ClO—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 9,1980 WILMINGTON, Del. working on a dairy farm m agricultural events Judy Wright, a 23-year-old nearby Landenberg, Pa , for throughout the year, and will candidate for a masters the past two-and-a-half appear on radio and degree in plant science at the years, so she knows a good television. University of Delaware, is bit about the subject of milk A member of collegiate 4- the state’s new Dairy production H FFA. and the Agronomy Princess. She was crowned As 1980 Delaware Dairy Club, Judy describes herself during dairy industry Princess she will visit as a ‘ club person” festivities at the recent schools and shopping centers “Ten years from now,” Del ware State Fair in to talk about milk and she says, “I hope to own a Harrington. nutrition. She will also dairy farm and be a county Judy, who hails from represent the local dairy agent ” Her father, Everett Wilmington, has been industry at various Wright, is a duPont company Judy Wright of Wiimintgon is state's 1980 Da»ry Princess A graduate student at the U of 0, she works on a dairy farm and hopes in time to become a county agent. Now I’ve heard hose down after the morning everything work Can I sue the farmer A Massachusetts superior for leaving the milking court ruled last week that a facilities in such a mess 7 Or wife could sue her husband could he sue me to recover for injuries she sustained on the costs of my injuries since a sidewalk he hadn’t it was my fault for not properly cleaned of snow having cleaned it up sooner 7 Good gnef Think of the horrendous spousal-lawsuit He slips and smacks possibilities hanging around against the wall on milk that a farm he sent over for the calves Just suppose that, in my and I spilled while pouring it usual clumsiness, I slip on a into bottles Am I liable 7 pile of manure in the milking Or I bruise a toe falling parlor while on my way to over the boots he left laying WILL SOYBEAN MEAL BE TOO HIGH TO BUY? GIVE CHEAPER PROTEIN A TRY Our program gives V« or l A or Vi more protein than farmers are used to in their hay & gram That is all you need This organic protein is better than bought protein, & no extra expense - rather less, because our basic fer tilizer "soft rock phosphate" costs only $B3 per ton - not because it isn’t good, but because it comes bulk direct from the mines by R R and into the spreader trucks A minimum of handling It is the greatest thing to balance the high potash found on most eastern farms We challenge any test when mixed with manure or our BX soil bacteria in the fall, or maybe a little of our nitrogen It is wonderful for pasture, new or old alfalfa & small grains We can’t tell you how good it is in a small ad We prefer to send literature, explaining the bug disease S drought resistance of crops & the high feed value producing healthier livestock A call or post card doesn’t cost you much or stop in & have your questions answered ORGANIC CENTER 217 S.R.R Ave New Holland, Pa 17557 Phone 717-354-7064 Delaware gets new dairy princess On being a farm wife -And other hazards Joyce Bupp right outside the barn door Can I claim damages 9 Or, we both get trampled by a heifer while loading her up for a cattle show Do we file counter suits against each other 9 Such lunacy almost makes one wish that the spouse of the judge or judges responsible for handing down such decisions would be the first one to initiate lawsuit papers 25* 1 year a chemist. For the first tune a runner- h o p es to go into teaching Marian Hopkins noted that up was also chosen from an( j even t U al]y, law there will be plenty of work among competitors for the Senator Thurman G I° r her two successors, title of Dairy Princess. Adams, Jr, chairman of the There’s a real need, she Runner-up is March Pyott, Senate Agricultural Com- sa ys. for more nutritional who lives on a farm near mjttee, made the presen- information in schools and Dover. Active in 4-H and her tations. In retiring her stores. COCALICO CONCRETE Ready Mix Concrete For Fvsry Purpose SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS • Quality Controlled Concrete • Radio Equipped Fleet • Mix Uniformity thru Automation • Saturday Morning Delivery For Prompt . - Courteous Service Call CODAUCO CONCRETE (215)267-7591 Aamsio „ o ,i|/f/iffW Toll Free (800)422-8107 M f „ „ „ m I COCALIGO CONCRETE R D 3, DENVER PA CRUSHED STONE • READY MIXED CONCRETE • ASPHALT PAVING i Reach To The Top With An ■ AUGER ! That s what you II do ® when you buy an Allied | auger You 11 get the best combination in reach capacity stability safety g and long life - all backed _ by a quarter century of ■ auger engineering and g manufacturing know how _ Here's why Allied is * your best buy cupped | and extra heavy intake ■ flighting for capacity and ■ durability bottom shoe on | intake keeps screw from m fanning gram out sliding ■ feed control for adjustable | grain flow clean intake « end - engine motor or ■ standard PTO drives do | not obstruct intake end _ reach strong gearbox ■ with five year warranty | totally enclosed _ lubricated roller chain ■ drive discharge opening | larger than tube - no _ backup double acting ■ undercarriage proper g balance safe auger j support full reach and eave clearance full safety ■ guarding to ASAE _ ■ standards ■ ■ Extra features - shear protection 6 and 7 augers are available in 35 ■ | cadmium plated hardware demountable 41 andsl lengths 8' m4l' 51 and6l * ■ storable hitch PTO carriers and safely And remember Allied’s two year I ■ brake winch warranty on the complete auger l Buy ■ | _ _ Allied and Reach To The Top * a A y OFF THE PURCHASE OF Jmm U/L ANY SIZE ALLIED grain w /" AUGER WITH THIS AD ONLY GT DRYER CLINIC Monday. August 25 ★ Watch For 7:30 P.M. Further Details i HEISEY FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. .' I SALES, SERVICE & PARTS ■ | • Leyland & Same Tractors • Taylorway-Dunham • New Idea B ■ • GT Dryers • Landoll • Dion i» m RDI, Box 2294, Jonestown, PA 17038 Phone 717-865-4526 I Lqpated l /z Mile South of Fredericksburg Off Rt 343 in Shirksville § h 5P M. Daily, Sat. till Noon, Evenings by Appt. | high school band, March crown, last year’s Princess,
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