buy, sm. in ape on rent thm nihii mi CT= i =i fa 'W~\*TZk) PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 FARM EQUIPMENT LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING KATES 16c per word 2.00 minimum charge Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words tissue 3lssues 12 or Less 2.00 4.80 13 2.08 4.99 14 2.24 5.38 15 2.40 5.76 16 2.56 614 17 2.72 6.53 18 2.88 6.91 19 3.04 7.30 20 3.20 7.68 KEYED ADS (ads with answer coming to a Box Number, do Lancaster forming): 50 cents addi- Ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change billed at 20 per cent discount. Deadline. Thursday at 9 of each publication. £ Lancaster Farming P P.0.80x 366 H Lititz, PA 17543 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 For Sale - Sharp JD 730 diesel, very economical running. $3750. Franklin Co. 717-369-2674. Melrose-Bobcat #6lO skid steer loader Newly rebuilt motor and paint, one owner, real nice $3500.201-859-2616 For Sale - MF 410 com bine, 13’ gram head, 4- row narrow corn head, cab, hume reel, robot controlled head, com pletely overhauled. 215- 445-4280 I 4ale - 1970 Case \ jbckhoe/loader w/cab, 3850 hrs., asking " $10,900. Berks Co 215- ' 779-4950. 8 row IHC 500 cyclo planter, planted 200 acres, equipment with monitor, and gandy at tachments, narrow or wide row, financing ~ available with waiver until 1981, will sacrifice $5500; 51' Cardinal S' transport auger, PTO drive, like new condition $1675, 18x30’ Butler grain bin with fan, unloading auger and bin sweep, 2 yrs., old, 10,700 bu capacity $5000; 706 gas Farmall tractor with WF, rear weights and fast hitch, 50% rubber, trac tor is in good condition $4800.717-436-6807 For Sale - TD-9 dozer with 10 ft. blade. PTO $lBOO, will deliver, also rebuilt TD9 engine plus new %ucks ‘or TD-9 301-438- ,467 For Sale - TD-9 dozer with winch, root rake, cab, new paint, in excellent condi tion, will deliver, $3500, 301-438-3467 For Sale - 4 transport disc harrow, (1) 10' JD, (1) 14’ Oliver, (1) 14' JD & (1) 14’ Long, all in excellent condition 215-766-0479 eves For Sale - JD 55' self propelled combine with 14’ gram head in excellent condition, $3950 215- 766-0479 eves 18" MF post hole digger,, heavy duty, $5OO Irriga tion pump, model #666-440-1400 gallons per minute, 6"x6" on trailer with diesel engine, 238 hp , 426 cu m , $4OOO Race 4 Race ir rigation pipe, 8000’ 4”, 900' 8" & 2 trailers Go'f v car, Harley Davidson, gasoline, $250 Howard 4 rotavator, 50", series E. ?, $750 Jim Yemgst * 717 436 2656 n FOR SALE - 100’ Clay “ shuttle-feeder, including ■ Also 16’ cross i conveyor (814-238- | 5888) 8 Used fuel tanks, like new, 2*. 'A price, 2000, 3000, & “•4000 gal 201-859-2616 FARM EQUIPMENT The following categories are available for your classified advertising □ Farm Equipment □Silos & Unloaders □ Buildings & Supplies □Gram Equipment □ Dairy Equipment □ Livestock Equipment & Supplies □Cattle □ Horses & Mules □Sheep & Goats □Swine □Artificial Breeding □Hog Equipment & - Supplies □ Poultry & Supplies □ Feed & Seed □ Fertilizer □Plants □ Fruits & Vegetables □ Nursery □ Lawn & Garden □Services Offered □Custom Work □Help Wanted □ Situations Wanted □Business Opportunity □Trucks A Trailers □Autos □ Notice □ Lost □ Found □ Pets □ Household □ Miscellaneous □Real Estate For Sale - Farmall 560 diesel, fast hitch, rubber 75%, recent engine overhaul, very good condition Berks Co 717- 933-8134. For Sale - Farmall 706 diesel tractor, new rubber, 2 or 3 pt. hitch, full weights, one owner, 2700 hrs. 301-795-1813 JD 3300 diesel combine, low hours, 2 row 38” corn head and gram head Selling due to health. 301- 838-7271, Harford Co Ford BN'tractor w/3 pt. hitch, runs good, $l5OO Ford 8N parts, used trans, rear axle & housings w/fenders VILSMEIER EQUIPMENT INC. Route 309 Montgomeryville, Pa 18936 Phone. 215-699-3533 For Sale - 2 corn sieves for MF 410 combine, red coat seed wheat, cleaned and treated, 215-683-5439. For Sale - 10 hp. Ruston diesel $250,10 hp Deutz diesel $350, calf after 5.30 PM or Sat Jacob P Beiler, Noble Rd., Kirk wood, PA 17536, Lane Co For Sale - 1456 IH, long axles with dual 18 4 and 38 tires & front weigh t-s 717-786-2534. Ideal Gifts' “THE EN CYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN FARM TRACTORS," Covers tractors from 1890’s to 1979 1500 photos with full descriptions 320 large pages Hard Leatherette Cover $26 95 “ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN STEAM TRACTION ENGINES" 1250 photos 320 pages Hard Leatherette Cover $23 95 SPECIAL' Both Above collectors Volumes $45 95 Postpaid Car Books' "ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN CARS,” 1946-1959 2000 photos, 416 pages $2B 95 “SIXTY YEARS OF CHEVROLET” 1650 photos, 320 pages $23 95 "ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF FORD” $23 95 "FORD TRUCKS SINCE 1905” $2B 95 “THE DODGE STORY” $23 95 All Books Hard Leatherette Cover Diamond Farm Book Publishers, Dept LF Box 266, Alexandria Bay, NY 13607 Foi Sale - F 6-912 Deutz power unit with skid base, almost' new, Yost M Beachy, Rd 1 Box 48, Meyersdale, PA 15552 FARM EQUIPMENT JD 850 diesel tractor, 24 h.p., 3 pt hitch, front weights, like new,,7l hrs, $4BOO 301-875-2478. AC 330 corn head, low profile, done about 60 acres, with quick tach, $2500.301-875-2478 JD 2010 tractor with Kelly hyd loader, new paint and rubber, $4500, 717- 229-2564 For Sale -185 diesel with cab and heater, very good condition $12,000, 607- 478-8993 John Deere 6600 sidehill corn-grain-soybean com bine with 15 ft platform, 6 RN corn head, new front tires, Frtz & Stoneham, Waynesboro, PA 717-762- 3614. For Sale - 1976 2-row Nl super picker shelter, wide row, harvested 200 acres, excellent condition Northumberland Co. 717- 425-2638 For Sale - Cat 10’ angle dozer blade for D-4 or 955 Excellent condition Juniata Co. 717-734- 3542. - For Sale - NH 890 forage harvester with 2 heads, 1 #8 NH forage wagon, with 3rd beaters and roofs, 1 27 NFL forage blower, 1 790 NH manure spreader, Reason for selling, sold cows, 215-436-5380 Nl #lO corn picker, A-l condition $675, NH baler $495,717-354-0266 Int. 503 combine with cab, gas, 4 row wide corn head, 13’ gram head, good condition, ready to go in field, 201-475-4368 NH 985 Combine w/gram and corn head, hydrostatic drive $12,000. Case Skid Loader, bottled gas, SI7OC NH and Nl Spreaders $650 up WENTZ FARM SUPPLY Palm, Pa. 215-679-7164 For Sale - JD 4430, powr shift, $12,500, excellent condition. 215-683-7943 after 1 pm For Sale - Custom Built double chain, wooden conveyors 4 tapered board feeders for cattle and hog feeding systems. M. Rissler, Stevens RD 1, Pa. 215-267-2244 Crawler Tractor Parts, New and., Used Parts Available for Cat, Allis Chalmers, IHC, Case, John Deere and others Rubber tired construction equipment parts available ‘or Hough, Michigan, Gallon and Cat Road Graders VILSMEIER EQUIPMENT INC. Route 309 Montgomeryville, Pa , 18936 Phone 215-699-3533 For Sale - Ford 618 silage blower. Stump Acres 717- 792-3216 York Co New Field Queen Harvester parts at less than half price, 201-475- 4368 ' For Sale - Chisholm-Ryder snapbean harvesters with hydraulic dump wagons, reconditioned 4 painted 609-769-3183 For Sale - New bale thrower wagons, flat bed wagons with 6,8, 10 ton gears, also Zimmerman elevators 28, 32, 26, 40 ft lengths, Also plywood feed bins, will deliver and install, Stoltzfus Wood work, Rd 2 Box 2280, Gap, PA 17527, 717-442-8972, 1 mile north of Gap along 897 For Sale - Case 4 bottom auto reset plow, semi mtd JD 4-row 994 corn planter, dry or liquid Graham chisel plow 5 tooth on rubber 717-367- 2638 For Sale- Rotary scythe, 9 ft, AC 170, IH 10 drill 717-438 3115 For Sale - Harvester grinder blower, good condition, hammers never turned, 717-965-2476 For Sale -1 ton feed mixer with motor, $3OO, JD 10” hammermill $150; 7x14 flat wagon, metal top $3OO/best offer on everything Montgomery Co. 215-584-0156. 1 used 6x50 transport auger $lO5O, 1 Used gram cleaner for same $600; 1 engine hoist, new $650,717-567-6059, JD 4020 diesle, wf, PS, food condition, diver 77, new tires, live PTO, good condition, $l2OO or best offer, 215- 865-5821 19.6 Bush Hog disc, 22” blades, hyd. fold, com plete with cylinders, good condition, after 8 p.m or Box 213, Rd 1, Heller town, PA 18055 215-258- 9818. NEW EDITION' "FARM TRACTORS IN COLOR” 80-years tractor history, 118 full color photos 183 pages $1195 “STEAM POWER IN AGRICULTURE" 100 year's steam power, 103 full color photos, 184 pages $11.95 “STEAM TRACTION ENGINES, WAGONS AND ROLLERS" 180 pages, 158 full color photos, with descriptive notes on each engine $ll 95 SPECIAL 1 Complete Collectors library, three above hardcover books $32 95 Postpaid. Diamond Farm Book Publishers, Dept. LF Box 266, Alexandria Bay, NY. 13607 For Sale - New Idea chuck wagon, excellent con dition, used 4 years, $2OOO, 2 15.5-38 6 ply tractor tires mounted on rims for 3020 tractor, $375 301-472-2206 For Sale - Two NH forage boxes, rear unloading, good shape $750 for model 3 & $450 for model 6 302-239-5695 For Sale - IH #l6 forage harvester with 3 heads $5OO. 717-538-2440 1566 IH, white cab, air, heat, 2 valves, 20 Bx3B tires, new TA, 1060 hrs, must sell, after 8 p.m or Box 213, Rd 1, Heller town, PA 18055 215-258- 9818. For Sale - 460 Farmall diesel tractor M Farmall with Nl mounted picker, 12 roll husking bed 717- 933-4678 For Sale - 856 Farmall tractor, 2900 hrs, wfe, nice M Farmall 717-933- 8713 For Sale - 7030 AC diesel tractor, VG condition with duals $14,000 607-478- 8993 Gehl 300 chopper, 1-row plus hay, very good, $l5OO 12 Frey Bros calf stalls, like new, $BOO 717-745-3543 For Sale - Ford mounted 2 row corn picker, very good condition, for Ford 700 or 900 series tractor, Three hay wagons with side doors for unloading, 1966 Ford truck body and hoist, good condition truck fair Andrew Schertel, RDI, Barto, Pa 19504, Phone 845-7508 For Sale - New Idea corn picker and sheller, 2 row mounted, mounting brackets for JD 3010- 4020, JD 4x16, 5x16, 6x16 automatic reset plows 717-745 3233 13’6” Bush Hog rotary motor, Model 160, 215 255-5211 after 6pm Nl 7 picker, IH 2 pt bottom plow, Ford 3 pt 2 row cultivator, 717-432- 3942 Adams Co Wanted - good under carriage for AC HD6G Write J Riss, Eagle Rd , Rd 1, Newtown PA 18940 FARM EQUIPMENT Metal shear 12'xV4" cut, value $17,000 using every day, must see in operating, heavy 11 ga 10’ apron brake, 15 ton mechanical punch with motor, 215-286-5146 For Sale - NH & 24' elevator NH Super 68 baler, good for corn fodder, MC 7D-7r ft rotary scythe (sharp), Nicholson nay tedder, frounddnvenaPTO 17-687-6553. For Sale Farmall Super C with fast hitch, cultivators, 2 bottom plow, new paint. Farmall Super AV w/hyd., cult & new paint Farmall late model -cub w/hyd, fast hitch & cult., like new. AC B tractor, $475 7 ft. BN tractor mower Ford & IHC 3 pt hitch 2 row cultivator. 717-687-6553 Farmers & Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section. 717- 394-3047 or 717-626- 1164 New Tractor Sale - 35 hp - $7OOO, 41 h.p - $7BOO, 48 h p - $B4OO, 60 h.p. - $9BOO, 90 h p. - $13,200.’ Ail above have PS, live PTO, 3 pt. For all your equipment needs call 717-548-2896 Lane Co. For Sale - Auto, turn carts, Little Brittain Welding Shop, Rt 2 Box 218, Not tingham, PA 19362. For information and delivery call L D. Wood 215-932-3141. For Sale- 5200 ft. 4” ir ngation pipe, Chrysler VS pump $5OOO Franklin Co 717-328-5520. For Sale- 3 pt hitch hay & Straw stack mover $5OO, Franklin 717-328-5520. Wanted- Wiconsm engine with reduction gear, runn ing or for parts, 717-687-6553. For Sale- Fox 2000 corn chopper, 2 row head, 30" centers, elec sharpener, excellent con dition $3500, 717-529-6670 For Sale - 170 JD skid loader, good condi tion. 717-786-2534 For Sale - Custom built double chain wooden conveyors and tapered board feeders Samuel K Stoltzfus, Box 347, Peach bottom, RD #l, Pa 17563 along 272 Vz mile east of Wakefield For Sale - Two Bnllion packer seeders, Both 10' one wransport v/heels Oliver 2 bottom radex 12" & 14” trailer plows NHSS rake Nl 752 crusher. JD KBA disc - 20. 24 & 28, available w/transport 717-687-6553. 880 New Holland har vester with grass & corn head. Purchased new, used 3 yrs to harvest 200 acres of hay & corn. Excellent-new condition Sch County 717-943- 2401 New Dion forage wagon, 3 beater, $4300 Used'AC forage wagon, $lOOO 190XT diesel 100 h p.. good shape, $6300 717- 768-3832. Old two cylinder John Deere fly wheels rebuilt with our patented steel draw-in hub which has the ability to tighten up on new or worn crank shafts Also available new manufactured un breakable fly wheels Allen Machine Works, RD #7, Jonesboro, Tenn 37699,615-753-5738 day or night 244 New Idea spreader, hyd end gate, used 1 excellent year. mechanical condition, $5200 New cost now $7OOO 717-375-2274 For Sale -1H 4586 4 wheel drive tractor, 550 hrs , ex cellent condition, 20 8 x 38 dual wheels 4 hyd valves, decelerator horn, swivel seat 7^325-2274 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 4,1980—81 l FARM EQUIPMENT TRACTOR SALE 6 Tractors 23 to 45 h.p. All gas engines, good condition and in ser- vice 1.1970 Ford 2000 (Beyl.) 4 speed, 3 PTH, pto, 1760 hours. $3450. 2.19631 H 8414,8 speed, live pto, PS, 3 PTH, 14x24 turf tires, 3140 hours $2850. 3 1958 1H350 TA, PS, 2 PTH adapter, md. pto, power adjust rear wheels, 2 aux valves, 2130 hours $2650 U-33 loader for 1H350,5150. 4 1958 Farmall 230. 2 PTH + 3 PTH adapter, 1 aux valve, $1350. 5 Ford 9N, turf tires $2OOO 6 Fork-lift mounted on 9N, 2500# capacity, side shift. VG condi tion. Good tires. $2500. 3 PTH MF 2x16 roll over plow. 3 PTH 5 Rotary mower, good condi tion. $2OO. Bale thrower for 62 Oliver baler. 3 PTH Case 2-row cor nplanter, Fair. $75. WANTED; 4 sound 10x36 tires less than 25% tread Telephone: 215-598-7656 for 9N’s evenings. 215-598-7200 for other equipment anytime. Bucks County. For Sale - David Brown 990 diesel with loader, 11300 hrs, original tires 45% rubber. 215-445- 4280. For Sale - 710 Nl combine, D 6 gas engine, 13’ gram table, 2 row wide corn head, runs good $4890, Call after 6 609-358-8505. For Sale - 2 cylinder GM diesel power units Price $2600 each, rebuilt and new clutches, good condi tion, Josie A. Hosteltler, Belleville, PA, Barrville Rd. For Sale - AC GL44O corn head, good shape, call anytime 717-649-5096. For Sale - Combine, MF 300 diesel, cab, straw chopper, 10' robot gram head & 2-row corn head, super clean, always kept inside 201-735-4142. For Sale - Lime/fertilizer spreaders, 1971 IH 2010 tandem wKraus spreader body, 1975 IH 1700 w/Kraus spreader body, 1976 IH 1700 Kraus spreader body, all ex cellent condition 304-725- 2465 For Sale - One JD pony motor, for 720 or 730 Also several front end wts for JD utility tractors. One set of wrap around weights 717-464-2874. For Sale - 300 gal. Girton SS milk tank, good condi tion, any reasonable offer accepted, IH baler #H27 $5OO, flat wagon $2OO, NH manure spreader #328, used 6 mo. 717-875-2378. Quick tach MF 510 gas with cab & gram head, corn head available $4500, MF 1130 diesel, good condition $7OOO, Hershey 717-534-1253 Lost - Strayed - Missing 18 mo Jersey heifer, dark red v with white spots, typical Jersey black face. Ear tag #23VAR2317, left ear tatoo D 256, right ear tatoo X-2 $lOO reward Contact Long Meadows Farm RD3 Box 626 Hamburg, PA 19526 215-552-3966 or leave message at 215-562-3242 4020 JD, power shift, good tires, all weather cab, good paint, A-l con dition, $ll,BOO 5 bottom automatic reset plow, $l6OO 2 pt hitch 2 bot tom plow to fit 230 or 340 Farmall Also cultivators for same, front 4 back Tobacco hoers for CA AC 717-898-0902 before 7 AM or after BPM FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - 25’ IH chisel plow, excellent condition, 25' double wing, 25 32" shanks, 32” rock shaft, hyd. hose coupling, swivel hitch, trailing hitch, 25 3” twisted shanks. 717-375-2274. 880 New Holland harvester with grass & corn head. Purchased new, used 3 yrs to harvest 200 acres of hay & corn. Excellent new condition. Sch. Co. 717- 943-2401. JD 4020 diesel, WF $7500,814-793-4293 2 730 diesel, electric start 814-793-4293. 2 530 JD, 1 520 814-793 4293 ___ NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIAL PRICE ON WHITE TRACTORS 2-135 20.8x38, Air 2-105 Demo, 20.8x38, Air 8700 Combine 9700 Combine, (Axial) NEW HARVESTERS Fox 6654 SP Fox 3310 NI7OB Uni N 1709 Uni FQ 7650 Side Dump 2000-100 PuH Type 2000-150 PuU Type Farmhand Recutter Blower Field Queen * Artway Won Wagons * McCurdy Bin Wagons * Speedy Com Cribs * Hesston Stackhand 10, $5,000 USED EQUIPMENT 7600 Field Queen 700 hrs. NI 702 Gas w/2 Row Picker FQ Side Dump Wagon Gehl Side Dump Wagon Oliver 1855 Tractor Oliver 1850 Tractor Oliver 77 Tractor IH 460 Tractor 8C & 12G Hydromac Skid Loaders White 5400 6R Planter Oliver 5-16” Plow FoX ' 2300 Harvester w/SnapperHead Fox 3000 Harvester Hesston 2000-150, 3R Harvester Brady Shredder- Windrower JD2IOFg. Wagon Brady 12’Shredder Bush Hog 14’ Rotary Mower JD 237 Mounted Picker NI 324 2RW Picker IH 715 Combine, 13’ header, 3 row N Corn Head NI 710 Combine IH 56 Blower Fox Blower JD 12’ Cultimulcher Artsway 750 Silo-Mix NI 730 4-Row Head NI 711 Head NI 713 Head NI 729 Shelter NI 8 Ton Spreader Hawk Bilt 180 Spreader Starlme 3200 gal. Super Tanker w/chisel injector Hesston Stack Hand 10 Short Block GM 478 for 705 Um Better-Bilt Hi-pressure Vac. Pump STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE Cochranville, Pa. 215-593-2407
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers