C4o—Uncastr Farmint, Saturday. August 16,1980 What's baling at this hour? Whether it's early in the morning and there’s still dew on the windrows, or late in the afternoon . . .he’s out baling! He’s treating his hay with Beacon Hay Pre-Sen/*, and that means he can bale at up to 25% moisture! So, he can bring in his hay early in the day, perhaps before bad weather hits. Or he can bale two or three hours later in the afternoon. Or when the hay is almost field cured, but not quite. What’s more, he’ll have better hay. Because of its higher moisture content, there’s less leaf shatter. There are more high protein leaves that will turn more milk production. No wonder we call hay treated with Beacon Hay Pre-Serve Super Hay! Start using this food-grade blend of preservatives, antioxidants and flavors on your hay yourself. Start making Super Hay, and start making super profits! Call your Beacon Advisor now. Beacon—headquartered in Cayuga, New York... available throughout the northeast. BEACON FEEDS ss/i /' Ss'/s, f ", /' York, PA Ph: 717-843-9033 he doing AG PROGRESS DAYS FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HAY PRE-SERV AND PERFORMANCE PACKS FOR SOWS, PIGS OR MARKET HOGS. STOP & SEE US AT Beacon Milling company, Inc. We're Employee Owned. That's Why We Shine. N ■>> * He's making Super Hay with Beacon Hay Pre-Serv!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers