6 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24,1977 Livestock market an Leesport Auction Leesport, Pa. September 21,1977 CATTLE 348. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers $1 to $1.75 higher. Slaughter cows weak to 75 cents lower. Choice 1000-1300 lbs. slaughter steers 40.50-42.60, couple to 43.60, Good 37.50- 40.50, Standard 33.75-37.75, few Utility 29.00-33.00. Few Choice slaughter heifers 930- 1150 lbs. 37.0041.35, few Good 32.25-34.75, few Standard 29.10-31.75. Utility and Commercial slaughter cows Cutters 23.25-26.35, Canner and Low Cutters 22.60-24.35, Shells down to lil.oo. Good slaughter bullocks 33.00- 36.75, few Standard 31.85- 32.00. Yield Grade No. 1, 1000-1750 lbs. slaughter bulls 31.75-33.85. FEEDER CATTLE 70 HEAD. Choice 380-650 lbs. feeder steers 38.00-43.00. Few Good and Choice 480-700 lbs. feeder heifers 29.75-31.25, few Medium 350-700 lbs. 25.00- 32.00. Few Medium 500-800 lbs. feeder bulls 28.25-36.00. CALVES 190. Vealers strong to $6 higher. Choice vealers 63.00-74.00, one at 76.00. Good 48.00-64.00, Standard and Good 110-130 lbs. 38.00-48.00, 90-110 lbs. 33.50-38.00, Standard 70-90 lbs. 28.00-33.50, few Utility 65-105 lbs. 15.00-23.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90-115 lbs. 37.0043.00, few Holstein heifers 90-120 lbs. 35.00-51.00. Good and Choice 335400 Ibs.slaughter calves 37.50- 40.00. HOGS 286. Barrows and gilts steady to 50 cents higher. One lot US No. 1-2 215 lbs. barrows and gilts at 44.35, No. 1-3 205-225 lbs. 43.5044.25, No. 2-3 190-235 lbs. 42.0043.50, one lot No. 2- 4 285 lbs. at 39.00 US No. 1-3 300-600 lbs. sows 34.00-36.50, few No. 2-3 550-670 lbs. 30.00- 34.50. Boars 26.00-30.00. FEEDER PIGS 143. ALL SALES PER HUN DREDWEIGHT BASIS. US No. 1-3 15-30 lbs. feeder pigs 94.00- No. 1-3 35-55 lbs. 74.00- cwt. GREEN DRAGON LIVESTOCK SALES igl 1 mile North of Ephrata, PA • cows com BUYERS FROM 3 STATES Regular consignments from Ray Kyper, Bob Kennedy, Dale Brewer and Ed Stover plus local consigners. Lots of good Northern Feeders and Stockers SALE EVERY FRIDAY Bulls, Steers, Slaughter Cows, Lambs and veal calves 11 OO AM. - Beef Sale Stockers & Feeders 200 to 250 each week. 12.30 PM - Dairy Cows 7 OO P M - Small Animal Sale For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals on the ' farm or at our barn or other market information call. Office 717-733-2444 Walter H. R'isser, Proprietor SHEEP 49. Choice 80-100 lbs. slaughter lambs 48.50- 51.50, one at 58.00, few Good 70-115 lbs. 45.0048.50, few Utility 60-80 lbs. 34.0043.00. One Slaughter ewe at 16.50. Belleville Auction Belleville, Pa. September 21,1977 CATTLE 160. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter cows steady to 25 cents lower. One Good slaughter steer at 34.60, few Utility 28.00-31.50. Few Choice slaughter heifers 35.35-38.00, few Standard 32.00-33.10. Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 24.00-27.10, couple toi 27.50, Cutters 23.25-25.75, Canner & Low Cutter 21.50- 23.25, Shells down to 20.00.- Couple Good slaughter bullocks at 33.85. Few Yield Grade # 1300-1800 lbs. slaughter bulls 30.85-32.85. CALVES 258. Vealers grading Good & Choice $5 to $8 higher. Standard & Good 70-110 lbs. about steady. Few Prime vealers 77.00-78.00, Choice 68.00-75.00, Good 50.00-61.00, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 42.0048.00, 90-110 lbs. 32.66-39.00, Standard 70- 85 1b5^27.00-32.00, Utility SO SO lbs. 20.00-25.00. Farm calves, Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 35.0045.50. HOGS 170. Barrows & gilts steady to 25 cents lower. US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 42.5043.10, one lot 43.70, No. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 39.40- 42.10, No. 1-3 160-190 lbs. 35.90-39.20. US No. 1-3 350-550 lbs. sows 31.00-34.25. Boars 22.00-29.50. FEEDER PIGS 584. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 19.50-30.50 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 26.0040.50, No. 1-3 50-65 lbs. 39.5042.50, Utility 2040 lbs. 16.00-28.00 per head. SHEEP 47. Choice 75-100 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 44.0048.50, Good 75-100 lbs. 40.0045.00, Utility 760-80 lbs. 30.00- Slaughter ewes 10.00- Baltimore USDA September 19,1977 CATTLE 500: Moderately active, slaughter steers and few heifers 50-1.00 higher cows firm to 50 higher, bulls and feeder cattle steady. Supply 25% slaughter steers and heifers, 45% cows, 25% feeder cattle, balance bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Choice 24 1025-1250 lbs. 39.5041.50; Individual 42.00; package high Good & Choice Holsteins 2-3 1500 lbs. 35.75; Good 24 1050-1300 lbs. 36.50- 39.00; Standard & Good Holsteins 2-3 1200-1400 lbs. 29.85-34.00; SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few Good & Choice 24 835- 940 lbs. 34.50-36.00; Good 700- 875 lbs. 32.50-34.50; several Standard & low Good 2-3 1000-1400 lbs. 30.00-32.25; COWS: Utility 2-3 24.00- 28.25; few Commercial 34 22.00- Cutter 1-2 22.00- 26.35; few high dressing individuals 27.10; Canner & Low Cutter 19.00-22.00. FEEDER CATTLE; Few Choice steers 570-900 lbs. 37.5040.00; Good 570-775 lbs. 34.00- package Choice steer calves 400 lbs. 42.00; Choice bull calves 300495 lbs. 36.7540.00; Good & Choice heifers 640-690 lbs. 29.10-30.85; Good 300485 lbs. 26.50-28.50 HOGS: 800: Compared with last Thursday Barrows & Gilts 25-75 cents lower US 1-2 100-240 lbs. 41.50 to mostly 41.75- US 2-3 230-260 lbs. 40.75- SOWS; Uneven mostly 25- 50 cents higher US 1-3 300-600 lbs. 35.00-36.00. VEAL & CALF AUCTION 160: Prime vealers 150-300 lbs. 54.00-62.00; Individual 200 lbs. 68.00; Choice 150-300 lbs. 43.00-48.50; Good 150-300 lbs. 30.00-38.50; Good & Choice 75-100 lbs. 23.50-32.50; Choice calves 300-400 lbs. 31.5040.00; Good 300450 lbs. 28.00-32.50. For Sale - Good Hay and Straw Also Buyers Of Mulch Hay r GRADED % FEEDER PIG SALE TUESDAY, mPm SEPT. 27 *-"» Sale Time 1:00 P.M. iTTENTION!!- Reputation Breeder Consignments Special Consignments for this sale 150 Head from Jerry Rutter 100 Head from Wehry Bros 50 Head from Kasimer Urevich Your Market Prices Protected By Experienced Brokers. McCOY CATTLE COMPANY Lancaster Stockyards PH - 717-397-1411 SHEEP AUCTION 30: Few Prime & Choice spring slaughter lambs 92-110 lbs. 44.0048.50. Martinsburg Auction Martinsburg, Pa. Sept. 19,1977 CATTLE 285. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter steers; High Choice and Prime 39.50- 42.25, Choice 38.5040.50, Good 37.00-38.50, Standard 35.00- Utility 29.00- 32.00. Choice slaughter heifers 35.50-38.00, Good 32.00- Standard 29.00- 32.00, Utility 26.00-29,00. Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 25 25.50-28.50, Cutters 24.75-27.75, Canner and Low Cutter 22.50-25.50, Shells down to 19.00. Choice slaughter bullocks 35.50- 38.00, Good 32.00-35.00, Standard 29.00-32.00, Utility 26.50- Yield Grade No. 1, 1000-2000 lbs. slaughter bulls 34.00-37.00, Yield Grade No. 2 950-1600 lbs. 31.50-34.50. Few Medium and Good 400- 600 lbs. feeder bulls 27.50- 38.00. CALVES 368. Prime vealers 65.50-71.00, Choice 55.30-64.00, Good 40.00-53.00, Standard and Good 90-110 Ib.s 26.0040.00, Standard 70- 90 lbs. 25.00-35.00. HOGS 304. US No. 1-2 200- 240 lbs. barrows and gilts 41.3042.50, No. 1-3 195-250 lbs. 40.5042.00, No. 2-3 220- 250 lbs. 40.0041.50, No. 1-3 130-170 lbs. 34.00-38.00. US No. 1-3 300-500 lbs. sows 34.50- No. 2-3 300-600 lbs. 32.00-34.50 . Boars 22.50- 24.50. FEEDER PIGS 111. US No. 1-3 25-35 lbs. feeder pigs 10.00-23.00 per head No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 18.00-35.00 per head. SHEEP 14. Choice 80-95 lbs. slaughter lambs 52.00- 55.00. CAJ TRANSPORTATION 215-593-2164 Note to Buyers auction news Middleburg Auction CATTLE 237. Compared with last Tuesday’s market; Choice 1050-1275 lbs. slaughter steers 40.0042.85, Good 950-1350 lbs. 38.0041.75, Standard 35.00-38.00, Utility 32.00- Choice slaughter heifers 38.7540.75, Good 35.00- Standard 32.00- 35.00, Utility 28.00-32,00. Utility and Commercial Slaughter cows 26.00-28.75, Cutters 24.50-26.75, Canner and Low Cutter 22.50-24.50, Shells down to 21.00. Choice slaughter bullocks 36.00- 38.75, Good 35.00-36.75. Yield Grade No. 1 1200-1875 lbs. slaughter bulls 32.00-36.75; yield grade No. 2 800-1275 lbs. 28.50-32.00. CALVES 186. Prime vealers 65.00-68.50, Choice 60.00- Good 55.0060.00, Standard and Good 110-130 lbs. 38.00-55.00, 90-110 lbs. 32.00- Standard 70-85 lbs. 30.00-32.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 95-115 lbs. 35.0045.00; holstein heifers 100-125 lbs. 40.0060.00. EVERY THURSDAY AT 12 NOON Hay, Straw & Grain Sale We have plenty of good buyers each week. We need consigners. FEHMEHI ACTIVATOR for SUMS and HIGH MOISTURE GRAINS A LOSS | #1939 Use Stop-A-Loss at the rate of 1 lb. per ton ensiled material. Available From: Shen-View Enterprises Richard Helbig Dayton, VA Deer Park, MD 703-879-9079 301-334-9598 Natural Farming Sayler Services Farm Service Crozet, VA Sommerset Co., PA 804-823-5968 814-634-5034 James City Ent. Norman Hayes Leon, VA Edinboro, PA 703-825-9686 814-734-3985 John W. Fisher Lloyd Hall New Enterprise, PA Zelienople, PA 814-224-2678 412-452-6917 Dealer inquiries welcome. For information on dealership and product contact: Frank Sporie, Envesto Enterprises, Star Route, Box 51, Latrobe, PA 15650.412-539-2689. Sept 20,1977 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Box 100, Paradise, PA 717-4424181 or 768-8204 Contact L Robert Frame, manager (Monday, Sept. 19,1977) HOGS 572. US No. 1-2 200- 225 lbs. barrows and gilts 42.3043.10, No. 1-3 200-250 41.0042.20, No. 2-3 250-275 lbs. 38.0041,00. US No. 1-3 300-715 lbs. sows 32.25-35.75. Boars 200-650 lbs. 25.50-32.25. FEEDER PIGS 191. US No. 1-3 10-15 lbs. feeder pigs 12.50-16.50 per head. No. 1-3 15-25 lbs. 16.00-28.00, No. 1-3 2540 lbs. 28.00-35.00. SHEEP 22. Good spring slaughter lambs 42.0048.50, Utility 38.0642.00. Slaughter ewes 12.00-21.00. WE WILL HAUL HAY, STRAW, & CRAM To Local Auctions or Buy Outright Paid at Scales MEADOW GREEN FARMS Call 717-933-4080 v 717-984377
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