r-®V' f “Pioneer, calls it genetic diversity. I call it common sense.” “That ’s whyl’m ordering these Pioneer, brand hybrids? 3535 Here’s the right hybrid for Eastern corn belt fanners. It has lots of high yield punch. And at harvest 3535 shells out load after load of medium hard tex tured, high test weight grain. It’s a real winner under stress of heat, drouth and high population. 3535 is bred to take a lot of punishment and come out on top. This means more corn for you... more income per acre. ft .Sp * * /V • , , / , , » ( *■/$ *’«*. ''■>/. L jW, - (**<-’■ ’• f a't . f ’K t t •/' / - s< ‘ M' ! *< i ,» V#J. •• I'll ’to 4 »»‘,t»V w *» /..**-*'» ••• Mmm ' i, - *** * l; #' iW' Jsss? o<r The Limitation of Warranty and remedy appearing on the label is part of the terms of sale. Pioneer is a brand name; numbers identify varieties. trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Oes Moines, lowa, U.S.A. 3382 Many claims are made about seed com. Some are sold on promises. But 3382 is sold on tried and true yield perform ance. This new breed of hybrid has proven big yield potential under modem fanning practices. High popula tion and well-fertilized soil really un leash the genetic potential of 3382. It driesfast. Standability is excellent. Try it. PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INC., EASTERN DIVISION, TIPTON, INDIANA 46072 PIONEER. BRAND-SEED CORN 3184 This just won’t quit when it comes to stalk strength and high yields. Then ]s nothing better than this firmly established leader hybrid in its maturity zone. Farmers really like it around here. It’s adaptable to most any soil type or farming practice. 3184 takes drouth and Make sure you include this out standing hybrid in your planting plans. It’s a winner. < 1 ***** ,%'t
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