Mt—Lani icastw Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980 ■ 6102 Dtrs, P D (74) HFA Type Summary (7/80) PDT +O.Ol 99% Rpt. KEYSTONE JET STREAM MAUREEN (VG-87) Iyllm 303 d 2X 14,471 m 39% 2ylom 310 d 2X 18,153 m 39% Owner Keystone Farm, Easton, PA JET STREAM ties together many desirable qualifications - a strong pectygree, an out standing predicted difference, and an excep tional type transmitting pattern JET STREAM daughters have real dairy quality with flat, clean bone and well-attached high quality udders Look for him to be an improver of center support, teat size and shape, and fore and rear udders His flatbone characteristics set to the leg, width of rump and width of pelvic and thigh area along with his dairy strength makes him a fine mating for ELEVATION and ASTRONAUT 1792 Herds +2,200m 18,431 m 3 5% 637 f -.23% +431 +s2o3 daughters A cross that should produce out standing results JET STREAM’S second crop daughters are outstanding The number of daughters in his production proof now totals 6102 and his daughters classified more than tripled The dairymen milking JET STREAM'S are very pleased with some two year olds milking over 90 lbs of milk per day You can see why they are using him, again l You should too 1 Contact your NEBA—Sire Power Professional Representative today l Phone 717-836-3168 or 3127 558 f 703 f from Member Cooperatives Northeastern Breeders Association Md Artificial Breeding Coop , Inc W Va Artificial Breeders Coop , Inc GRUBBY-NECK HARMONY JS LEONA (VG-88) EX MAMMARY 2ysm 345 d 2X 21,690 m 35% Owner Harmony Farm, Federalsburg, MD 1 /» .*<*• *■ * ■» - *■ J*. & ?&?***£ * - ''“ *£ZCj? * *■ !*** ~ <,;*»«- ~ a- .;, K&'2: f£ *' u TODD ACRES JET STREAM PHYLLIS (VG-88) 2y6m 345 d 2X 19,890 m 41% 826 f 3y6m 338 d 2X 25,915 m 40% 1014 f Owner Owen Martin, Hagerstown, MD ’ 11 s _ - --•W v R D 2, TUNKHANNOCK. PA 18657 PHONE 717-836-3127 762 f
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