PENNA. 3 SEE OUR DISPLAY OF THE BRAND NEW LINE OF CASE TRACTORS UNDER 100 H.P. THEN SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER LISTED BELOW. a WO WWWfWm TrWHGMnPWB * /'• c*k’i■ ■', ; m . All models (except the Eleven Ninety) are available with mechanical front wheel drive that will help you boost productivity in all hinds of adverse conditions J* 1 1 1 1 * * * 0 ‘ ■ kj ' ■ ) v. r*^ let s go up into the air and look down on the shape of things to come The side of the hood is gently tapered toward the center of the tractor to provide an un paralleled view of your crops You will find all the operating controls are human engineered for maximum operator convenience On the bottom of the instrument panel left to right is the horn and combination light switch the hazard warning switch the four position ignition hey the directional signals and the throttle that controls the engine speed Here s an ail new in (me six cylinder (five point four liter) engine (three hundred twenty nine cube) naturally aspirated diesel en gme that features the latest stated the art technology • Stoutly nbbed cylinder block • Cast m block sleeves made of durable monochrome • Free breathing cross flow cylinder combustion • Seven mam bearings support the heavy duty crankshaft • A sealed cooling system for exceptional cooling qualifies WAIVER OF FINANCE CHARGES UNTIL MARCH 1, 1981 DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. EDWARDS FARM EQUIP. East Mam Street Honey Brook, PA (215) 273-3131 STOUFFER BROS., INC. 1066 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg PA (717)263 8424 Here Are Just A Few Of The Many New Features 291 West Moorestowvn Road (Rt 512 Clearfield) Nazareth, PA (215)759-0240 PEOPLES SALES & SERVICE Oakland Mills PA (717)463-2735 The Eleven Ninety is made tor both little people and big people Notice the clutter free platform no levers no Knobs no hydraulic tubing between your BF' •MMP* *oHL ‘ > > w ’ t -J ‘ ' -*'*, ‘ ilwwwJki te The gentle downward slope of the elegant hood line increases the forward visibility measurably The Ninety Series lighting package is an outstanding addition to the headlights up front that feature high low beam light These fender mounted lights along with combination flashing warning and directional control indicator provide an unparalleled forward visibility factor K I 1 V • Multiple cylinder heads for effective cooling and easier servicing » Dual dry tyoe highly efficient air cleaners provide positive engine protection under dusty conditions See or call us now mi E. W. BILEWICZ EQUIP., INC. Elmer Rd Richwood NJ (609)881-2692 BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133 Rothsville Station Rd Lititz PA (717)626-4705 VISIT US AT AG PROGRESS DAYS AUG. 19-21 * •** AH this is supported m this massive main frame that serves as the firm foundation of this new engine Compare this with anv tractor m this class PAUL SHOVER’S, INC. C. &P. FULTZ EQUIP. 35 East Willow St RO 1 Carlisle PA Spring Mills, PA (717)243 2686 (814)422 8805 It s as easy to get on these tractors as it is to dismount This convenience should be one of vour maior considerations when buying a new tractor IMHI »" " ~ ***"'""’•'* » ~ «Ol The ride is softened by a hydraulic cylinder Cold weather starting is a snap with the Case Thirteen Ninety general purpose tractor We have incorporated a manual cold start device into the fuel injector pump which retards the fuel injection This allows the air inside the cylinder to heat up causing taster combustion at cold temperatures There is also a thermostat which provides heateo fuel in jection into the intake manifold This is activated by the starter switch j&r. C.H. WALTZ SONS, INC. RDI Cogan Station PA (717)435 2921 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,191 * *•'* 4 * ! The side panels are spring loaded and quickly and easily removable for further access to the engine components The riding qualities are further enhanced by the addition of resilient isolated rubber bushings on the floorboards It s smooth ndmg all the way Our design golas were simple let s make these new general purpose tractors easy to maintain which will increase the service life of your new tractors You will discover that this new six cylinder engine has excellent torque backup and ability to react to changing loads fast It will deliver outstanding performance with a fuel saving consciousness • CONVENIENT • PARTS FINANCING • SERVICE • LEASING • RECONDITIONED • RENTALS TRACTORS ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE Bethel PA (717)933 4114 * *• himmuH** *■» A. LHERR&BRO. 312 Park Ave Quarryville, PA (717) 786-3521 CLAIR j. MYERS Lake Road R 1 Thomasville PA (717)259-0453 180 - 't*f ” ✓ * '~le **- * V * ~ f - V I«I SUPPLY, INC. RDS, Danville, PA (717)275-0927 2 mi S off Rte 54
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