Bit— Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, September 13,1980 FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE HESSTON 10 STAKHAND PAUL D. MAST 215>286-9510 FOR SALE AgStar hog A cattle heated waterers, rotary hog feeders, stock tanks, medication tank waterers, 40-60-80 bu round feeders, replacement feeder bottoms, cattle gates, hog A cattle panels A pipe gates, nipple waterers, Trojan waterers, Magic-Ray gas heaters, Allflex hog A cattle tags, automatic cattle head gate, cow water bowls, medicators, Hot-Shot repair service A parts Animal health products A feed grade medications our specialty Our specials run all year ZIMMERMAN ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY 717-733-4466 (NEW/ JD6OS JD 4430 Tractor w/RG JD 4020 Tractor JD 4020 Tractor WFE JD 2640 Tractor w/loader JD 2010 Tractor JD 850 Tractor Ford 800 Senes Tractor w/loader IHC M Tractor IHC Super C w/mower JD 12’ Pull Type Chisel Plow JD 1209 Mower Con ditioner JD 54 Manure Spreader JD 925 Roller Harrow JD 237 Corn Picker JD 227 Com Picker JD 1240 Com Planter JD 1240 Com Planter JD 494 A Com Planter AC 4-Row No-Til Cora Planter IH 51 Cora Planter w/Liq. Fert. JDWH 76 Offset Disc JDRWADisc Athens Disc JD 3800 Chopper w/2 row com hd JD 34 Chopper w/cora bead JD 105 Combine w/platform and com head JD 7700 Combine w/platfonn and 643 com head JD 224 Baler w/eiector JD 214 Baler w/thrower JD 24T Baler w/ejector JD 24T Baler w/ejector JDB94ARake Brady 1440 Shredder, like new Nl4l’ Elevator N 1272 Cut/ditioner NI 279 Cut/ditioner JD 145 6B Plow JD 1450 5B Plow ENFIELD EQUIPMENT INC. White!ord,MD 21160 Ph: 301-452-W.52 FARM EQUIPMENT MF 510 w/4R & 13’ $27,500. MF 510 w/gram head $6,900 Oliver 525 w/3R & 10’ $8,250. AC E w/2R and 10’ $7,500 JD 45 w/2R & 10’ $4,900 NH 985 w/4R & 13’ $17,500. Oliver 1750 $8,900. Ford 9N w/loader $1,995 Ferguson TE $1,795. We have extra special prices on the following skid loaders: NHL32S, L 445 NH L 35, L 775, L 778 SHEETS BROS. Massey Ferguson New Holland, White IWI Carlisle St. Hanover, Penna. 717-632-38A0 SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES All have Cabs 4 Air Cond., Very Good Cond. MF 760 Turbo 6 Dsl, Hydro Trans 6 Row Corn 15 ft Gram, 1977 $4 2.700.00 MF 510 combine w/44 head $19,400 00 JDSSDsI w/2 Row Corn Head 10’gram S C3b $9,250 00 Oliver mod 525 w/2 row corn head 4 3 row corn head 4 gram head $12,700.00 Other Combines- Most as is JD 5510 ft Gram Head 2,450.00 MH 82 12 ft Gram Head 2,375.00 New Fox 6250 4 WH Drive Harvester Call Used 2310 Fox w/new 2 row corn head 6,450.00 Fox 2 row snapper 3,250.00 MF 54 Forage Blower '‘New" “Special" Used MF 260 2 row head 2,850.00 Used IHC 550 w/2 row corn head 1,050.00 660 Fox Blower Reg $22,090 Sale Price $ 16,050 JD 2000 Kools grinder blower $2150 MF pull type rotary cutter $1250 1 Lamco forage box w/auger unloading new 8 ton gear tires $3,650.00 AC forage box 8 ton running gear, used 1 season $2,450.00 New MF 4840, all extras White 4-175 new, w/all extras, Special Price - Call Used MF 235 diesel w/front end Idr, 2 btm , plow, and mower, low hours $8,975.00 New MF 285 D New MF 245 D White 2-45, new 4 MF 750 Diesels now in stock White 9700 axial flow, new Used Oliver 1550 heavy duty loader w/hyd shuttle 4,800.00 Model L 425 NH skid steer loader $5275.00 New JD 5 ton fertilizer spreader w/tandem axle 4 brakes, $4250.00 Used White 271 fold up disc, w/new blades 5,150.00 Taylorway offset disc 12' 6,150.00 Taylorway disc chisel 10 toothed $3850 00 1 Four bottom Oliver cushion tip plow $975 00 New 16’ Brady fold up field cultivator m GUS FARM EQUIPMENT. INC. Intersection of Routes 616 4 214 mmm Seven Valleys, PA i, / iyM y mSim (717)428-1967 |/LIL33 FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE AC GLEANER FKS COMBINE Diesel. Cab, Air Conditioning, 13’ grain, 440 Corn Call Ed Price at Vernon E Stop Co Frederick, Maryland 301-663-3185 or After 6pm 301,-898-7247 USED EQUIPMENT 3 Bou matic 60 lb pail units with elec solid state pulsation and stall cocks Calif in flations 2 Calif teat cup assemblers 2 Surge 30+ vacuum pumps v/ith 1 65 hp motor 2 DeLavai 75 vacuum pumps with 2 & 3 hp motors 18. ZIMMERMAN & SONS West of Blue Ball, PA 717-354-4955 FARM EQUIPMENT AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT CO. FARNSWORTH FARM SUPPLY 103 Cemetery St. Hughesville, PA 17737 717-584-2106 525 Oliver combine, 2 heads $7500 80 MH combine, 2 heads 2500 77 Oliver gas 800 Super 88 Oliver diesel 1600 1800 Oliver gas 2500 L-175 Kubota diesel 3500 L-225 NH Skid steer loader 4700 Nl picker, 1 row " 3200 770 NH harvester 5200 707 NH harvester, 2 heads, new 4000 MM harvester, 2 heads 1000 2 Lamco self unloading wagons 8 ton flotation tires, rough 2100 ea 33 NH flail chopper 700 15 JD flail chopper 700 JOHN DEERE NEW & USED FARM EQUIPMENT NEW EQUIPMENT USED EQUIPMENT Inters Tractors JDBSO JD9SO JDIOSO JD2040 JD2940 ■JD 2940 w/4 wheel I drive * JD4240, PS i JD4640 I Waiver of finance on 3 some models till 3- A 1-81 plus JD money | Tillage Equipment XJD 2600 5 bottom .2 plow I JD 1250 3x16 plow X JD4S 2x16 plow X JDIIS 10’ disc I JD2lOl2' 10 " disc X JD 21511’10” disc X JD21512’ 10” disc IJD 1610 pull type 3 chisel plow A JD 1610 3 pt. chisel I plow } JDI7IOA mulch tiller A Bnllion 13' I cultipackers 3 Bnllion transport A spring tooth I harrows, 12', 14' S * 16’ Planters & Drills JD 7000 4 RN planter JO 1550 power till seeder, for sale or rent Forage Equipmenl JO 3940 forage harvester Waiver of finance till 4- 1-81 Other Equipmenl Bush Hog scraper blades in stock McCurdy gravity boxes in stock Used Rotar Mowers Bush Hog 6’ 3 pt. Woods RM 306 3 pt. NEW SPECIAL — JD 5440 SELF PROPELLED FORAGE HARVESTER w/4 WHEEL DRIVE & 3RN CORN HEAD List Price $55,812 Sale Price $46,995 NEUHAUS'ES INC. ; R D J #2?Ewt 3*l-83 < •)/- \J| f I _ York, Pa 17403 i'IUUJ | 717-428-1954 | Farmall Super A w/cultivators Tillage Equipment JO 10’ tool bar chisel plow AC 4x16 3 pt. plow AC4btm snap coupler plow JD F 350 6x16 power reset plow JD 145 5x16 plow JD 4 bottom trailer plow JD 3x14 3 pt. plow JO RWA 32 blades disc harrow Pittsburg 10' disc, like new JD 950 10’ roller harrow Drills JD FBB 15x7 JDFBB 17x7 drill JD FB & FBB drills for parts Hay & Forage Equipment JD 894 rake JD 5 wheel rakes Ford 3 pt. 7’ flail mower JD 1209 mower conditioner AC 904 mower con ditioner JD 485 mower con ditioner JD 16A flail chopper 2 JD 24T balers w/ejectors JD 336 baler w/ejector IH 440 baler w/thrower NH 69 baler w/thrower JO table blower, belt drive JD 34-38-3800 forage harvesters 2 NH 611 forage harvesters Com Pickers & Combines JD 40 vw/10’ head $1995 JD 55 combine JD 55 square back w/235 corn head JD 7700 combine w/444 corn head & grain head (—USED SPECIAL NEW IDEA 324 PICKER SHELLER EXC. COND. Wasss99s NOW $5595
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers