Hog Markets Lancaster Market Monday, October 31,1977 HOGS: Barrows and gilts mostly 1.00-1.50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 42.00 43.00; Few US 1 200-230 lbs. 43.5044.25; US 1-3 200250 lbs. 41.5042.00; US 2-3 260 275 lbs. 39.0040.25. SOWS: US 1-3 350550 lbs. 34.5037.50, few 38.00. Vintage Hog Saturday October 29 Reported 783 head. No.l-3, 210240 lbs. 42.50- 44.10; 17 head at 44.50-45.85; sows 36.0038.50; boars 29.25- 30.00; lightweights, 175-185 lbs. 39.2541.00. V ■ Wednesday 1 November 2 Reported76B head. No. 1, 210240 lbs. 41.35- 42.35; No. 2-3, 210240 lbs. 40.75-41.35; sows 35.0037.75; boars 30.00; heavystraights, 260-295 lbs. 37.50-40.00; lightweights, 145-185 lbs. 35.0038.00. Peoria Hog Auction Thursday, Novembers, 1977 HOGS: 3800. Barrows & gilts active, opening 50 higher. US 1-2 200- 230 lbs. 40.5041.00, near 100 head 41.25; US 1-3 200-240 lbs. 40.0040.50. SOWS: Steady to 50 higher. US 1-3 350-500 lbs. 35.00-35.50^ id t ATTENTION CATTLE FEEDERS Do you want to make buying your stockers and feeders easy. It can be very simple. Just call and give us your order. All orders filled to your exact specifications. Call us anytime. We can be very helpful. a- WALTER M. DUNLAP & SONS Consignors can get state tags at our office, thereby saving 25c marketing expense Lancaster Auction Wednesday, Nov. 2,1977 HOGS: Barrows and gilts 501.00 higher with weights over 250 lbs. up to 2.00 higher; sows 1.50-2.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200230 lbs. 43.00 44.00; Few US 1 200230 lbs. 44.0044.75; US 1-3 200250 lbs. 42.0042.50; US 2-3 250 275 lbs. 41.0042.00. SOWS: US 1-3 400-550 lbs. 37.0038.00; 350400 lbs. 38.00 39.25. New Holland Hog New Holland, Pa. Monday, October 31,1977 Hog Auction Today 1637 Last Monday 1733 TREND: No trend available, market not reported last week due to Holiday. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 193-242 lbs. 43.50- 44.35; 12 Head 223 lbs. 44.75. US 1-3 200-255 lbs. 42.60- 43.60; 185-200 lbs. 41.7542.60; Few Uneven lots 205-229 lbs. 42.1042.60; Few US 2-3 244- 275 lbs. 41.0042.10. Indianapolis Thursday, November 3,1977 HOGS: 1300. Barrows & gilts moderately active, 25-50 higher. US 1-2 200-230 lbs. 41.0041.25. US 1-3 200-240 lbs. 40.5041.00. SOWS: Moderately active, 25 instances 50 higher. US 1-3 350-600 lbs. 35.2036.00. NEXT FEEDER TUESDAY, NOV. Consign all your feeder pigs to Walter M. Dunlap & Sons where they will be handled by a capable and experienced staff. Feeder pigs received from 6 A M. to 11 A.M LANCASTER STOCK YARDS For Further Information, Call 717-397-5136 St. Louis Hog Market Thursday, November 3,1977 HOGS: 7000. Barrows & gilts active, 50- 75 higher. US 1-2 200-235 Jbs. 40.50-40.75; US 1-3 200-240 lbs. 40.25-40.50. SOWS: Steady to 50 lower. US 1-3 300-450 lbs. 34.50-35.00. New Holland Feeder Pig New Holland, Pa. Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1977 Today Last Wednesday TREND: Compared to last Wednesday feeder pigs 3.00- 10.00 lower. All prices on a per hundred weight basis. US 1-2 20-40 lbs. 70.00- 81.00; 40-50 lbs. 67.00-82.00; 50-70 lbs. 58.00-60.00; Lot 93 lbs. 50.00. US 2-3 20-30 lbs. 61.00- 78.00; 30-50 lbs. 57.00-73.00; 50-66 lbs. 50.00-66.00. Special Va. Feeder Pig Sale SPECIAL FEEDER PIG SALE Madison Hills, Va. October 25,1977 There were 1289 head sold. All pigs were graded by Representatives of the VDAC’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on USDA standards and sold by the hundredweight. No. 1 & 2, 3049 lbs. 73.25-75.50; 50-69 lbs. 67.00-72.00; 70-99 lbs. 53.0061.50; 100-130 lbs. 47.00. No. 3,3049 lbs. 70.5072.00; 5069 lbs. 62.0069.00; 7099 lbs. 50.00-57.00. Utility, 30-49 lbs. 50.0060.00; 5069 lbs. 48.50. No. 4,3049 lbs. 60.00; 50-69 lb. 40.0048.25; 7099 lbs. 45.00. CONTACT: JOHN CAMPBELL Atglen, PA <215)593-5529 GARY McGEE Spring Run, PA (717)349-2340 DAN DERR Conowingo, MD (301)378-3280 PIG SAL 8 - IP.M. These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by a number of participating area feed and grain con cerns. It should be noted however, that not every dealer or broker handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel except ear com and soybean meal which are per ton. New Ear Com 38.50 42.00 Old Feeder Pigs 1539 1250 Ear Com 45.50 50.00 Shelled Com 2.08 2.27 Barley 1.64% 1.88 Oats (Local) 1.27 1.49 (Western) 1.67 1.84% Wheat 2.29 Soybeans 5.02 Soybean Meal Oklahoma Cattle November 3,1977 Thursday Feeder Cattle Auction Estimated Receipts 8,500 Same Day Last Week 9,330 Moderately active, feeder steers nearly steady, feeder heifers steady to 50 cents lower, majority receipts choice 350-800 lb. feeder steers and 350-650 lb. feeder heifers; moderate at tendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300400 lb. 42.75-47.50, 450500 lb. 42.5046.50,500-600 lb. 39.5043.00, part load 501 lb. at 44.40, 600700 lb. 38.75- 40.75, part load 619 lb. at 41.30, 700800 lb. 38.5039.50, 800-1000 lb. 36.75-39.00; mixed Good and Choice 300 500 lb. 38.0042.00, 500700 lb. 37.5038.75, few 7001023 lb. 36.0037.00; Good 300500 lb. 35.0038.50, 500800 lb. 34.75- 37.25; small lot 696 lb. Holstein steers at 34.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 300-500 lb. 34.0036.75, 500715 lb. 34.0036.50; mixed Good and Choice 300-600 lb. 32.0034.00; Good 300600 lb. 29.0031.50. FOR THE WEEK: Compared to late last week, feeder steers closed near steady; feeder heifers closed steady to 50 cents lower; cows closed steady to weak, instances 25-50 cents lower. Lancaster Grain Friday, Nov. 4 Bid+ Offered+ 223.00 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 Futures Trading (Closing Bids as of Thursday, November 3) Chicago Chicago New York Chicago Cattle Hogs Maine Fresh Eggs Potatoes Nov. 40.60 39.35 Dec. 39.30 Jan. 37.80 37.05 Feb. March April 38.80 39.95 4.95 May 39.90 35.60 June Trend - Cattle are lower, Hogs are higher. Potatoes are higher, and eggs are lower. Market Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. CHICAGO GRAIN FUTURES (Closing Bids as of Thursday, November 3) Com Wheat Soybeans Nov. 2.18% 2.64% Dec. Jan. March 2.26% 2.74 5.82 167.00 May 2.31% 2.79% 2.33% 2.83% 5.95 July Trend - Com is lower, Wheat is lower, Soybeans are lower, and Soybean Meal is lower. Market Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CATTLE CALVES HOGS Week to Date 579,000 68,000 Same Period Last Week 541,000 60,000 Same Period Last Week 581,000 J.M. HOOBER INC. Serving You Since 1895 LANCASTER STOCK YARDS Let us put your corn to work. At this time it makes good sense to turn corn into beef and pork. We at J.M. Hoober Inc. stand ready to assist you in the buying and marketing of all your livestock needs. OUR BUSINESS IS MORE THAN LIVESTOCK OUR BUSINESS IS SERVICE TO YOU Next Feeder Pig Sale - November 8,1977 J.M. Hoober Steer Division Ph: (717)397-6191,569-2084 Please Call Us Soon J.M. Hoober Hog, Calf & Sheep Division Ph: (717) 397-6191,626-5659 4.59 5.68 5.66 5.73% 163.20 5.89% 169.00 1,316,000 1,164,000 1,347,000 72,000 3 54.20 56.90 52.30 Soybean Meal 161.90 170.90 SHEEP 98,000 86,000 99,000
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