Faming, Saturday, June 14,1950 Manheim auctioneer to compete in world championship t)) BY DICK ANGLESTEIN MANHEIM Lake hun dreds of other interested on lookers four years ago, John Stauffer, of R 6, Manheim, watched and listened at tentively at the World Livestock Auctioneer Championship held at the New Holland Sales Stables m 1976. But something special separated the 20-year-old youth from the remainder of the packed audience at the competition, which attracted the top auctioneers from throughout the U.S. and Canada. “As I listened to the auctioneers, I told myself that in 1960 I want to go to it,” Stauffer said. “That’s the goal I set for myself.” And, it was quite a goal for a young man only a few years out of high school who had as yet to conduct a sale of any type or auction off his first item. But shortly after attending the 1976 championship, Stauffer began a four-year quest toward that goal, which will be attained when he takes part next Saturday in the 1900 championship competition at Templeton, Cal. His initial step toward the goal was enrollment in _ „ _ .... _.. .. _ A BUTLER'S FIGHTING INFLA Butler nuimdea Buildings reduced prices M3OO FARMSTED I Galvanized Walls and Galvanized Roof with 20'x 13'D/SDoor - These Buildings Engineered for Self-Erection (Butler Will Furnish Erection and Foundation Drawings) * ALL BUILDINGS F. 0.8 ANNVILLE, PA. * (Buildings not equipped as shown) • Prices Based On Independent Survey of Agri-Builders • Price Could Vary With Each Agri-Builder Offer Ends June 30th I “ -j P. E. HESS, BUTLER MFC. CO. _ Bo* 337, Oxford, PA 19363 j agri builder Dealer Inquiries Available in Pennsylvania Counties Arm strong Beaver Butler Cameron Centre Clearfield Clinton Crawford Elk Erie Indiana Jefferson Mercer McKean, Warren Maryland Counties - Baltimore Harford New Jersey Counties • Sussex Somerset Morris Passaic Atlantic Cape May Name County ! City _ Reppert’s Auctioneering School in Decatur, Ind. about a month after the 1976 championship. Since completing that instruction, he served his year’s ap prenticeship and has been auctioneering at various area livestock and car auctions, along with con ducting some pubhc sales. Actually, Stauffer’s in terest in auctioneering goes back quite a bit earlier than the 1976 championship. “I was raised on a farm near Conestoga,” Stauffer said. “I’d go along with my father to sales and just got more and more interested in them. In the spring, there wouldn’t be too many Saturdays that we didn’t go to at leak one sale. “I just always liked sales and auctioneering. But it was attending the 1976 championship that was'the final factor in deciding to become an auctioneer.” Stauffer works as a livestock auctioneer at New Holland Sales Stables on Mondays and Thursdays and at Vintage Sales Stables on Tuesdays and Saturdays. On Wednesdays, he works the car sale at the National Auto Dealers Exchange in Bordentown, N.J. Also, he 40 f x 40 f x 14' BUTLER State. “All types of sales are interesting,” he said. “I enjoy working with cattle and other livestock because I was raised with them. “But pubhc sales are fun to conduct, too. I’d like to build up this part of the business in the coming years. “Actually, anything is fun to sell as long as there are people who want to buy it.” In California, Stauffer will be competing against top auctioneers from throughout North America. “I’m going there to compete and enjoy the competition,” he said. “It will be a chance to see how other auctioneers work and it will be good ex perience. It’s something I decided to do and I’m looking forward to it.” The contestants will sell cattle consigned to a special sale arranged especially for the competition. A group of market owners and managers who sit throughout the audience will judge the competition. “From what I remember from 1976, they sounded awful good and awful fast,” Stauffer said. * VARIOUS SIZES HEIGHT & WIDTH AVAILABLE C&MSALES INC. |A. E. ENGEL, INC. SUNNY MEAD SALES ORVILLE MACK AL MAURER O. E. SMITHJiMC ( P.0.80x216 RD#3.80x409 P.0.80x47 P.0.80x78 Mifftintown Pa.T(ds£ | Marlton, N.J. 06053 Altoona. PA 16601 Nazareth, Pa. 18064 Cambra, Pa. 18611 PH: 717-436-2151. | PH: 609-983-4404 PH: 814-944-6045 PH: 215-759-1331 PH: 717-364-3135 conducts occasional pubhc sales. He’s not sure how many ★ BUTLER AND AGRI-BUILDERS ARE FIGHTING INFLAI R D.#i Honesdale, Pa. 18431 PH: 717-253-1612 Looking over program from 1976 World Livestock Auctioneer Championship held in New Holland are Mr. and Mrs. John Stauffer, R 6 Manheim, with their s*) daughter, Jennifer. Attendance at championship helped launched Stauffer into auctioneering career. cattle each contestant will sell. It will likely depend on the number of contestants and the number of livestock consigned. “I kinda hope we get a crack at two or three lots,” he explained with a smile. “That will give one lot to get your bearings, a second FARMSTED® I KNOXVILLE CONSTRUCTION Knoxville, Pa 16928 PH: 814-326-4188 to get unnerved and then a third to really get to selling.” Vintage Sales Stables is Stauffer’s sponsor for the competition. On a typical Tuesday there, he auctions his way through about 1200 head of cattle, starting with the bulls at 11 a.m. and ending up with B.T. CONTRACTOR LEROY E. MYERS, INC P O Box 535 Route #l, Box 163 Biglerville, Pa 17303 Clear Spring, Md. 21722 PH 717-677-6121 PH.301-582-1552 calves at about 9 p.m. Since each animal is in the ring a half-minute or less, it’s a continuous, fast-paced task for Stauffer, The ringman starts the bid off and Stauffer works the price in 25-cent or even 10- (TurntoPageA?!) FARMSTED I Galvanized Walls o Galvanized Pool with 20' x 13' D/S D These Buildings Engineei H Self-Erection (Butler will Furnish Erei % a Drawii * ALL BUILDINGS F. 0.8 ANNVILLE, PA. * (Buildings not equipped as shown) • Prices Based On Independent Survey of Agri-Bu • Price Could Vary With Each Agri-Builder Offer Ends June 30th 1 '’4900 40 1 x 50' x 14' ODY, HASCHEN TOR AGRICULTURAL tane SYSTEMS 1.15089 P.0.80x 505 5804 Chestertown. Md. 21621 PH: 301-778-5800 W. R. M< CONTR, 113 Walr West Newtor PH: 412-f- & O. A. NEWTON KEL & SON CO. S SndgeviUe, Delaware 19933 PH: 302-337-8211 Lei : v*V * N * sw: Bid is acknowledgec who will be participatii Manhein (Continued from Page A 2( cent increments, his e; flicking from buyer to buy In addition to the obvn vocal qualities an auction! must display, attentivem is another important tribute. Each buyer has an dividual way acknowledging a bid, win can range from a slight n of the head to a twitch of 1 thumb. “But you’re dealing w professional buyers * VARIOUS S HEIGHT &WI AVAILABL - - ’ll
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