MISCELLANEOUS it For Sale One vegetable n washer, roller type 2 ft x 9 ft Lacka Co 717 587 5710 Wanted Old Cletrac model 15 or 20 and Oliver 0 0 3 Also want old 1 cylinder Hit & Miss engines and related farm equipment Call 203 375 7491 or write Al Provenzano, 65 Harding Ave Stratford, CT06497 For Sale Misprint egg cartons, $l5 per 1,000 Call Eddie 717-665-5927 Large Quantity Firewood, PA’s finest hardwood, cut and split, distributors wanted, 717 494 1626 after9pm Wanted Standing timber to buy For Sale Squared locust posts, walnut lumber and all kinds of sawmill lumber and timbers Custom sawing G H Burkett & Sons Sawmill, Elizabethtown, ,PA 717 367-2791 Sale - Furnace, Bryant natural gas 137,000 BID New in carton $250 00 Creamery separator, Delvale, good cond , $2OO 00 York Co 717 432-2704 TW Case in dustrial backhoe $4,000, 8N Ford tractor $lB5O, half yard concrete mixer with engine less than 50 hrs $4OO, 68 VW Bug D C Sill, across from Sill s Campground on Bowmansville Rd Adamstown, 215 484 2187 Wolverine Shoes • Durability and Comfort Shoes and Boots for the entire family LEID SHOES & SADDLERY Kutztown Rl, Berks Co , Pa 215-682-7926 ? HOUSEHOLD JSOODS Refinished Antique fchairs, excellent con dition, Cane seats, pressed backs, mostly oak, some 2 and 3 of a kind, some rockers $5O and $lOO each, Nor thampton 215 868 2381 REAL ESTATE Mifflin Co , 207 acres 55 tillable, 30 pasture with stream good 4 bedroom home, good barn & out buildings, 1 yr old 104 stall veal barn, beautiful views will consider dividing 717 899 7418 No Sunday calls Farm For Rent Chester Co, 110 acres tillable ground with additional ground available owner interested in young farm family for dairy business, large stone farm house included Send letter to William S Hoffman, 10 Ridge Rd , Phoenixville, Pa 19460 Central New York, 550 acre dairy farm, excellent soil, 1 Harvestore and 2 ioncrete silos, pipeline (liking, approx 100 head uf registered Holsteins, 16,000 lb herd average A nice 4 bedroom home and mobile home 5465,000 Call owner, 3 1 5 858-1297 REAL ESTATE For sale by owner 134 1 acre farm in southern York County Has new 10,000 bird cage layer house New 100 sow far rowing operation Large meadow with small brook and large spring fed pond Could be suitable for dairy farm $2950 per acre Amos A Esh, RD2, Airville, PA 17302 Fman cmg available Call 717 392 4370 300 acre farm, limestone soil, large brick house, barn, etc . gram facilities, Carlisle, PA 717 249 2300 178 +/ acres, Southern Bedford Co, double 3 parlor, 55 freestalls, 110 plus tillable, assumable mortgage 814-784 5705 NY State Finger Lakes area, 91 acre working pig farm, 86 tillable acres in corn and barley, 100’x34’ barn with 10 stall farrow mg house Good 7 room family home, asking $llO,OOO Further in quines to-Millis Real Estate, RD2 Box 87, Clif ton Spgs NY 14432 or Phone 315 525 5042 For rent or possible sale Hog operation with 100’ climate controled building, 40 farrowing crates, pit, and heated floor, 120’ sow building, large bank barn and silo with 40 acres pasture, butcher shop, and 2 story brick house, near New Oxford and Hanover, Adams Co, Mennonite churches nearby 717 632 6968 For Sale 17 acre tillable flat land, picturesque view Bucks Co , Ottsville, PA, no buildings makeex cellent horse farm, $51,000 owner Trailers, OK 215 982 5116 For Sale Farm, 221 acres Perry Co, Large house and barn. 717 438 3115 33 acres, Snyder Co , 9 room house, plenty of water fruit & woods, 12 outbuildings, excellent truck farm, will help finance 717-374 4936 Wanted to Rent in Lititz Manheim area, 2 or 3 bedroom house in country by Jan 15. 1981, Write Box 366 R 12 Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 Reading Row house, meets code, alum siding, $7500 cash, Lyons commercial V* acre plus Hotel $12,500 Cash 717 349 7610 Wanted Lease purchas family farm, 80-100 acres interested in all situations may require some financial aid Write Box 366 R 13 Lancaster Farming, Litit z, PA 17543 For Sale 45 acre "Hoga Co Dairy Farm by owner newly renovated dairy barn has 50 Show Ease tie stalls, Surge pieplme with bulk tank, Patz barn cleaner & overhead hay storage with mow con veyor Also new 18x68 star silo Newly painted 2 story farmhouse has 8 rooms plus an enclosed porch with cellar 2 car garage located next to house $BB 000 Low in terest FHA financing to qualified buyer Write to Coudersport Production Credrt Association P 0 Box 347 Wellsboro Pa 16901 For Sale 70 acres more or less no buildings, Montour Co John M Stoltzfus Box 205 RDI Bloomsburg Pa 17815 FRANKLIN COUNTY 230 acres mountain land hunting lodge sleeps 16 stream, timber, 3000' road frontage 3Vz acres climate con trolled hog finishing house, with house, 2 car garage, excellent con dition Call Chris Heagy Century 21, Lincoln Associates 717 264-3238 Wanted Small dairy farm excellent buildings S land 100 mile Lancaster, Box 120, R D 2, Towanda Pa 18848 , REAL ESTATE York County, South Red Lion 3 bedroom home, 1 5 acres, large garage other storage buildings, $39,500 Rinehart Real Estate, 717 235 6714 Ideal location for hor seman running in PA & WV race tracks, suitable for dairy operation also S Central PA Area J L Lutman Real Estate 717 264-2949 Large Farm 1132 acres, 505 tillable, 200 easily cleared Very productive 1 and for potatoes, gram, hay & corn If your looking for a large farm, don't miss this Harvestore Silos, 8000 ton cement trench, 40x600 & 55x200 beef bams on slats w/pit, other bldgs LARGE FARM & DEVP LAND 1150 acres near metro area Half wooded, 200 acres mowed Prime development site PRODUCTIVE 200 ACRE DAIRY FARM Over 100 tillable, 48 cow barn, Rafter barn, Pipeline, 4 bedroom home W/WO cows & Equip $200,000 United Farm Agency of Pa Inc 814-224 4464 For Lease Available immediately 40 stan chion dairy barn w/pipelme, barn cleaner, pens for young cattle, 44 sta'l loafing barn, 2 silos, unloader & feeder, machine shed. 3 bedroom house plus hookup for mobile home 420 Acres presently leased, but corn is available for putting in silos Additional land & barn available if needed PH 814 445 6333 Wanted to Rent Fall 80 or spring 81, 50 cows and up Berks or Surrounding counties, Write P O Box 251, Kutztown, PA 19530 For Sale 137 acres, great view, deer hunting, good farm land, Bradford Co 717 247 7132 York County Shrewsbury 67 acre farm, 50 tillable, tood road frontage, home buildings need repairs Rinehart Real Estate, 717 235 6714 Farm Cecil Co, MD 100 acres plus 6 Br house, barn and milk houses 5000 ft road frontage, |reat investment, poten tials umlimited For details Calf Elsie Herbst (Agent) 1 301 557 8320 home Grempler Realty Inc EHOB Dairy farm, 300 400 capacity. Southern Georgia with Florida milk market, 2 Harvestore's, large pit silo modern parlor, 2 or 4 homes Phone 912 775-5266 Wanted To Rent in Ephrata Lititz area, 2 or 3 bedroom house in the country by Sept 1 1980 Write PO Box 366 R 11 c/o Lancaster Farming Lititz Pa 17543 For Sale 110 acre farm, Lykens Valley, Dauphin Co 717 362 9233 Farm approximately 740 acres Harvestore 26x80, freestall herringbone 6 milking parlor, owner will take mo r tgage 315 677 3013 York County Shrewsbury area 8 acres secluded hideaway, old log house barn stream pasture woods $37 500 Rinehart Real Estate 717 235 6714 For Sale Farmette 10A + 3 bedroom house pool big barn $137 000 Bucks Co 215 795 2901 36 plus acres modern horse farm with ex ceptional 5 bedroom 2‘/? story home Farm con tains large bank barn with a concrete addition of 40 box stalls, indoor framing ring, outdoor training ring and much more Call Collect POST REAL ESTATE INC 717 632 1444 For Sale 71 A farm, new Bndgeville area, York Co $l7OO per A BV2A lot 5 ft rotary mower fit Farmall Super A 140 tractor 717 927 6073 For Sale Perry County, 1 to 8 acre woodlots ap proved 717 438 3115 REAL ESTATE Opportunity for young farmer to get a start, 50 tillable acres near Not tmgham in Chester Co house and some buildings additional land for rent, owner financing, Neighborhood Realty, Jordon Inc 215 269 8000 or 215 857 3762 CHESTER CO PA Dairy Farm suitable tor 2 Amish families, 165 acres limestone soil 120 acres tillable, 35 acres good pasture with stream, 10 acres woods, 50 stan chions, 600 gal milk tank, 16 box stalls, loose housing, concrete trench silo 28x100, 2 houses, both 7 rooms and bath, owner says "sell" Some financing possible NEAR OXFORD 91 acres, mostly Manor loam soils, good for corn and alfalfa, 81 acres tillable, 10 acres pasture and woods with stream, no buildings If you are interested in an ex ceptional investment opportunity see this farm at once Call for details 717-393 9751 before 7am) MULTIPLE BROKERS REALTY CO Lancaster, PA 342+ acre farm, general, forage, grain, timber Beautifully situated near New Bloomfield, Pa Spacious 3 bedroom ranch house, spring fed pond, 3 corn cnbs-1100 bushels each, 2 buildings 124' x 40’and 32' x64' Smaller parcels available For financing and other details call CM Det weiler, Inc, Agent Joyce Clark, 717 761 1910, 717 774 1467 FRANKLIN COUNTY FARMS 43 acre Hog & chicken farm - limestone soil 63 acre General farm - limestone soil 132 acre Limestone farm, 110 acres tillable, watered pasture, large bank barn, home & outbuildings CENTURY 21 KOONS REAL ESTATE INC. Box 153 Shady Grove, Pa 17256 717-597-8300 48 ACRE FARM West Cocalico Twp , Lancaster Co , PA; This farm can be divided 7 acres and; buildings or 41 acres with no buildings, lor as an entinty as one farming unit, all I buildings in very good condition. i Reduced to sell Owners moving out of I state HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Main St, Morgantown, PA 215-286-5183 or 215-267-6608 BEST RIVER VALLEY DAIRY FARM IN NEW YORK STATE Top registered holstein herd. Showpiece bldgs. We have good farms for sale in several counties. POSSON REALTY R D #3, Norwich, N Y 13815 (607) 334-9727 SHEETZ REAL ESTATE RAY N. WILEY INC. 323 W. Main St. Mount Joy, PA CALL 653-1481 FARM LISTINGS NEEDED Farm Salesman - Eugene Kreider REAL ESTATE FREE Exciting Seasonal Edition, Catalog l Over 5,400 coun try properties described pictured l Land, Farms, Homes Waterfront, Recreation Retirement buys l Yours FREE from the World's Largest l STROUT REALTY 1801 N Front St, Dept 6490 Harrisburg, PA 17102 (717)234-0138 Turn Key Dairy Family farm, 460 acres on creek, state hwy , mile to store & school Tillable 233 acs, 100 pasture, woods Fenced, cross fenced Two wells Good 1800's home, 4 bedrms, 2 baths, oil & wood heat, fireplace In ground 20x40 pool Barn, 75 freestalls, machine shed, 4 Harvestores $290,000 Owner finance Cattle, equip available STROUT REALTY, Inc, PO Box 104, Richford, NY 13835 (607)657 2530 Free Local Lists STROUT REALTY If you’re looking for a farm, land or have any other real estate needs, you’ll find what you want in the Real Estate classifieds 717 394-3047 or 717 626-1164 2 FRANKLIN CO. FARMS Near Willow Hill 77 acres house & barn $96 000 104 acres w/lovely home & barn SLSO 000 Owner will finance VAN CLEVE REAL ESTATE 717-392-3032 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980—841 NEW LISTING 235 acres dairy farm highway frontage 20x60 milk house with 4 surge circle gate stalls, gravity overhead feeding from 40- 5 ton silo, Vi acre concrete feedlot, 1 4000 bin with dryer floor and r jrator, 2 1000 bu bins 7 acre lake built in 1974 45x54 cement floor Morton building built in 1972 Financing available For more information call 816-397-2542 or write -Mrs. Frances McSorley, Edina, MO 63537 COUNTRY ESTATE Pocono Mts 50 acres located in N Carbon Co Secluded, yet only 5 mi from 1-80 10 ac of open fields, 40 ac of heavy timberland A large trout stream meanders 1700’ across the tract Rich in game, deer, black bear, and wild turkey 2 homes, one a recently built mt chalet A 3-stall garage w/loft Suitable for sportsman's club, union, corporate or fraternal retreats The potentialities of this estate are enormous, you have to see it to realize it Price and terms are negotiable $235,000.00. OWNERS: A&L OLEXA 717-427-8822 After 6 P.M. 717-427-4026 CENTRE COUNTY ] 1 FARM, 9 miles from State College near' Pleasant Gap, 103 acres all open and tillable, level, high fertility, Hagerstown type soil pH 7, 44 acres established alfalfa present primary use - beef In cluded on property 2-story aluminum sided house, large bank barn, IB’xss’ stave silo with unloader, complete block outbuildings all in good condition Road frontage with good access $212,000, owner financing l MOUNTAIN & WOODED LAND 14 acres 15,400 30 acres 23,750 64 acres 36,000 All of above parcels are adjacant to or near State gamelands (and Sayers Dam) and are ideal for hunting, fishing and recreation OWNERS WILL FINANCE' SPECIAL Mountain cottage on Potter (trout 1 ) Run FARMS • MOUNTAIN LAND • LOTS • HOMES CALL COLLECT Miles Clevenstine 814 234-1150 or 383-2755 KIMBALL REAL ESTATE 1001 University Drive State College. PA 16801 L Robert Kimball. Realtor MLs I
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