Junior Cooking Edition (Continued from Page C 4) 2 pounds apples 4 cups sugar 1 pint vinegar 1 cup water 4 sticks cinnamon 8 whole cloves Wash the apples, removmg blossom ends and leave stems on. Prick the skins with a fork to keep from split ting. Cook sugar, vinegar and remaining ingredients except the apples together until the sugar is dissolved, stirring occasionally. Cook about 5 minutes, then add the apples and cook 10 minutes. Pack apples into, sterilized jars and fill jars with the hot syup. Mrs. John Urban, Meyersdale j 32nd ANNUAL OLD ! j THRESHERMEN’S REUNION j j Sponsored By I i Rough and Tumble Engineers' I J Historical Assoc. Inc. I ) August 20. 21,22,23. 1980 I I For Information Call: I j 717-442-4249 jj SPICED APPLES • Leather Uppers • Oil-Resistant Soles Super SS $ 18.98t» 5 29.98 • Leather Uppers Super ISST $ 13.98.0 5 21.98 CROCKED SUGAR SNAPS 1 pound sugar snaps, strung 1 pint white vinegar Vz cup honey 1 large sprig dried dill 1 tablespoon mustard seed 1 inch piece ginger root, peeled 6 whole cloves 1 stick cinnamon 1 clove garlic, peeled a few slices of onion Vz teaspoon salt 6-8 peppercorns 6-8 whole allspice In a medium-sized crock or large glass jar, arrange the snap peas and the remaining ingredients listed above. Cover the crock or jar with folded cheese-cloth, then a lid. Let stand in a cool, dark place for 2-3 months, gently agitating to occasionally mix the flavors. These peas are tasty right out of the crock or as flavorful ac companiments to meals. They are also great for parties, served with cocktail trays of chips and dips. Trudy Dougherty, Chester County Extension Penn State tested recipe CHOCOLATE CREAM 3 tablespoons cocoa cup cold water 1 cup milk % cup sugar 1 tablespoon gelatin 2 egg yolks 1 cup cream 1 teaspoon vanilla Cook the cocoa in water until thick, then put in the milk,(reserving some of the milk to add with the egg yolks) sugar and gelatm. Add the slightly beaten egg yolks and reserved milk. Cook 1 minute. Allow to cool and stir once in a while as it thickens. Add the whipped cream and vanilla. The egg whites may be added if desired. Florence Hoover, Age 16, Bowmansville Men’s 8-inch WORK SHOES Ladies' & Teens’ SPORT SHOES Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980—C5 . PEAR AND APRICOT JAM 5 pounds pears 1 pound apricots 4 pounds sugar Boil each food separately and put through a sieve. Combine all in a large kettle and add sugar. Boil the mixture until it is slightly thickened and put m jars while warm. SPICED CANTALOUPE 2 cups sugar Vz cup vinegar water to taste cinnamon and whole cloves, tied together into a spice bag Boil the sugar, vinegar and water together. Make the spice bag and boil in the juice for 5 minutes. Peel and cut cantaloupe into serving pieces. Add to boiling juice and bring to a boil. Put in sterilized jars. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN Season chicken with salt, pepper and poultry seasoning. Cook m a pressure cooker for 20 minutes or longer. Remove the meat from the broth and roll m flour. Season lightly agam.Melt shortening in a skillet to almost cover the meat. Have shortening hot before putting the meat in the pan. Fry until done. The chicken will be cnsp. Lydia Miller, Age 14, Wyoming, Delaware write 6MWIMO ICTTEa SPORT SHOES • Suede Leather Uppers •Colors Rust, Beige and Tan Super ttSS *16.98 *20.98 DRESS BOOT • Color Brown Super %£■ *12.98 MOCCASINS • Suede or Smooth Leather • Colors: Rust, Tan, and Black (Smooth Only) Super Sgf *11.98 Benuel Stoltzfus, Age 9, Christiana Linda Fauth, WrightsviUe m Men’s Men's Vinyl Men's Leather
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