Auto turn carts and five angle scrappers. Reassemble with two bolts Scrappers $155 Carts Carts LESS 5 % IF CASH PAID Good Till October 25,1980 YES.. We have McCurdy gravity bins In Stock, Set Up, Ready to Go! Model 275 Bin on McCurdy 10 ton wagon w I quick hitch 12 sLxls 10 ply tires ... $1515 Model 230 Bin on McCurdy 8 ton wagon w/qufck hitch 12.5Lx15 8 ply tires $1367 Model 230 Bin on 8 tor McCurdy wagon HLxls 6plytiresreg. hitch $1230 Model 190 Bin on Zimmerman Manufacturing 6 ton wagon w/regular hitch, good used tires $970 Model 190 Bin on electric wheel 4 ton wagon w/regular hitch, good usfcd tires $B4O Model 190 Bin on heavy duty 6 ton Gehl wagon w/quick hitch, 9.5Lx15 6 ply tires ... $lOB6 New 12 Ton McCurdy w/quick hitch, 12.5Lx15 10 ply tires, 8 lug wheels, model 275 Bin ALL PRICES F. 0.8. OUR LOT Also We Have A Few Sets of 15” Side Extension Kits For Model 230 Bin That Are Weathered at only per set BEHLEN CORN CRIBS Model EXLIIS Jamr 1515 Bushel Plus extra area in IN STOCK NOW! £ ' -V: -V* 'r*Jt __ _ _ . . . . I . ' F. 0.8. Our Lot and at a I ' Super Rebated Price I While Present Inventory Lasts. ONLY $ BBB |M a BINKLEY & HURST BROS. kAflbA 133 Rothsville Station Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 Ph: (717) 626-4705 / Business Hours: Mon. - Fri. 7 AM to 5 PM; Sat. 7 AM to 11:30 FARM EQUIPMENT 270 with brake 230 without SAMIR f, STOtTZFUS R 1 Christiana, Pa. Box 19917509 At Bartville STANDARD GRAVITY BINS. F. 0.8. our lot. • Auger Attach ments, Side Boards and Hydraulic Augers Available. FARM EQUIPMENT Hayrakes made any size from 6tol6ft. 18.00 a ft. After March 1, 1981 we will arrange a finance plan for you through Jl Case Corporation AC Model 7050,140 HP, cab, air, heater, 20 8 x 38 rear tires, power shift trans , front end weights IH utility tractor Model 444 with IH loader and like new rubber Case 1070 Diesel Tractor, 1750 hours, 4 post roll frame w/canopy, standard shift, 18 4x38 rear tires Allis Chalmers 7040 Diesel Tractor, cab, air, heater, power shift, 20 Bx3B rear tires, low hrs 1977 model 1975 model Case 1070 Diesel Tractor, cab, heater, power shift trans , w/front weights, 800 original hours Case 1175 Diesel w/cab, air, heater, std shift, 16 9x38 dual wheels, excellent, 1630 hours Case Model VAS Cultivator Tractor, high clearance, 3 pt hitch, hydraulic IH Model 1586 Diesel Tractor with cab, air, heater, 20 Bx3B axle duals, front weights, and approximately 600 Hrs , this unit is in like new condition Massey Ferguson Model 175 Diesel Tractor with 14 9x36 deep lug tires, like new, this unit has been reconditioned & painted Case 1570 Diesel Tractor, cab, air, heater, 20 Bx3B rear tires, less than 800 Hrs, HP checked at approximately 200 HP , ideal for turning PTO corn harvesters etc Clamp on duaf wheels available, Serial #4691 Farmall 504 Tricycle type, gas, 1 owner, w/IH 2001 series loader, mtd , nice Farmall 706 diesel, wide front, PS, 18 4x34 rubber, good cond $1615 FARM EQUIPMENT Peach Bottom, Pa <SS3BHfc "717-548-2640 or 717-548-2094 UP TO •500 CASH DISCOUNT ON NEW VERMEER BALERS Irrigation Travelers & Scraper Blades. New Vicon Mowers, Rakes, Power Harrows & Seeders. Dew-Eze Bale Mowers, (tractor & truck mount) NH 479 Haybine Vermeer 605 D 605 C Balers Vicon KM 240 Mower conditioner (Demo) Vicon SE 450 Power Harrow 500 Hesston SP Windrower Vermeer Twin Rake N H Parallel bar rake ★ USED TRACTORS ★ Make a Small Down Payment, then •. • NO PAYMENTS, NO MIEREST TU MARCH 1,1981 DONAHUE IMPLEMENT CARRIER 7 Ft. wide x 28 Ft. wide *1973 TRIPLE H FARMS New Vermeer Rakes, USED EQUIPMENT Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 4,1980-B1 FARM EQUIPMENT <@) Case 530 gas, wide front end, Draft-o-matic, 3 pt hitch, P S , late model Case David Brown 995 diesel tractor, 58 hp 2470 w/18.4x34 dual wheels, 4 remotes, 4 wheel drive, On-The-Go Power Shift Trans., cab, air, heater, 3 pt. hitch, PTO, ready for hard work 526.6 hrs. ROTARY CUTTERS 3 PT. HITCH MODEL * Ideal for trimming up around buildings, etc. Heavy Duty Rhino Saturn, 5 ft *772 Heavy Duty Rhino Saturn, 7 ft. *1523 Bush Hog Rebel, 5 ft. model, * .... regular duty 909 NEW AM CO MODEL F-17 DOUBLE OFFSET TANDEM DISC HARROW 10 ft. 6 in. wide cut, 22” blades, set-up with cover disc, an ideal disc for cutting and finishing Reg. $4200 SPECIAL LOW PRICE 1 ONLY *2985 OUR REBATED PRICE IS FARM EQUIPMENT NEW CASE 1816 B UNILOADER with 27x8.50x15 flota tion lug tires; Serial *9846417 FOB Our Lot *4950 .9
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