Livestock market an (Continued from Page 8) lbs. 22.00-30.00, few down to 11.00. Farm calves very active, holstem bulls 90-120 lbs. 43.00-55.00; holstem heifers 85-120 lbs. 41.00-57.00, few to 60.00; few beef cross bulls & heifers 90-120 lbs. 43.50-52.50. HOGS 573. Barrows & gilts steady to 50 cents lower. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. Barrows & Gilts 42.00-43.25, No. 1-3 200-255 lbs. 41.50-42.35, No. 2- 3 195-275 lbs. 41.00-41.75, few No. 2-4 250-400 lbs. 36.00- 39.25, No. 1-3 135-185 lbs. 35.00-39.10. US No. 1-3 325-610 lbs. sows 35.25-38.25, few No. 2-3 360-485 lbs. 34.25-35.00. Few Boars 27.00. FEEDER PIGS 36. US No. 1-3 30-50 lbs. feeder pigs 24.50-32.50 per head. SHEEP 5. One Choice 90 lbs. wooled slaughter lamb at 56.00. Few Slaughter ewes 8.50-10.00 Peoria Auction Peoria, 111 November 3,1977 Receipts this week Last Week: Year ago: Compared with last week’s close, slaughter steers steady to 50 lower. Slaughter Heifers 1.00 lower. Cows 50 higher. Bulls steady. Receipts about 70 per cent slaughter steers, 25 per cent slaughter heifers balance mostly cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice and Prime 3-4 1140- L & M FUR & WOOLEN ENTERPRISE * r Tj Quality Electrified Mountons & Furs f -4 Tannery Direct Dist Wholesale & Retail I Check our Quality, Price & Services l • Woolen Hosp Pads Natural & All Colors • Pa Largest Selection of Woolen Products • Sheepskin Coats at Reasonable Prices • See Us At Meadowbrook Market in Leola 117 W Summit St, Mohnton, Pa 215 777 2465 Hours Mon Fn 9-B*3o, Sat 9-5 ► ► JUST ARRIVED ◄◄ GROUND DRIVE SPREADERS NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I Quarryville, Pa. 17566 pm. 717-786-3521 1200 lbs. 43.00-43.75, load 1215 lbs. 44.00; Choice 2-4 1050- 1275 lbs. 41.00-43.00, late 41.50-43.00 900-1050 lbs 40 00- 41.50; Mixed Good and Choice 2-4 900-1250 lbs 38 50- 41.00; Good 2-3 37.50-39.00; few standard and Good 2-3 Holstems 34.50-36.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice and Prime 3-4 900- 1050 lbs. 40.00-40.50; three loads 41.00; Choice 2-4 850- 1050 lbs. 38.50-40.00; 800-900 lbs. 37.00-38.50; Mixed Good and Choice 2-4 750-1000 lbs. 36.00- Good 2-3 33.00- 36.00; Standard and Good 2-3 30.00- COWS: Utility and Commercial 2-4 23.00-25.50; Few 26.00; Cutter 1-2 20.50- 23.50; Canner 17.50-20.50. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1100-1700 lbs. 28.00-33.00. Des Moines Carlot November 2,1977 Compared to Tuesday’s close, fresh pork cut trade moderate; demand moderate. Fresh loins steady, except 20/up lbs. 2.75 lower. Skmned hams 17-20 lbs. .50-1.00 higher; 26/up lbs. steady to .50 lower. Bellies steady to 2.00 higher. Sparenbs no comparison available. Other cuts not established. FRESH PORK CUTS 5500 5600 5300 LOINS: 14/DN lbs. 79.50- 14-17 lbs. 78.50- steady; 20 & up lbs. 66.75,2.75 lower. PICNIC reported. BOSTON BUTT; No sales reported. Option Available Front Steering Axle and Wheels with Tongue SALES AND SERVICE A. L HERR & BRO. SPARERIBS: 3/DN lbs 83.75-84.00 trimmed SKINNED HAMS 17-20 lbs 89 50-90 00, .50-1.00 higher; 26-30 lbs 77 50; 26 & up lbs. 76.50-77 00, steady to 50 lower. BELLIES, SDLS: 8-10 lbs 41.50; 12-14 lbs 43 00-43 50, load 44 00, 50-1.00 higher; 14-16 lbs 43 00, steady to 2 00 higher; 16-18 lbs. 38 50-39 50 1.25-1.50 higher; 18-20 lbs. 37.00, 1 00-2.00 higher; 20-25 lbs. 32.00,1 00 higher. BONELESS CT BUTT: 3 to 4% lbs. 94.50 PORK TRIM. 50% lean 31.00 fresh; 30.50-31.50 frozen; 80% lean 54.00 frozen. BONELESS PICNIC: 62.25 fresh. JOWLS: 25.25 fresh; 27.00 frozen. OFFAL AND VARIETY FEET: 17.50; KIDNEY; 10.50. Compared to Tuesday’s close, beef trade closed slow. Demand light to moderate. Choice 3 steer and heifer beef steady. No comparable Primal beef cut sales. Bon ing Utility cow beef 1.00 lower. Sales on 10 loads steer and heifer beef confirmed. 1 cow beef loads. STEER BEEF 6 Confirmed Loads Choice 3: 600-800 lbs. 64.75, steady on limited trade Choice 4: 600-900 lbs. 61.25 Choice 2-3 : 500-900 lbs, 61.50 Holstem type, steady. Good 2-3: 600-800 lbs. 60.75, HEIFER BEEF 4 Confirmed Loads No sales Choice 3 : 500-700 lbs. 63.25, steady on limited trade. Choice 4: 500-700 lbs. 59.75. COW BEEF 2 Confirmed Loads Utility (BNG) 2-3 47.00, 1.00 lower than Monday. Canner and Cutter: 48.00. PRIMAL BEEF CUTS CHOICES 3 Confirmed Loads HINDS (STEER): 145-190 lbs. 80.50. FORES; 130-210 lbs. 54.50 load. ARM CHUCKS: 75-120 lbs. 47.75 load. BEEF TRIMMINGS After 5 P.M. Call Dare Trout, 717-786-2920 auction news Middleburg Auction Middleburg, Pa. November 1,1977 CATTLE 249. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter cows steady to 75 cents higher. Few High Choice & Prime slaughter steers 42 50-42.85, few Choice 1000-1300 lbs. No. 2-4 40.00- 42.00, Good 36 00-39 00, few No. 1 at 40.00, Standard 33.00- 35.75. Few Choice slaughter heifers 38.5040 60, few Good 35.75- few Standard 29.50-33.00. Utility & Com mercial slaughter cows 23.75- couple to 27.00, Cutters 22.85-25.25, Canner & Low Cutter 20.25-22.50, Shells down to 20.00. Few Good slaughter bullocks 34.75- 35.50, few Standard 32.00- 33.50, few Utility 25.00-28.25. Few Yield Grade #ll4OO-1600 lbs. slaughter bulls 32.25- 36.50, Few Choice 350-600 lbs. feeder steers & bulls 33.75- 36.25. CALVES 201. Vealers grading Good & Choice $2 to $4 higher. Few Prime vealers 73.00-77.00, Choice 64.00-70.00, Good 53.00-63.00, few Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 45.00-50.00, few 90-110 lbs. 40.0045.00, few Standard 70-85 lbs. 35.0042.00. Farm calves, holstem bulls 90-120 lbs. 43.00-53.00; few holstein heifers 90-120 lbs. 50.00-67.50. HOGS 525. (Monday, October 31,1977). Barrows & gilts 25 cents to $1 lower. US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. barrows & gUts 42.80-44.30, No. 1-3 200- 240 lbs. 41.20-42.70, No. 2-3 200-260 lbs. 40.0041.20, No. 2- 4 300-330 lbs. 36.20-39.50, No. 1-3 165-190 lbs. 36.0040.20. US No. 1-3 300-650 lbs. sows 33.50-36.50. Few Boars 24.50- 26.50. FEEDER PIGS 159. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 16.00-27.00 per head, No. 1-3 15 Confirmed Loads BEEF TRIMMINGS; 50% chem. lean (fresh) 33.50. BONELESS PROCESSING BEEF 1 Confirmed Load BONELESS PROCESS ING BEEF; 90% chem. lean (fresh) 71.00; 75% chem. lean (fresh) 56.00. DAIRYMEN: CONCRETE-GROOVING Cuts Grooves in Concrete Floors • PREVENT SPLITS • INSTALL IN HOLDING AREAS • IMPROVE HEAT DETECTION • INSTALL IN FEEDING AREAS Why not join the increasing number of dairymen throughout the Eastern states who now receive profitable benefits from this service. CONCRETE GROOVING, INC. Rt. 2 Box 1 Harrisonburg, Va. 22801 Henry Showalter Phone:7o3-434-1071 703-434-4298 Day or Night Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 Omaha Cattle November 3,1977 Compared with the previous weeks close - closing prices on slaughter steers and heifers were steady. Cows closed 50-1.00 lower and bulls were steady. Four day receipts 15,000 as compared 16,600 previous week and 14,000 a year ago. A poor distribution of sup plies over the trading period was a negative factor in the fed cattle trade as nearly 50 percent of the four day supply arrived on Monday. Prices were forced down ward on the opening session, but the early downturn was recovered on later sessions as marketings were cur tailed and most buying in terests needed cattle for immediate requirements. Carcass trading was dull through midweek despite a slight decrease in federal slaughter. A large share of the steer supply was good to average-choice with a sizable showing 1000-1100 lbs. Many cattle carried a modest amount of mud as a result of recent rams over the trade territory. Steers made up approximately 32 percent of the weeks total and heifers 28 percent. Cows comprised 6 percent and feeders 33 percent. STEERS: The forepart of week, few loads and part loads Choice and Prime 34 1087-1277 lbs. 42.50. In closing trade, load High-Choice and Prime 341227 lbs. 43.25, and load Choice with end Prime i predominantly 3 1094 lbs. 43.00. Choice 24 975-1275 lbs. 41.7542.75. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 950-1225 lbs. 41.00- 41.75. Good 2-3 37.5041.00. Standard and Good 2-3 35.00- 36.50. Average of LS-214, detailed quotations, for Choice 900-1100 lb. steers this week 41.92; Choice 1100-1300 lbs. 42.20. Average weight steers first three days 1112 35-50 lbs. 25.00-32.00, Utility 10-25 lbs. 5.00-15.00 per head. SHEEP 5. Couple Choice 100 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 47.50 and 49.00. Grooves V 4" wide x Vi" deep -4" apart CONTACT US TODAY! lbs as compared 1113 lbs. previous week. Average weight heifers first three days 973 lbs. as compared 967 lbs. previous week. HEIFERS: Three loads Choice and Prime 2-4 1000- 1025 lbs. 41.40-41 50 at midweek, several loads and part loads same grade 34 955-1044 lbs. 41.0041.25. Choice 24 875-1025 lbs. 40.00- 41.25. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 850-975 lbs. 38.50- 39.75. Good 2-3 35.00-38.50. Small lots Standard and Good 2-3 33.00-34.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 24 23.00-24.50, few 24.75-25.00. Canner and Cutter 20.00-23.00, mixed Cutter and Utility 23.25-23.50. BULLS; 1-2 1400-1800 lbs. 30.00-33.00, Individual 1 33 50-34.00. Belleville Auction Belleville, Pa. November 2,1977 CATTLE 212. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter cows mostly steady to 25 cents higher. Individual Good slaughter steer at 33.50, cou ple Standard 30.50 and 31.25, few Utility 25.50-29.50. Few Utility slaughter heifers 25.00- Utility and Com mercial slaughter cows 23.35-25.35, couple to 25.75, Cutters 22.10-24.00, Canner and Low Cutter 19.00-21.75, Shells down to 16.00. In dividual Good slaughter bullock at 32.85, couple Stan dard 30.00 and 30.10. Few Yield Grade No. 1, 950-2200 lbs. slaughter bulls 27.60-32.75. CALVES 182. Vealers grading Standard and Good 70-110 lbs. $3 to $5 higher. Few Choice vealers 63.00- few Good 52.00- Standard and Good 110-130 lbs. 45.00-51.00, 90-110 lbs. 37.00-44.00, Stan dard 70-85 lbs. 27.50-35.00, Utility 60-80 lbs. 25.00-32.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 38.00-52.00. HOGS 176. Barrows and gilts 75 cents to $1.25 lower. US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. bar rows and gilts 41.6042.40, Continued on Page 12 • PREVENT BROKEN LEGS • ELIMINATE COWS SKIDDING • PREVENT CRACKED CONCRETE • INSTALL IN ALLEYS Penna. Area 717-733-3903 after 4:30 P.M. 9
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