—Lancaster Farwrini, Saturday, November 12,1977 20 s can cut silage yields In half |i|l fip. Some guys flilnkft&gpta different type of fertilizer or something, hut the only difference is Furadan.” Donald Zittel, Erie County, New York 'X. > it' tr-Jstz, , fit#* '*■ '< 3£Jft - > - ■ * tv y> ** ' "V “I figure that where 1 didn’t use Furadan, I tost 10 to 20% of my tonnage-I saw goosenecked stalks^root worm and wire mdamage” MammtSfer, Erie County, New Yorjc " h * . > ' " that cut yields In this area? Warren County, Pennsylvania <s V * £,v . '"' 4 < V ■* * " 'tr v ** ’ r> y r ') in*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers