AS—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, September 13,1980 W~ 'UMAHM' SEPT. 15-21, 1980 A spot of hot, and why not 7 Trees are starting to turn now Mickey Mouse first appeared Sept 19 1928 First quarter of the moon Sept 17 Average length of davs for the week 12 hours, 18 minutes Vom Kippur Sept 20 Harvard College founded this week in 1636 Two •.narrows cm the same ear of corn are not long friends Ask the Old Farmer. What is the aMarfHßr origin of the term "Indian giver" 7 Does it really have anything to do ImHjIPPp o? with Indians 7 BG, Worcester, Mass &t— r According to tradition, the Indian under stood swapping and honored such a trade But if he gave anything to another, he retained his interest in it and felt free to take it back if he felt like it Home Hints If vou want to keep suede shoes looking fresh rub them with a piece of stale rve bread after each wearing OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England- Ramv and cool through mia veek, then clearing, possible showers, for weekend Greater New York-New Jersey: Rainy and cool all week, with clearing skies and warm temperatures by weekend Middle Atlantic Coastal. Cool, showers through midweek, then sunnv and hot south, showers north for week s end Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Showers west, rain east at week's start middle of week through weekend is clear and warm (All Rights Resened Yankee Inc Dublin N H 03444) Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. Saturday, September 6 Report supplied by auction STOCKER, FEEDER, AND SLAUGHTER CAT TLE: Good Light Steer Calves 85.00-90.00; Medium 80.00- Plain 75.00 and down; Good Heavy Steers 66.00- Medium 61.00- 66.00; Plain 57.00 and down; Holstein Steers 46.50-65.75; Good Light Heifer Calves 62.00- Medium 57.00- 62.00; Plain 52.00 and down; Good Heavy Heifers 55.00- 60.00; Medium 50.00-55.00; RED ROSE BUILDING SYSTEMS SPECIALIZING I ALL TYPES OF FARM AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS ★ Serving You Throughout Penna., Maryland, Delaware, And New Jersey! ★ If you need any type of farm or commercial building, call collect or send the coupon for more information. LF I Please contact me with information on the following; □ FARM BUILDINGS □ COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS □ DO-IT-YOURSELF BUILDING PACKAGES Fill Out And Mail To: Red Rose Building Systems, PO Box 366, Manheim, Pa. 17545 Name Address or RD. Town Phone (include area code) thIQLD Plain 45.00 and down; Slaughter Cows 47.00-52.50; Utilities 38.00-47.00; Canners & Cutters 35.00 and down; Milk & Stock Cows 590.00 and down; Stock Bulls 63.00 and down; Slaughter Bulls 59.50 and down. CALVES: Veal Calves 79.00 and down; Baby Calves 140.00 and down. SHEEP & LAMBS: Choice Blue O 67.50; Good Red O 58.00; Feeder Lambs 56.00- 64.50; Slaughter Ewes 9.00- 21.25; Stock Ewes 65.00 and down. HOGS: Top 45.90; Heavy 35.00-44.00; Medium 35.00; Light 33.25; Sows 20.00-39.25; Boars 28.00 P.O. Box 366 Manheim, Pa. * We Want To Get Acquainted With You Ask About Our introductory Discounts! DO-IT-YOURSELFERS ★ We Can Furnish You With A Complete Building Materials Package And Blueprints. Erect it your self and Save Labor Costs! State 1 Peoria Cattle Thursday, September 11 Report supplied by USDA WEEKLY CATTLE SUMMARY; Slaughter steers finished the week 1.50- 2.50 lower. Heifers 1.50-2.00 lower. Cows were firm to 1.00 higher. Bulls remained steady. Slaughter steers and heifers continue their downward price tumble for the fourth consecutive week with buyers remaining cautious, selective and non aggressive in response to the lower carcass trade. Receipts this week 3700 as compared to 2991 last week and 4362 a year ago. SLAUGHTER STEERS: On Monday, Chioce and Prime 241100-1250 lbs. 71.00- 71.50, Vz load Choice 2-3 1000 lbs. 72.00. Closing sales Wednesday, Choice 24 1000- 1250 lbs. 68.00-69.50. 4 loads 1075-1250 lbs. 70.00-70.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 900-1100 lbs. 66.50-68.50. Load 1300 lbs. Holstems 63.00 on Monday. Good 64.00-67.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Monday, Vz load Choice and Prune 24 1000 lbs. 68.50, Wednesday’s closing sales, Choice, few Prime 24 900- 1075 lbs. 66.00-67.25. Load 67.50 Couple loads 3, mostly 4’s 64 00-65.00. 800-900 lbs 64.50-66 00 Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 850-1000 lbs 63.00- 65 00. Good 60 0063.50 COWS Utility and Commercial 2-3 45.00-50.00, few Heiferettes 50.00-54.00. Cutters 42.00-48.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1100-2100 lbs. 50 00-60.00 Bulk 53.00- 60.00. Call Collect 717-665-7150 Zip Livestock market and auction news Open Yearling Angus and Crossbreed Steer Sale Tri-State, Va. Monday, September 8 Report supplied by VDA There were 927 head sold. All cattle were graded by Representatives of the VDACS’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on USDA standards and sold by the hundredweight. STEERS: Medium Frame No. 1: 400-500 lbs. 77.00-82.00; 500600 lbs. 72.00-76.25; 600- 700 lbs. 67.00-77.25 ; 700-800 lbs. 65.00-72.00; 800-900 lbs. 64.25-66.10; 900-1000 lbs. 60.2564.70; ’ 1000-1200 lbs. 55.0061.25. Large Frame No. 1: 600- 700 lbs. 75.50-75.75; 700600 lbs. 70.75-72.00 ; 800-900 lbs. 61.0064.80; 900-1000 lbs. 61.2564.00; 1000-1300 lbs. 56.0063.00. Small Frame No. 1: 400- 500 lbs. 64.00-74.00; 500600 lbs. 74.40; 600-700 lbs. 64.75- 69.00 ; 700-800 lbs. 69.00-70.00; 800-1000 lbs. 49.0065.25. Large Frame & Medium Frame No. 2; 400-500 lbs. 65.00-72.00; 500600 lbs. 71.00- 75.00 ; 600-700 lbs. 57.5065.25; 700600 lbs. 58.0067.25; 800- 900 lbs. 55.0060.00; 900-1000 lbs. 55.0067.25; 1000-1300 lbs. 50.0066.00. Large and Medium Frame No. 3: 400-600 lbs. 49.00-53.00; 600-800 lbs. 53.00-58.00. Small Frame No. 2; 400- 600 lbs. 58.00-63.00 ; 600-800 lbs. 53.0fr59.00. STEEL FUEL STORAGE TANKS Capacity Dia. Gauge Price 285 36" 550 48" 550 48" 1000 48” 1000 48” 2000 64" * ADDITIONAL $ 25 OFF WHEN PURCHASED WITH A TANK! HOWARD E. GROFF CO. Fuel Oil, Gasoline, and Coal 111 E. State Street, Quarryville, PA 17566 Phone: 717-786-2166 Four States Livestock Hagerstown, Md. Wednesday, September 3 Report supplied by auction SLAUGHTER: Fed Steers & Heifers $l.OO lower. Choice to 65.50; Good 60.0064.50; Medium 59.00 Down. Heifers Choice 60.0063.50; Good 53.00- Medium 52.00 Down; Cows steady to $l.OO lower. High Yield 50.00- 52.00; Average 46.0049.00; Big Middle 41.00-45.00; Shelly 42.00 Down. Fat Bulls Good 56.00-59.00; Medium 50.00- Veal Calves $2.00 lower. Good 82.0069.50; Medium 70.006UX); Farm Hfrs. to 190.00; Farm Bulls to 109.50; Light & Weak 62.00 Down. Lambs steady. Choice 65.0066.50; Good 61.0064.00; Medium 60.00 Down. STOCKER: Steers 300-550 lbs. mostly steady prices. Choice 74.00-78.00; Good 69.00- Medium 62.00- 68.00; Culls 61.00 Down. Steers 600650 lbs. Choice 66.00- Good 60.0065.00; Medium 59.00 Down. Heifers (AH Weights) Choice 63.00- 68.50; Good 57.00-62.00; Medium 56.00 Down; Bulls Choice 63.0066.00; Good 59.0062.00; Medium 58.00 Down. Dairy Cows to 1.160.00. Springing Heifers to 1.220.00. Pigs, Hd. $2.00 lower. 20-30 lbs. 6.00-17.00; 4060 lbs. 18.00-28.00. Shoats by Lb. to 39.00. Slaughter Hogs $2.50 under last week. 210-230 lbs. 46.0046.75; 240- 260 lbs. 46.0046.60; 190-205 NEW UNDERGROUND 12 no 10 205 7 250 10 300 7 370 7 570 10,000 96” ; 10,000 120” j. 15,000 126” ; 20,000 126” 1 30,000 126" PRICES FOB QUARRYVILLE lbs. 44.00-46.00. Sows lbs. 37.00-42.50; Thin Sow? 27.00-35.00. G&M Livestock Duncansville, Pa. Monday, September 8 Report supplied by auction Compared to last Monday, market report steers weak, cows steady, hogs lower. DAIRY COWS: 600.00- 1200.00. STEERS: Good to Choice 70.00- Standard to Good 62.00- HEIFERS: High Choice Prime 54.00-68.50; Good to Choice 60.00-64.00; Standard 54.00-60.00. FEEDERSTEERS: Good to Choice 300-500 lbs. 65.00- 94.00. BULLS: 1000-1554 Iht 60.00- 900-1200 IflP 54.00- COWS: High Choice Prime 50.00-54.00; Good 48.00-50.00; Utility 44.00-48.00; Cutters 40.0044.00; Canners Down to 37.00. CALVES: High Choice 90.00- few to 121.00; Good to Choice 70.00-90.00; Standard to Good 60.00-70.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. Bulls 100.00-128.50; Hoi Heifers 160.00-201.50. FEEDER PIGS: 15-25 lbs. 10.00- ; 25-50 lbs. 15.00- 27.00. HOGS: 200-240 lbs. 47.00- 48.25; 170-320 lbs. 43.0047.00. SOWS: 35.00-44.75. BOARS: 30.00-36.25. LAMBS: 55.00-63.00. SHEEP: 15.00-25.00. Capacity Dia Gauge 4000 64" Price 950 2495 2250 3825 4790 8390 Vi" Vi" 5/16" 5/16” 3/8”
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