—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24,1977 18 Dairy clubs consider new approach CHAMBERSBURG - Franklin County dairy clubs are currently debating an idea which would mean withdrawing the County’s 4- H dairy roundups from the County Fair and having it earlier in the Summer in conjunction with other 4-H roundups of all sorts. It’s thought that this idea will open up “many possibilities” for expanding time and bam space from Monday to Wednesday of Fair Week. (The Franklin County Fair this year was held from Aug. 21-17.) According to reports submitted during a direc tors’ meeting of the Franklin County 4-H Dairy Council on Sept. 13, it’s also believed that the proposed move will allow Guernsey exhibitors more tune to “get settled in and ready for their show.” Also, other kinds of livestock could be housed and shown on an open and 4-H basis as the Guernsey and Holstein shows are held. There could be goats, sheep, swine, rabbits, and poultry. The 4-H roundups could be a two to three day com bination of all the roundups that would agree to combine time, space, and forces. Without the commercialism of a midway, 4-H’ers’ at- The deadly piranha fish of the Amazon’s waters can turn man or beast to bones with its deadly jaws and razor-sharp teeth. Yet, piranhas are wonderful parents to their young. The females lay their eggs on aquatic vegetation. The males fetilize the eggs and then stay in the neigh borhood while the hundreds of eggs hatch. No passing fish would dare to snack on baby piranhas with papa piranhas hanging around. NEW IDEA 95 BU. GROUND DRIVEN SPREADERS For Shipment Soon. Limited Supply. Order Yours Today. LANDIS BROS., INC. tention would be focused on their own projects and many other interesting ones that they can observe and leam from. There are many new 4- H projects in Franklin County, and many that have never really been presented to the public. Some reasons to keep the Dairy Roundup in the fair were that the animals would have to be readied, trucked, and stayed with two separate weeks instead of one, and the beef and swine roundups are now being held at auction bams to take advantage of commercial buyers. Final decision will be withheld until further discussion. President Roy Crodell asked for discussion about the county’s 4-H dairy-calf sale. The sale, to date, has been open only to 4-H’ers, FFA members, and junior dairy breed members from age 8 to 21, residing in Franlkin County. They must each bid on the calf they wish, to purchase for a project. The object is to teach them how to follow an auctioneer, use a sale catalog, bid properly, and know the value of individual calves, based upon type and pedigree. A decision was made to have the sale again Human nature has its ups and downs, as everyone knows. But using a theory known as biorhythms you may be able to plot your highs and lows accurately. When you’re low - physically, emotionally or intellectually - you tend to feel fatigued, depressed, and slow-witted. Some of these days are called “crisis days” - when you should be particularly alert. Ac cording to its proponents, a biorhythm chart can pin point the days when you should be especially careful. 206 New idea Spreader Available SPECIAL PRICE 1305 Manheim Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601 PH : 717-393-3906 this year and keep the rules the same. Franklin County’s 4-H Dairy Bowl Team, which won first place at State Days, will represent Penn sylvania at V.P.I. in Virginia, September 24 in the Second Annual Junior Dairy Bowl. The team members are Paul Cashed, Jesse Reichard, Marion Crider, Hog price (Continued from Page 17) Vintage Sales Stables, and Gehman’s Feed Mill. The placings from Tuesday’s market hog show were as follows: lightweight 185-189 Pounds -1,2, Allen Ackley, Lititz Rl; 3. Tim Gockley, Reinholds Rl; 4. Judy Zimmerman, Ephrata Rl; 5, Tim Pfautz, Stevens Rl. 190-194 Pounds - 1. Mark Fowler, Akron; 2. Brian Hess, Bowmansville; 3. Kerry Boyd, Ephrata R 5. 195-199 Pounds - 1. Gary Good, East Earl Rl; 2. Bob Struass, Ephrata Rl. 200-204 Pounds - 1. Bob Strauss (lightweight champion); 2. Mike Pfautz, Stevens Rl (reserve champion lightweight); 3. Ron Zimmerman, Ephrata Rl; 4. Tim Pfautz; 5. Andy Dietrick, Lititz Rl. Mediumweight 205-209 Pounds - 1. Kerry Boyd. 210-214 Pounds - 1. Judy Zimmerman; 2. Ron Zim merman; 3. Linford Weaver, East Earl R 2; 4. 5. Steve Strauss, Epbrata Rl. 215-219 Pounds - 1. Ron Simmerman (medium weight and grand cham pion);- 2. Rick Strauss, (reserve mediumweight and reserve grand champion); 3. Rick Strauss; 4. Kerry and Mary Ann Johnson. The 4-H Dairy Council will finance travelling and lodging expenses for the four team members and their two chaperones - Eugene and Carol Schurman. ~ There will be a county wide 4-H fitting and showing clinic early next Summer.. Plans are underway. The next board meeting will be held October 13. Boyd; 5. Judy Zimmerman. 220-224 Pounds - 1. Jim Bollinger, Lititz Rl; 2. Gary Good, East Earl Rl; 3. Mike Pfautz. Heavyweight 225-229 Pounds - 1. Judy Zimmerman (reserve heavyweight champion); 2., 3. Kerry Boyd; 4. Tim Gockley. 230-234 Pounds - 1. Steve Srauss (heavyweight champion); 2. Mike Pfautz; 3. Kerry Boyd., 235-239 Pounds -1. Linford Weaver. Showmanship 15 Years and Older - 1. Kerry Boyd; 2. Ron Zim merman; 3. Tony Eberly, Denver R 2; 4. Judy Zim mertnan; 5. Bob Strauss. 12-14 Years - 1. Mike Pfautz; 2. Jim Bollinger. 9-11 Years -1. Tim Pfautz. - Fitting 15 Years and Older - 1. ; Kerry Boyd; 2. Tony' Eberly; 3. Kerry Boyd; 4. ' Bob Strauss; 5. GaryEverly, Denver R 2. 12-14 Years - 1. Jim Bollinger; 2. Mike Pfautz. 9-11 Years -1. Tim Pfautz. Located At: 1 mile south of Atglen, PA. on Rt. 41. Date: Sept. 30,1977 Time: 10:30 A.M. Need... HAY • STRAW - EAR CORN PEANUT HUUS Buy Now and Save! More and more fanners are buying from us for better value and all around satisfaction. DELIVERED—ANY QUANTITY Phone Area Code 717-687-7631 ESBENSHADE TURKEY FARM PARADISE, PA. FIELD DAY REFRESHMENTS Looking forward to seeing you there PIONEER HI-BRED INT., INC. John N. Weidman Eastern Regional Sales Mgr. /S\ PIONEER (SzQj SEEDS
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