure Equipment • PLANNING LAYOUTS • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE USDA study says In the report, a study team of government, industry, and university scientists urges that organic farming systems be investigated as a means to conserve both where 425 barrels of PCB laced oil were discovered in August 19,78 by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents m connection with the North Carolina PCB dum ping case involving the operators of a Jamestown, NY , transformer sales company In July state funds were used to remove the barrels of PCB-laced oil from the warehouse located 150 yards of overproduction of fluid milk. Farmers must either hold down production or cull cows. With increased costs, dairy farms cannot stand reduced price levels without courting disaster.” Brown, in looking forward to goals for PennAg In dustries during his presidency hopes for some revision of Pennsylvania's costly fertilizer law, elimination of the .duplication in inspections of medicated feed by both Federal and State personnel and some correction on Pennsylvania’s rural bridge weight limits. HUSKY f* '~JL LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT**^ ★ Lagoon Pumps ★ Pit Pumps ★ Small To Large Spreaders methods energy and natural resources. The report defines organic farming as “a production system which avoids or from the wells serving as Youngsville's water supply The remaining soil is to be trucked to the Keystone Landfill in Dunmore Borough, Lackawanna County The Keystone facility is a permitted municipal landfill which has been approved to receive the soil by DER Representatives of DER and EPA will be at the landfill to monitor disposal of the soil The soil will be tran sported by a private hauler under contract to the EPA Soil removed from the Youngsville site has been tested by the EPA Soil with higher amounts of PCBs were taken to a secure out of-state landfill The EPA does not consider the remaining soil containing low levels of PCBs to represent a health hazard SMUCKER'S SALES & SERVICE W The Deutz 912 s ® r *es engines are different 'because they have direct fuel injection! 2Cy | F2L-912 We Have SR2I2 h.p. Lister Diesels, as is or rebuilt. • Good used diesel • New Sputnik wheels engines and parts We mount diesels on balers, crimpers, cornpickers. etc. Install a blower fan for better diesel &' refrigeration cooling. Longer life on diesel. LET ME BREATHE! WE ARE NOW ALSO AN AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL 717-354-4158 OR IF NO ANSWER CALL 717-354-4374. largely exdudes the use of synthetically-compounded fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, and livestock feed additives.” In calling for programs to study organic forming as an option in American agriculture, the study foam said: “a holistic research approach, that may involve the development of new methodologies, is" needed to thoroughly investigate organic farming practices and their relationship to organic waste recycling, nutrient availability, crop production, energy con servation anci environmental quality.” The study team drew upon on-site case studies of 69 organic-farms in 23 states, a Rodale Press survey of “The New Farm” magazine readership, two study tours of organic farms and research institutes in Europe and Japan, in terviews and correspon dence with knowledgeable organic farmers and an extensive review of the literature published on organic forming. The experts concluded RD #2. BOX 21 NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 DISTRIBUTOR FOR: LISTER, PERKINS & SLANZI DIESELS OEVITZ DIESELS 3 h.p. fo 4SO h.p. that “many of the current methods ot soil and crop management practiced by organic fanners are also those which have been cited as best management practices for controlling soil erosion, minimizing water pollution and conserving energy.” These benefits were not necessarily achieved at the expense of crop, the researchers found. According to both USDA case studies and the Rodale study, “most of the farmers with well established organic systems reported that crop yields on a per acre basis were comparable to those obtained on near-by chemical-intensive farms.” The study team also ex pressed itself as “impressed by the ability of organic farmers to control weeds and pests without the use, or with minimal use, of chemicals.” Their success in con trolling weeds in crops such as soybeans, corn and cereals was attributed, in the report, to timely tillage and cultivation, delayed planting, crop rotations. ifes*. For lower cost per hour power, rely on Jtsfer) DIESEL POWER
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