r DIMENSION LUMBER ASSOC/ATION GRADE STAMP B’ 10* 12’ 14’ 16* 18’ |‘ 20’ 2 M x4'* 1.45 2.15 2.58 3.00 3.50 4.06 4.51 2"x6" 2.58 3.22 3.86 4.51 5.15 6.12 6.80 2"xB'' 3.30 4.12 4.94 5.77 6.59 7:66 8.51 2 ., 4.85 6.07 7.28 8.49 9.71 11.22 12.47 2 ., 6.04 7.56 9.07 10.58 12.10 13.97 15.52 II 119 4”x4‘ 4”x6" 6”x6” lg 1»>. isy BARN DOOR HARDWARE Carter Lumber stocks a broad /me of quality controlled National hardware that femes years of trouble-free service BRACKETS ♦SIF •Tit & *SIH JC Double —^ $ 4.35 m BATCHES J *1265 •U. 38 °?25 Gate 5289 NS SHEATHING GRADE 4’xB’ PLYWOOD 5/16” 3/8” 7.79 2x6 Center Match Wolminized Boards 3.56 H SQUARE BARN POLES Imamzei 14* ' 8.40 ir 7.44 K 6.33 13.58 19.53 ess? 12.00 16.74 J T—- DOOR HANGERS *K)S2R $lO CD *1053 *12.89 rf *15.49 1/2” 5/8” 12.95 9.95 5.76 4.45 itei re 16’ 18’ 10.45 23.20 33.00 16.32 23.04 -VVT 19.98 28.08 RAU.S SSferft) $ 1.35 •SlOO (per ft) *1.85 JC Troltey(per ft) <(t.W STW ROLLERS =*♦lB #3lB Z.\ nc Galuaniced *1.99 5 3.89 POLE BUILDING MATERIAL 531 HEADQUARTERS mss 3/4” T&G 3/4” 15.49 14.95 6.44 7.92 24’ x ] 44.64 39J27 9*t3 IFABRAL CORPORATION DOUBLE-RIB ALUMINUM PAINTED GALVANIZED l%”-29 GAUGE HLSTRENGTH STEEL STEEL CORRUGATED ALLOY 29 GAUGE 29 GAUGE GALVANIZED LENGTHS WIDTH 48" NET WIDTH 32" NET WIDTH 32” NET WIDTH 24" NET 7’ 6.20 4.70 8’ 10.37 9.60 7.09 5.37 f - - 7.98 6.05 10’ 12.96 12.08 8.86 6.72 IV - - 9.75 - 12’ 15.55 14.40 10.64 8.06 14’ 18.14 16.80 12.41 ' - 16’ 20.74 19.20 18’ 23.33 - - - 20’ 25.92 - 22’ 28.51 I I - I PBBCHTRBB Pre-Hung METAL-CLAD DOORS | .tom seat made of ’ll formed steel u/ith vulcanized moulded neoprene components. • Exterior primed wood -frame with outside casing and adjustable sill. • Steel faced and -foam filled • Threshold /s extruded aluminum and pre-fimshed oak,fully adjustable withthermal barrier • No combination door is needed. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980—C. METAL ROOFING St SIDING Cjienrt&am® POLYSTYRENE FOAM INSOLATION BOARD $249 $4|99 2ic4'"B‘ $499 s^9 f\ Rev t ruble hinges do 11 not touch ms/de and 'i outside surfaces, I maintaining a j| proper thermal y==y iiiil barrier. «*(?1 / V^/j >oor skins are : ormed from 24 >aa£« electro ►aiuanized steel Polyurethane core is formed in place, ictions as a thermal ner,sound insulator I prevents condensation rfn ILJ* model C 49 IVV'thick-3'wide >114.99 OTHER STYLES IN STOCK Door Knocker, Lock and Handle not included. 3
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