Livestock market and auction news Chambersburg Auction August 25,1977 CATTLE 336. Compared with the market two week’s ago: Choice 1000-1175 lbs. slaughter steers" No. 24, 38.8540.60, indidividual at 42.10, Good 35.35-38.35, Standard 32.00-32.25. Few Choice slaughter heifers 34.00- few Standard 30.00- Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 24.75-28.25, few to 28.60, VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Box 100, Paradise, PA 717-442-4181 or 768-8204 EVERY THURSDAY AT 12 NOON Hay, Straw & Grain Sale We have plenty of good buyers each week. We need consigners. Contact: L Robert Frame, manager COMPLETE GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT P BROCK ”1 f MRDINAII t Feed Bins and \ J Bucket Elevators } ♦ Grain Bins ♦ ♦ and Auger Equipment ♦ Q E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. R.D. 3 Sprecher Road Willow St.. Pa. Cutters 24.00-27.00, Canner and Low -Cutter 22.25-24.50, Shells down to 19.75. In dividual Good slaughter bullock at 35.85, Utility 29.60- 31.75. Yield Grade No. 1,900- 1985 lbs. slaughter tyjlls. 31.75-36.00. Few Good 250- 400 lbs. feeder steers 31.50- 34.00. CALVES 780. Prime vealers 65.00-69.50, Choice 56.00- Good 44.00-57.00, Standard and Good 110-130 lbs. 37.5042.50, 900-110 lbs. 34.00- Standard 70-85 lbs. 31.00-34.00, Utility 50-100 lAIN BINS t DRYERS AVAILABLE WE SELL, SERVICE AND INSTALL lbs. 20.00-30.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 35.0043.00; few Holstein heifers 90-110 lbs. 37.0047,00. HOGS 90. Few US No. 1-2 190-220 lbs. barrows and gilts 47.8548.10, few lots No. 1-3 220-240 lbs. 44.0046.85, few lots No. 1-3 160-185 lbs. 37.85- 43.75. US No. 1-3 300-575 lbs. sows 31.25-34.50. Few Boars 25.10-26.00. FEEDER PIGS 44. US No. 1-3 3045 lbs. feeder pigs 26.50-35.50 per head. SHEEP 66. Choice 70-115 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 41.50-48.50, few Good 50-80 lbs. 35.00-39.50. Few Yearlings ewes 20.00-29.00. REMEMBER US when you purchase cattle in the South... call us collect from the sale. HAPPY TO SERVE YOU!! S. K. SHOTZBERGER. INC. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy.-Treasurer P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, Pa. 17604 Phone: (717) 393-4641 (day or night) PfarmTanl ♦ 4 Lancaster Co. Carlisle Auction Carlisle, Pa. August 30,1977 CATTLE 174. Compared with last Tuesday’s market; Choice slaughter steers 40.35-40.60, Good 36.00-39.10, Standard 33.00-37.00, Utility 29.50-31.00. One Choice slaughter heifer at 36.35, Good 30.00-33.00, Standard 25.60-29.75. Utility & Com mercial slaughter cows 24.75- Cutters 22.50- 25.00, Canner & Low Cutter 20.75- Good slaughter bullocks 23.25-36.60, Stan dard 27.00-33.50. Grain Dryer, Aeration and in-Bin Drying 717-464-3321 Lancaster Farmim CALVES 172. Choice vealers 52.50-63.50, Good 39.00- Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 32.5041.00,90-115 lbs. 26.75-33.00, Standard 70- 90 lbs. 20.00-27.00. HOGS 273. US No. 1-2 barrows & gilts 44.2545.85, No. 1-3 42.8544.50 r No. 2-3 40.0041.50, No. 1-3 37.00- 39.50. US No. 1-3 sows 33.00- 38.00, No. 2-3 26.50-32.00. Boars 23.00-23.50. FEEDER PIGS 389. US No. 1-3 3040 lbs. feeder pigs 18.00- per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 32.50-36.50, Utility 20-30 lbs. 11.00-17.50 per head. SHEEP 34. Choice spring slaughter lambs 43.5044.00, Good 36.00-38.00. Joliet Cattle Joliet, DL . September 1,1977 Friday through Wed nesday’s salable receipts 7,837, 5 days last week 7,618, same period last year 10,193. At mid-week slaughter steers and heifers 50 lower than last Wednesday. Continued pressure being applied to Good and low Choice yield grade 2-3 800- 1025 lbs. steers and to Good and low Choice 2-3 700-900 lbs. heifers. Supply mostly Choice steers and heifers. ATTENTION HORSEMEN: A New Horse Wormer Equivet-Tz r—ar — t « M \ 'ifcrirrrTrr- . —j ~ Now you can worm even the most finicky horse in 30 seconds with new Equivet-Tz, or your money back!... Farnam guarantees if Come in and see this revolutionary new way to worm your horses faster .. easier.. .effectively! Buy new Equivet-Tz for your horses ... Today! ► INTRODUCTORY OFFER! REG. $6.00 - NOW # m (WITH COUPON M I*! BELOW) Tb I U NOW AVAILABLE FROM ELMER SHREINER T.A. GOODS FEED MILL RDI, New Providence, Pa. Phone (717) 786-2500 \ INTRODUCTORY OFFER Jg* | \ i I EQUIVET — TZ™ $ 4.75 3 Bring or Mail To p | ELMER SHREINER | | T.-A. GOODS FEED MILL | | RDI, New Providence, Pa. 17560 || Saturday, Septembers. 1977 SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 3-4 1150-1325 lbs. 41.00-41.50, load 4 and 5 1250 lbs. 38.00 Mon day. Choice 2-3 1025-1200 lbs. 40.00-41.25, 900-1000 lbs. 38.50-40.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 900-1250 lbs. 38.00- 40.00, 800-900 lbs. 37.00-38.00. Some Good holsteins 2 1100- 1400 lbs. 33.00-35.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice, few Prime, 24 900- 1075 lbs. 38.25-39.00, 3 loads 39.25 Monday, 38.25-38.75, load 39.00 Wednesday, 2-3 800-900 lbs. 37.00-38.25. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 700-1000 lbs. 35.50-37.50. Lancaster Feeder Cattle Lancaster, Pa. August 26,1977 Today Last Friday TREND: Small supply feeder steers 50-1.00 higher. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 685-800 lbs. 39.00- 41.75; load mixed-Good and Choice thin 750 lbs. 41.50; mixed-Good and Choice 725- 925 34.25-38.00; couple lots Good 735-930 lbs. 32.7533.25; one lot 630 lbs. Holsteins 31.00. 5 Feeder Cattle 547 453
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