ClS—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, August 16,1980 Hone Oi The Range (Continued from Page Cl 7) 1% quarts shelled limas IM> quarts smalPcucuinbers 1 pint chopped onion 1 large bunch celery, cut into % inch slices ISsrnall green tomatoes 8 red, green and yellow peppers 2 heads cauliflower, cut mto flowerets 1 quart vinegar 3 pounds sugar Cook each variety of vegetable separately in lightly salted water Cook until tender crisp Do not overcook Dram. Combme the vinegar and sugar with the vegetables adding enough water to covei the vegetables Vegetables may be f mely cut if desired SPAGHETTI SAUCE bushel tomatoes 4 green peppers 4 onions 1 stalk celery % cup salad oil Vz teaspoon hot pepper seed 2 tablespoons oregano 1 tablespoon basil 9 tablespoons sugar 9 teaspoons salt garlic salt and onion salt Cook the tomatoes, peppers, onions and celery untd tender. Put through a food mill or blender and strain out seeds and skins Cook the puree with the remaining ingredients until the desired thickness Can while very hot > *2* w Family farmers'" Do you want a lender with agricultural experience who will visit your farm to save your valuable time and who understands you l - particular problems and needs 7 Brownstown Agn Loan Corp is just right tor you Established BROWNSTOWN AGRI <IiAI.C> LOAN CORP. (Subsidiary Of The Brownstown National Bank) ROBERTN ZOOK President CHOW CHOW Mrs. Harold Moyer, New Freedom Mrs. Stanley Owens, Beech Creek We Take Care Of The Hands That Feed Us!... to provide credit (or local “Wp'll malrp farmers Brownstown Agn wVC lllal\C Loan Corp is large VOU enough to handle your * short and intermediate term credit needs but f^ICIVI still small enough to know you Call us to arrange a you Welcome N6W CUStonierS 6ea\ With US.” Mam & State Sts Brownstown. Pa 17508 717-656-2951 1 peck tomatoes 2 onions 1 stalk celery cup salt l 2 cup sugar pound butter 1 teaspoon paprika Ms cup cornstarch Cook the tomatoes, v onions and celery Put through a sieve. Add the remaining ingredients Bring to a boil and can When using the soup mixture, add the same amount of milk as juice and heat 1 peck of tomatoes 6 onions 2 green peppers 2 stalks celery cup butter 1 cup flour 1 cup sugar v a cup salt Cook and put through a sieve Then put on the stove and bring to a boil. Add the butter, flour, sugar and salt and mix with water to- form a paste Can while very hot This will be thick 24 large tomatoes 6 large onions 2 stalks celery 2 cups sugar 4 tablespoons salt «1 tablespoon black pepper teaspoon red pepper 1 teaspoon whole cloves 1 tablespoon cinnamon Boil the tomatoes, onion and celery for hour. Add salt and pepper, cloves and cinnamon in a bag and boil until the desired thickness C^\ Serving Lancaster And Lebanon Counties TOMATO SOUP Mrs. John Martin, Ephrata TOMATO SOUP Mrs. Stanley Owens, Beech Creek CHILI SAUCE Mrs. Charles Biehl, Mertztown The RUB has completely solved our fly problems for the last several years' We run about 800 registered and commercial mother cows Hubby Gnner Columbia, Mississippi U S Patent #3677233 VISIT OUR BOOTH AT AG PROGRESS DAYS AUG. 19 to 21 cau pbs livestock drugs P.O. Box 9101 Canton, Ohio 44711 TOU fre £ 524-120. Rub 5 or more F 0.8. (Ship Wgt 11 lb ) 524-130. Flyps Ctn/22 OAA 001 ASK FOR OUR OUU-OZI-UZOd FREE CATALOG! KNNtVUMNIA AsmeuunißE m WE RE GROWING SETTER isier-to-use— Simply hang the 10 foot RUB, pour on about four gallons of insecticide solution and let the RUB do the rest It s that easy l And many users report treating the Cow Life Cattle RUB less than once a month More Effective Just one pass under the rub gives animals the insecticide protection they need It really takes the work out of fly and lice con trol Millions of cattle have proven how simple it is More Economical it costs less to start with and it s made of DuPont Orion and acrylic so it s virtually rot proof l Plus it saves labor insect icide and an awful lot of trouble And if face flies are a problem to you The FACE FUYPS offer feffectivesface fly control T hese special DuPont Orion “FLYPS’ wick insecticide solution directly from the RUB and insure that the insecticide is where it is needed for effective face fly control on the amrrtal s face Each pack contains 22 FLYPS which require about 3 minutes to attach to the RUB Order one pack per RUB $ 9.55 $ 9.25 $6 95
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers