fiO—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - Moridge gram dryer, 400 bu. capacity; Int. Hammermill. 609-737-3873. For Sale - M.M.U. tractor with pulley. Ph: 717-725-3410. For Sale -10’ Case transport disc, notched front coulters and plain rears. Excellent Cond. $BOO. Ph; 215-926-5177. Wanted to Buy - Saw Mill, low priced. Also, crawler tractor. Write J.R. Thomp son, RD 1, Box 174, Hun tingdon, Pa. 16652. For Sale - Hay dryer, 8000 btu. furnace, 5 h.p., fan, for hay drying wagons. Hoods 215-267-6198. Wanted - Cylinder head for Massey Harris 33 gas trac tor. 717-993-2755. For Sale - 235 MF diesel trac tor, p.s., 290 hrs., NH 354 grinder mixer, like new. 717-733-7408. For Sale - Ford 6700 tractor approximately 200 brs. Save $3OOO, like new. Ph: 717-569-7063. For Sale - Market wagon, overhauled & painted with roller bearings. Amos Miller, 238 Newport Rd., Leola, Pa. For Sale - 10x40 Fickes con crete stave silo in good con dition. Israel S. Stoltzfus, RD 1, Kirkwood, Pa. For Sale - Chisholm-Ryder snap bean harvesters, 1964-68 models; AC side dressing attachment for model 600, 6-row planter; New Koehn cab. Ph: 609-769-3183. For Sale - 3-50 ft. Chore-Time feeders, used Vent-o-Matic fans. Ph: 717-426-3286. For Sale - 4 ft., 4 ft. 8 in., 6 ft., 10 ft. self-spacing concrete hog slats. V.T. Petersheim, Box 315, RD 2, Mifflintown, Pa. 17059. For Sale - John Deere 6600 combine, hydrostatic, diesel, 6-row head, big tires, air cond., low hrs., in excellent condition. Phone 301-046-7719. For Sale - Int. model 234 2 row corn picker with mounts to fit 560 Farmall. 814-355-0862, 383-2782, or 383-2798. For Sale - 7500 gal. fuel or li quid fertilizer trailer, good condition. 717-273-6018 after 5 p.m. For Sale - White truck trac tor and 32 ft. flat Fruehauf trailer $1500.717-334-3575. For Sale - N.I. 10-A manure spreader, in new condition. John R. Peachey, Star Route, Belleville, Pa. 17004. For Sale - One Weaverlxne Silage Cart, overhauled, ex cellent condition; one New Holland 354 Grinder-Mixer, used 9 mos., like new. 215-286-9343. For Sale - AC 12 hp. garden tractor, 48” mower, lawn grass sweeper, roto tiller, real good condition. $lBOO 717-442-8229. AUTHORIZED PARTS and SERVICE 5601HC TRACTOR motor overhauled, good condition *4,250.00 770 OLIVER DIESEL *2,450.00 PAUL SHOVER’S INC. Loysville, Pa, 717-789-3117 FARM EQUIPMENT Used Construction Equip ment Sales and Parts, Vilsmeier Equipment Inc., Rt. 309 Montgomeryville, Pa. 215-699-3533. For Sale -16 ft. flat wooden truck bed with 4 ft. side boards, good condition. 717-656-8728. John Deere 1 Row Snap per Unit for #35 Harvester, nearly new New Idea #325 Picker with #314 Sheller New Idea #314 Sheller unit, will fit New Idea #324 or 325 Picker CARL L. PIERCE Farm Equipment Columbia Cross Roads, Penna. 16914 JPH: 717-297-3513 Deutz New Idea Papec • NOW AVAILABLE * • 150,000 Watt • • Continuous Duty • • PTO Alternator • • Motorized units of gas • • & diesel also available. • • Any size. Single & three • • phase models & • 2 automatic controls. • • Installation • 2 Available. • \ HIRAM STOLTZFUS • • Harrington, DE 2 19952 • PH: 302-398-3006 • BATTERIES FOR T ractors-T rucks-Feed Carts-Autos. etc. • Extra Cranking Power • Heavy Duty Construc tion • The "Best” Warranty • Large Selection 6and 12 Volt in Stock • Hard to Beat Price SUBURBAN RENTALS INC. 1115 A Maugans Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 USED EQUIPMENT MC 7 ft. & 5 ft. Rotary Scythes; JDK8A20,24, 28 disc harrows; Oliver 12”-14”-16”2B Pull Type Plows; IHC and Oliver 2 way sulky plow; BriUion 5% ft. packer-seeder; NH No. 55 rake; Boggs potato grader; NI No. 8 & 10A horse spreaders; Wisconsin 18-55 HP & AC 24 HP engines; Gandy fertilizer at tachments. Call TOM WHEARY &SON 2321 Leaman Rd. Lancaster, PA 17602 717-687-6553 USED TRACTORS Case 500 and 900 Diesel Tractors IHC 660 Diesel Tractor NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT 323 New Idea Pickers 206 New Idea Spreaders 404 New Idea Wheel Rakes EZ Trail Wagons Disc & Spring Harrows USED EQUIPMENT NH 277, 269,268 & Super 77 Balers NH 56 Rake VG4 Wise. Motor Leßoy Power Unit McCormick Silo Fillers and Corn Binders. ELIAS S. BEILER R.D. No. 1 Leola, Pa. 17540 Musser School Road FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - Gram-o-vator tandem axle gram wagon with hyd. 20 ft. high lift auger, almost new, sacrifice. 717-872-5007. Wanted - Used vertical or horizontal s.s. tank, 2-6000 gal. capacity. 215-699-3614. For Sale - Loader for Ford 8N Tractor with fork and scoop. 717-284-4305. ERB & HENRY EQUIP. INC. New Berlmville, PA IMtleN ofßoyertown Phone (215) 367-2169 ■ ■■ farm ||| EQUIPMENT' •PARTS & SERVICE ♦DeLAVAL DAIRY EQUIP ♦JAMESWAY •FLICKES SILO *FMC SPB*V ♦BEAN EQUIP USED TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT JD 3020 Diesel with roll guard (side console) Ford 4000 Selectospeed Diesel Deutz Model D 6006, with less than 1000 hours Ford 850 gas; sharp JD 2510 Diesel, wide front and late engine Farmalls6ogas Gehl MX9S Mixer- Grinder Good used 3 & 4 bottom plows DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOMED CLOSED SUNDAYS Norm Shores Tractor Sales R.D.5 Towanda, PA 18848 717-265-9014 WAIVER OF FINANCE CHARGES to March 1,1978 Purchase a new or used Case tractor by December 30th Your participating Case Dealer will waive finance charges until March 1,1978 Buy now to take ad vantage of potential tax deductions to have the power you need now, and save on finance charges Stop in for complete details today l See your participating Case dealer , im, FARM EQUIPMENT SPECIAL PRICES ON NEW CASE UNI-LOADERS END OF THE SEASON SALE OF NEW IDEA “PULL TYPE PICKERS 1070 CASE TRACTOR, 280 hrs., $13,500. CLAIR J. MYERS Rl, Thomasville,T > A 717-259-0453 IV* mile N. of 30 on Lakeßd. Open till 9 P.M. USED EQUIPMENT JD 830 tractor JD 60 tractor JD 420 tractor Farmall H tractor NI 2-row picker shelter JD 13x7 FB-B grain drill JD 17x7 FB-B grain drill JD F-350 5 bottom plow JD 16 A chopper SPECIAL OF THE MONTH New JD 700 __ .GrinjterMurer^ PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT INC. R.D.2 Oley, PA Phone: 215-987-6277 Serving the Oley Valley 41 Years. UNADILLA StLO SALES A SERVICE Silos for High Moisture Corn Silage Spreaders Permanent Blower Pipe Goose Neck Repair Liners Plastic Silo Chute Liners Forge Funnel Chute System Silo Roofing Write DANIEL S. STOLTZFUS NarvonßD#2, Pa. 17555 Ph: 717-354-4374 MCUmiHAI INHISTtML EQUIPMENT Cl, Ml Rt. 273 OPEN HOUSE CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1977 * FOOD ALL DAY • EVENING ENTERTAINMENT 7:30 COME LOOK lIS OVER 10% DISCOUNT ON CASH PARTS Crustßuster Tillage i\ew HOLLAISD JSm\ *un nuitMM FARM EQUIPMENT (1) Big Mac Mighty Mac Loader w/Backhoe $5,400.00 (1) Bobcat Loader $2,295.00 (1) 1816 Case Loader, like new $3,295.00 (2) Used 327 N.H. Spreaders, Good Shape PAUL SHOVER’S INC. 35 East Willow Street Carlisle, Pa. 717-243-2686 A AIUS-CHALMCRS Allis-Chalmers Farm, Industrial and Lawn & Garden Equipment Dealership TO WNE TRACTOR INC. P.0.80x 87 Route 33 East Freehold, New Jersey 07728 201-431-3838 Complete line of Parts We Service what we Sell FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Tractors: Ford, Oliver, JD, AC, Moline, Far mall, Case, MF, Deutz, David Brown. Plows, disc harrows, chisel plows, Howard rotovators, stone pickers, wood chippers, tank spreaders, cultimulchers, Brillion packer seeders, NI cutditioners, elevators, flail choppers, rolo mills, Kools hopper blowers, Oliver hi moisture com grinders, seed grinder mixers, skid steer loaders, fork lifts, trenchers, 4 WD hay loaders, snow blowers, plows and blades, Crawler trac tors. Hundreds of farm tractors and lots of equipment not listed. CLYDE E. KEENER Intersection of Rts. 72 * 283 Lancaster, Pa. 17601 Phone 717-569-9861 East of Rising Sun, Maryland AND 9 AJA UNTIL? FARM EQUIPMENT NEW EQUIPMENT Brillion 12 ft. Field Cult. Brillion 12 ft. 8 in. Cultimulcher Brillion 13’6” Culti mulcher White 2519’3” Disk White 10 ft. Chisel Plow Gehl 120 Model Mixer White 2-85 Tractor White 2-105 Tractor White 2-155 Tractor N.I. Forage Blower 1 Speedy Com crib USED EQUIPMENT N. 1.. 2 Row Mounted Picker with 12 Row Husking Bed N.1.1-row 323 Picker 340 Farmall w/live PTO, 2-Bot. Plow Farmall H M.F. 165 Tractor 1 Used Gravity Box 702 Uni-Combine w. Cab & Grain & Com Head Gehl 6 Ft. FC72 Flail Chopper MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. RDI Bechtelsvllle, PA 215-845-2911 CALL THE BOSS MF 110, 160 and 205 Spreaders MF 68 Rotary Cutters MF 82 3-14 Plows MF 345 3-16 Plows MF 880 4-16 Plows MF 220 8 ft. 3 pt Disc Harrow MF 120 7%’ 3 pt. Disc Harrow MF 12,000 lbs. Industrial Trailers 1975 510 Diesel Combine, base unit only, can supply with r new gram or corn head MF1155 Tractor w/ Cab MF 275, 265, 230 Diesel Tractors. ARNETTS 6ARAGE Hagerstown, Md. 301-733-0515 MANY DOOR PRIZES
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