Craft fair set WILLOW STREET - A craft and antique fair will be held November 12 and 13 at the Willow Street Firemen’s Community Field. Hours on November 12 will be 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on November 13, noon to 6 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Willow Street Fire Company Auxiliary. All things considered HEREFORD FOR ASSISTANCE IN LOCATING HEREFORD BULLS OR FEMALES No Cost...No Obligation Contact your American I Hereford Association Field Representative RICKHICKENBOTTOM 715 Hereford Drive Kansas City, Mo. 64105 816/842-3757 AREA New York, Pennsylvania, New England SOYBEAN ROASTING ON YOUR FARM IF YOU DON'T HAVE A SEPARATE FARM CHECKING ACCOUNT - NOW IS THE TIME TO OPEN ONE! KEEP YOUR FARM BUSINESS AND PERSONAL EXPENSES SEPARATE OPEN YOUR FARM CHECKING ACCOUNT NOW AT THE FRIENDLY COUNTRY BANK THE BROWNSTOWN NATIONAL BANK WHERE: | • There has never been a service charge i • No minimum balance required 5 • 3 convenient locations in the heart of Lancaster Co. • Bank by mail service • Night Deposit facilities • Convenient hours • Drive-in service at Leola and Rothsville FDIO ROTHSVILLE OFFICE MAIN OFFICE NEWPORT ROAD OFFICE 1 Monday-Thursday 11:00-6:00 Monday - Friday 8:00 -2:00 Monday - Wednesday 9:00-3:00 Friday 11:00-7:00 Friday Evening 4:00-7:00 Thursday 9:00-6:00 Saturday 9:00-12:00 Saturday 8:00-11:00 Friday 9:00-7:00 Saturday 9:00 -12:00 THE BROWNSTOWN NATIONAL BANK > ' Doug Oldham in Lancaster s* * ssm < H i M Doug Oldham LANCASTER - On Saturday night, November 12, “Mr. Gospel Music” will be returning to Lancaster. Doug Oldham, known among other things for his ministry with Jerry Falwell at Thomas Road Baptist Church, in Lynchburg, Va., will be appearing at the McCaskey High School auditorium, Reservoir St., feeding value have your soybeans roasted, dr Sale in small lots or trailer loads. ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF FEEDING ROASTED SOYBEANS. CUSTOM SOYBEAN ROASTING DONE IN PA AND SURROUNDING STATES DALE L. SCHNUPP RD6, Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone 717-865-2534 Lancaster, at 7:30 p.m. On that same slate will be the Heritage Singers U.S.A. from Placerville, Calif., and the Family Reunion from Nashville, Tenn. Old credits are many, ranging from a tour with Fred Waring and the Penn sylvanians during which time he sang for President and Mrs. Eisenhower as well as Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip of England, to having sung for the last four United States presidents at some point in their political careers. His Me story, “I Don’t Live There Anymore”, was on the religious best seller list for three months following its release. Advance tickets for this concert are on sale by writing Garden Spot Promotions, P.O. Box 531, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 or by calling 717-665-3200 or 717- 6654152. When writing for tickets, please enclose to appear County stamped self-addressed envelope with order. Tickets are also available at the door. Doors open two hours prior to concert time. Symposium scheduled for pork producers OMAHA, Neb. - Pork producers from across the nation will gather in Omaha on November 28 to 29 to take a closer look at how they can more efficiently use energy, feed additives, and buildings. These individuals will be taking part in the “Ef ficiencies of Pork Produc tion” symposium sponsored by the National Pork Producers Council. The meeting will be held at the Omaha Hilton. In all eight different topic areas will be discussed. The speakers include a number of producers who’ll present a first-hand look at how they do things on their farms. Pre-registration (before November 21) is $3O. Registration at the sym posium will be $4O. Included in the registration are two meals, coffee breaks, and proceedings. To pre-register, send $3O to Symposium, NPPC, 4715 Grand Ave., Des Momes, lowa 50312. p fz.p r% & /Ns \\ VALUABLE COUPON OPEN A NEW CHECKING ACCOUNT NOW... GET 200 PERSONALIZED CHECKS FREE With This Coupon! i\> ASK ABOUT OUR SAVINGS PLANS: HIGHEST INTEREST ALLOWABLE PAID. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 Women’s Christmas program set LANCASTER - The Lancaster County Cooperative Extension Service of Penn State University will hold its annual Christmas Program on November 8 at the Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster. The morning program will begin at 9:30 a.m. with a presentation on “Gift Ideas For The Holidays” by Dons W. Thomas, Extension home economist. JoAnn Gastello, a local free lance home economist, will give a demonstration entitled “Food For Holiday Happenings” at 10:30 a.m. The food Mrs. Gastello prepares will be given away as door prizes. Lancaster County Farm Women Societies will have exihibits on display of ideas for holiday decorations, gifts, and foods. These exhibits will be in the Ex- Fed. act protects pets NEW YORK, N.Y. - Owners of pet dogs and cats will find a wealth of in formation in a recently issued brochure of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, entitled “The Animal Welfare Act - How It Protects Your Dog and Cat.” In addition to five key suggestions on what to do if a dog or cat is stolen or lost, the booklet describes regulations for shipping pets and outlines the respon sibilities of transportation tension training center and may be viewed anytime between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Nine of the Farm Women Socieites are planning to have bazaar tables. They will be selling a wide variety of items including food for lunch. The afternoon program will begin at 130 p.m. and will feature Mrs. George Yerger, Jr., from Norristown. Mrs. Yerger will give a demonstration on how to make your own creative holiday decorations. Her presen tation is called “Christmas In Williamsburg” and Mrs. Yerger will be dressed in authentic Williamsburg costume. A donation of $l.OO will be collected at the door to cover expenses. The program is open to all without regard to race, color, or national origin. companies in maintaining humane care for dogs and cats in transit. Also covered in the booklet are regulations of the Act designed to descourage “petnapping” and to make the practice unprofitable. Other sections describe how the Act provides for USDA inspection of the facilities of dog and cat breeders, and its jurisdiction in cases in volving the promotion of dog dog fights. Those convicted of engaging in or promoting dog fights are subject to large fines and heavy prison sentences. For a free copy of “The Animal Welfare Act - How It Protects Your Dog and Cat,” one should write to : In formation Division, APHIS, US. Dept, of Agriculture, 26 Federal Plaza, Room 1653, New York, N.Y. 10007. American Angus Assn, to hold annual meeting LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Angus breeders from all over the United States will meet in Louisville, Ky. on November 14 for the 94th annual meeting of the American Angus Association. The actual business of the Association will be carried out by 371 elected delegates. They will elect a president, vice president, and five members to the Association’s board of directors as well as conduct other necessary business. The annual meeting will be highlighted by the preview of a new color slide presen tation on the American Angus Association and its members Monday evening, following the meeting, a gala angus banquet is scheduled and ball in the ballroom of the executive west hotel 55
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